Millions of dollars of psychedelic mushrooms seized in a Connecticut bust to – 192 points –
Millions of dollars of psychedelic mushrooms seized in a Connecticut bust

Law enforcement officials came across a staggering find after being tipped off about possible drug-dealing: dozens of dog-food-size bags of psychedelic mushrooms worth an estimated $8.5 million at a home in rural Connecticut.


Oh I'm so grateful they are expending resources to catch this non-lethal drug before it hits the hands of groovy people. Meanwhile opioids have killed how many this year alone?

The opioid company bribes politicians so they're allowed

Can we arrange it so that each bribed politician gets a lil fentanyl slipped in their morning beverage of choice.

I mean that would be truly poetic justice.

Or are they bribing politicians so that their competition isn't allowed and framing the conversation to entirely avoid the question about whether their shit should be allowed.

Who else thinks those bags are mostly full of substrate (and the mycelium growing throughout it), not only the edible psychedelic parts that the headline and article implies? They'll be able to really bump up those charges if they add the mass of all that other stuff that would never be sold as a drug.

Kid posted $250k bond. So, hopefully he'll be able to afford a good lawyer.

Because you're 100% right. Most of those pictures are from fruiting blocks in various stages of production. Mostly water and horse poop I imagine.

There are pictures in the article. I don't know what the psychoactive part of the mushroom is, but it looks like the bags are indeed full of grown cut mushrooms.

A few bags are. In fact I see about 1 lb of dry mushrooms in the large Ziploc bags, per bag (so less than a grand per bag). These are the close up bags on the washing machine or whatever.

Most of the bags pictured are full of substrate and water. (The lawn and on the shelves).

Additionally, cubensis, the mushrooms pictured, are easier to grow than button mushrooms. If not for Nixon's war on hippies cubensis would cost about $5 a pound (or $50 a pound dried).

Not that it wasn't an okay sized operation. Each of the other bags pictured would produce a couple ounces dry pretty easily. So eight of those makes a pound.


That'll keep the youth from giggling, bonding, and appreciating the beauty of the forest around them.

Phew, I feel much safer now. So glad my taxes are paying for this kinda really really fucking important law enforcement activity.

Can you imagine how many new conservatists the republican party would have missed if all these mushrooms were consumed?

Dog-food-size bags? That’s almost as much as 20 salamanders!

America will use anything except the metric system

I feel like this isn't something about not using metric measurements but rather something to help visualisation. I'm all for using metric but it's still nice to have something to attach to the number. Especially for bigger numbers.

Even in countries/places that use metric, i've seen comparisons like this like (x meters = 1 footbal stadium) and so on.

It's actually a lie. The dog food sized bags comment.

The dry mushrooms are in large ziplock bags. The bags they're growing in hold five pounds of substrate and water.

I grow edible mushrooms in those same bags. They're not anywhere close to dog food bags.

Yeah, I was picturing the big 40lb dog food bags. Those look like 20lb of dog food at most in the big ones. It's not useful at best, and misleading at worst. If they had just said "2.5gal plastic bags" (which is exactly what the purple zipper ones are, 2.5gal Hefty freezer bags) it would have been far more useful, because not only is it accurate, it's more familiar to more people.

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Every bag weights as much as a fat baby with a big breakfast cola

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What size bag of dog food? You can get anything from 5lb to 50lb. I bet there are even bigger if you buy at bulk stores or online.

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charged a 21-year-old man with operating a drug factory and possession with intent to sell/distribute narcotics.


Cops call every drug a narcotic because cops are dumb and know next to nothing about drugs

"I don't know the law, I just enforce it" - them, probably

Cops like "narcotic" because they think it makes them sound smarter than saying "drug". same reason they say vehicle and perpetrator

Them literally. When's the last time you even heard of a cop with a law degree higher than "some courses at community college"?

They are narcotics though by definition.

Edit Merriam Webster: "any controlled substance, whether sedative or stimulant:"


Lemmy is so fucking stubborn when presented with conflicting information. Grow up you bell ends.

You're so far gone in your cop hatred you see me as quoting the dictionary as somehow sticking up for cops. That's how polarised and shitty you are.

Narcotics by definition are opiates. Mushrooms are a psychedelic.

Not by all definitions of the word, narcotic can just mean an illegal drug. Different dictionaries define the word differently.

Really annoying how I've been downvoted for this, Merriam Webster defines a narcotic as "any controlled substance, whether sedative or stimulant:"

That's a bullshit definition that came about because of politicians and cops misusing the word so much.

It's literally a definition. I'm being downvoted for being correct.

Definitions are not all created equal. It's about time you learned that.

Really doesnt hold up when the DEA defines narcotics literally as opioids…

I didn't realise the DEA were the only people who could define things. Outside of the US it can generally refer to illegal drugs

Are you telling me Merriam Webster and is wrong? Things can have colloquial definitions

You really wanna die on this hill huh? You seem to be missing the point IMO. It doesnt really matter what Merriam Webster or even Funken Wagnells define 'Narcotic' as. They aren't out there arresting people. All you're doing by sticking to your guns on this is making it look like you're a bootlicker who thinks it's perfectly acceptable for cops to misidentify substances so they can make their mushroom grow bust look like they took down a cartel. Insisting that words can mean whatever we want them to mean is fine, in a creative writing class. Not when those definitions can be weaponized to ruin people's lives.

If that's what you got from my comment you have serious reading comprehension problems. I am against the war on drugs.

Hey bud, what's the first definition both those sites/dictionaries have listed?

Which dictionaries are those? A quick google gives almost entirely results defining it as opiates.

Merriam Webster 2nd definition "any controlled substance, whether sedative or stimulant:"

Almost entirely is NOT the same as entirely.

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Splain yourself that is not my understanding.

But I am not a scientician so plz correct me if I'm wrong. Definition?

A quick Google search "a drug or other substance that affects mood or behaviour and is consumed for non-medical purposes, especially one sold illegally."

Merriam Webster "any controlled substance, whether sedative or stimulant:"

other substance that affects mood or behaviour and is consumed for non-medical purposes

Mmmm then I'm about to make delicious narcotics for breakfast. Cup of hot narcotics, and a plate of narcotics with narcotics on the side.

Merriam Webster "any controlled substance, whether sedative or stimulant:"

Are magic mushrooms considered to be a stimulant or a sedative? I thought they were hallucinogens.


Stimulant: an agent (such as a drug) that produces a temporary increase of the functional activity or efficiency of an organism or any of its parts.

Sedative: tending to calm, moderate, or tranquilize nervousness or excitement.

Hallucinagen: a substance that induces hallucinations.

Psylocibin: a hallucinogenic indole obtained from a fungus (such as Psilocybe mexicana or P. cubensis synonym Stropharia cubensis).

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The other hobbyists on this thread made some good points about what's being shown in the photos, but I'm a mushroom nerd and wanted to point out a few things just for fun. I've only grown the tasty kind, but since we're looking at cubes I'm going to talk about cubes.

The first item on the mushroom grower's quest is usually spores. This may seem like a large hurtle, but with the exception of three state it's actually not illegal to buy, sell, or ship spores in the US. There's an understanding that the buyer will not be growing anything with them because that would be illegal. A syringe with spores can be found for under $20.

You can see this person's spore germination lab in the second photo.

The bottles with brown liquid are liquid culture media. That's basically a nutritious, sterile broth. A few drops of the liquid from the spore syringe is added to the bottle and the grower lets it incubate until it starts to form mycelium (the main part of the fungus). Behind the jars you can see agar plates. Some people start with the agar and then move to liquid culture. Some use the agar just to isolate strong organisms and remove contaminants. With one big exception, there's no one correct way to do this.

The exception explains the equipment in the back of the photo: sterile work environments and growth media. The bench is a laminar flow hood that pushes sterile air forward across the work bench. The big pots are (I'm making an educated guess here) steam sterilization chambers. The bags contain sterile substrate. Usually grain like oats, rye, or millet. Even brown rice. The grain is cooked in water, drained, then bagged up (as in this case) or placed into modified jars. The containers and contents are sterilized prior to adding the mycelia.

There are a couple of ways to do this, but lets say they're adding if from the liquid culture. Working under sterile conditions, they fill a sterile syringe with liquid, then proceed to inject a few millilitres into every bag. The injection holes are sealed with tape and they're ready to incubate for a few weeks while the mycelia consumes the grain.

Remember: fungi are not plants. They don't grow in dirt. They consume organic matter and eventually form fruit in order to reproduce.

After a month or two the bags should be filled with pure white mycelial growth. It's now mushroom time. They need a drop in temperature and the introduction of fresh air . I would imagine that this grower moves them to that second room and simply opens the bags to admit fresh air. (I use a slightly different method with my tasty mushers, and it's my understanding that this would also work with cubes. I transfer the grain to tubs filled with a damp substrate, wait for it to colonize completely, then adjust the environmental conditions).

In a couple of weeks the fruits (mushrooms!) start to form. After harvest, you can usually rehydrate the block, wait a week, and get a second crop. And also - now that you have mushrooms, you can collect their spores and begin again!

As a hobbyist it was very interesting to see the photos of a small but still commercial scale grow.

If not cubes what does a hobbyist do with their mushrooms?

Like what's really going on here? Are you eating them? Preserving them for display? Photo logging or vlogging them? Making various distalates or tinctures? Poisons?

I have about 6 5lb bags of oyster mushrooms, and 3 bags of shiitake in incubation right now. There is a 50qt tub of cubes behind me now that I'll be fruiting in another day or so. My Lions Mane is currently fruiting as well.

And yeah, they are tasty AF! Simple fried oyster mushies are a quick snack (butter, garlic and salt) and are plentiful enough to be used anywhere button mushrooms are used. I am building my collection of dried mushrooms now for various stocks and such. Lions Mane is probably my new favorite. Cut those bad boys into steaks, cook 'em up and they taste just like pork. I am not a vegetarian or anything, but I could see how gourmet mushrooms could be used as a meat replacement.

If the medicinal perks are real, awesome. If not, cool too. Lions Mane is supposed to help regrow neurons, but those studies are preliminary.

I plan to start selling mushrooms by the pound when I get efficient enough growing them. Most gourmet mushrooms do not transport and store very well and are ideal for local markets. I'll probably hit up a local farmers market to sell what I can.

As far as my cubes are concerned, they are fun to eat as a replacement for my alcoholism. I can't eat them every day and I really don't want to. However, it's been fun to be the guy at parties with mason jars of cubes just handing them out for free. (It's newly legal here in CO, so party on!)

On an extremely serious note, once the party phase mostly wore off, I have developed a very healthy respect for the power of psilocybin these days. Used in controlled environments and while deeply meditating, I have been able to tackle extremely complex issues in my life. I already mentioned alcoholism, but that came with a healthy side dish of daily depression, anxiety and mild PTSD. Not only do I not need my daily dosage of antidepressants, other aspects of my life became much easier to manage.

Final reason I grow them is for fun. Different species and strains have different needs and learning about them is awesome. I have built a small clean lab to tinker with genetics and such, so that will be an adventure.

Regardless, I want a good supply of mushrooms on hand for food and fun! (Being the "funny shroom guy" at parties is a fun perk and much better than being the pissed off drunk. My absolute best side comes out when I trip and it's absolutely hysterical from what I have been told.)

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I can write one in some of the shrooms communities, no problem! ;)

There are some cases where verbosity is just required, it seems. When I talk about mushrooms I tend to get wordy because I like the subject. However, there are so many quirks and caveats on that topic it's almost unavoidable. (Aminita muscaria is know for its toxicity.... buuuuut... [insert endless caveats here] )

I know this one! 🤩❤️🤘🏼 It's also why flying reindeer, festooned firs, and red w/ white accents are Yuletide iconography 🥰

Well said.

Thanks! I am absolutely understating my fascination with cubes though. It's crazy how such a simple thing could potentially change the world.

There are a few practical options:

  • Eat them.
  • Dry them and eat them later.
  • Give them away.
  • Put them in jars, stare at them, and think about witches.
  • Sell them at a farmer's market or local grocery.

It's honestly just a relaxing hobby once you get past the challenge of learning to do things under sterile conditions. My setup, for example, does not feature an expensive sterile environment like the one shown here. There was a lot of improvisation and learning.

They're really just fun to grow. Nerd shit.

You can also experiment with breeding new varieties, or clone mushrooms that you really like. I haven't tried that one yet.

Other than working with plates, keeping clean environment is super easy. I have a small lab for plate work, but everything else just takes a few quick sprays of IPA and a wipe down.

I have been slowly eliminating steps where I would re-clean my work area to see how long it takes before I get contam. I have only gotten one spot of trich in a mostly spent monotub when it wasn't worth it to even use gloves to grab the final flush. (For lulz, I hit the trich directly with a tiny spray of Lysol to see how far the death would propagate. It's quite far and not recommended if you plan on eating anything else off of it.)

there are also millions of dollars of psychedelic mushrooms in the fucking ground.

are they also going to arrest the fucking groumd?

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Cops? The only agency worried about these guys should be the IRS.

Buzz Killington gotta protect those big pharma profits.

The mushrooms, worth 6.5 million dollars, were safely stowed in the evidence room

The mushrooms, worth 4.2 million dollars will be destroyed by incinerator at a later date.

The mushrooms, worth 3.7 million dollars, are to be transported to the incinerator in a truck.

A date has has been set for the 2.2 million dollars worth of mushroom to be destroyed.

Oregon voters approved decriminalizing small amounts of psychedelics in 2020, and separately were the first to approve the supervised use of psilocybin in a therapeutic setting. Two years later, Colorado voters passed a ballot measure to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms and to create state-regulated centers where participants can experience the drug under supervision.

It's no different than the days when weed was first legalized and the DEA would raid dispensaries in California.

And made all the rest not caught triple in value and since you can grow it everywhere the incentive is now greater than ever to do so.

The drug war is a failure and a predictable one long before the government attempted it.

Great, thx, for a sec I thought the thumbnail was about domestic geese with military training and discipline standing in attention.

Deputy Tulley of the Sheriff's Dept. told reporters on Friday evening, "This is one of the biggest shroomraidswe experienceontheplanet inharmonywiththesunandthemoon likethe chinacatsunflower."