Israeli airstrike hits ambulance convoy in Gaza to – 305 points –
Israeli airstrike hits ambulance convoy in Gaza – video

It was a Hamas ambulance... The dozen kids at killed in the area? Hamas. The hospitals we bombed? Believe it or not, Hamas. We're the victims here - look at the number of Palestinian kids Hamas combatants we've been forced to kill in a transparently genocidal land-grab self-defence.

-Israel probably.

I am genuinely wondering how many Hamas they have managed to kill.

Let's run the high-level numbers then...

  • So far, they've killed ~11k people

  • The population of the West Bank and Gaza strip is ~5m people.

  • There's 20-25k Hamas members.

  • ~45% of the Palestinian population is children.

So far, Israel have killed ~0.22% of the Palestinian population, which would suggest about 55 Hamas fighters and about 5,000 children.

Jesus fucking Christ, Israel. Can you try to at least not hit non-combatants?

You mean, can you not try to hit non-conbatants?

They are aiming for them at this point

At this moment you get the impression Israel pushed specificity so Hamas would attack, giving them casus belli to wipe Gaza out. You're expecting Israel to claim they found WMD in Gaza any moment now.

Personally, I feel someone paid Hamas a lot of money to do this, tricking them into thinking they would have support after the attack. Then remove support, let Israel commit genocide with Bidens approval, give ammo to Trump and republicans for 2024.

Any Democrat or GOP president would have done this because the US likes that grasp on the middle east. If Israel were to come out from under their thumb they'd lose political control.

This is a super conspiracy of course, but I wouldn't put it beyond someone like Putin or Xi

Israel, and it's supporters, will say that Hamas was hiding in the abulences. all of the literal children were all terriosts and that being bombed is proof enough they were Hamas. I mean... WHY ELSE DIDN'T THEY MOVE LIKE WE TOLD THEM TOO?!?

It's disgusting BS.

They don't see them as non-combatants. At this point they are just categorizing anyone simply being in Gaza as part of Hamas.

"If they weren't Hamas, they would have been in the south... where we totally aren't bombing as well"

10 more...

After the Holocaust some worked to make sure it never happened again, but some just took good notes.

Not agreeing with what Israel is doing at all. But equalling the bombing of a convoy of ambulances, albeit absolutely despicable, is not the same as the systematic, industrial scale eradication of millions of people. It's really making the Holocaust seems less insane than it was. Again, not that that gives the Israeli government a carte blanche.

Israel has, for decades, been engaged in the systematic eradication of the people of Palestine. They have been committing genocide. It's clear their aim is the total destruction of Palestine. While more subtle than the holocaust, the ultimate aim is the same and far more likely to be successful.

At this stage you would have to think anyone still supporting this genocide are sick to their very soul.

Hamas was hiding under the ambulances.

Actually, inside of them. That's a war crime.


Hamas WAS the ambulance bro, 4 for tires, 3 for the engine, about 18 spray painted for the outside, and 1 to make engine noises

Most creative thing I've read all day. Your words really brought the image to life. Thank you!

Damage looks more consistent with grenade shrapnel than an "airstrike".

The IDF claimed responsibility already you dunce. Go back to polishing the next set of boots you plan to lick.

They claimed they hit an ambulance carrying Hamas personnel, there's no confirmation that it was this specific ambulance.

Are you stupid or are you a hasbara troll?

Aren't those two things mutually inclusive?

Well if they're a hasbara troll then they're a pos, but at least they're doing it bc Israel told them too not bc they genuinely don't know what's going on

You should have your water checked for lead. We've communicated several times and after reading that I genuinely believe whatever is wrong with you is getting worse. I apologize if that sounds harsh, but for your own sake, please get checked out.