GOP Sen. Says He Could Have Beat Up Hearing Witness if Not for ‘Political Correctness’ to politics – 347 points –
GOP Sen. Says He Could Have Beat Up Hearing Witness if Not for 'Political Correctness'

Sen. Markwayne Mullin blamed “political correctness” for the uproar over his attempt to fight a witness during a Senate hearing.


What sort of pathetic man-child have the people of Oklahoma sent to represent them?

They elected an MMA guy to beat up people that disagree with them.

Probably should have elected an MMA fighter without a ticking vascular timebomb in his head then.

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Mullin has been going on a media tour in the wake of the near-altercation. During an interview with Sean Hannity, the Fox News host reminisced to Mullin about his rough and tumble youth. “I don’t think there was a single day that we were playing sports where we didn’t drop the gloves or, you know, have a brief interlude of, you know, throwing fists and it would be all be over,”

"Emotionally stunted manchild" would have been more succinct.

He didn't go a day without fighting as a kid? Wtf is wrong with him. That's psychotic. I had maybe 2 or 3 fights during my entire childhood lol. Maybe he's just an asshole

He's lying, and playing that "back in my day we weren't snowflakes like those liberals are today" card that plays well with fox news audiences.

Doesn't have to be remotely true, just has to paint a picture that confirms the bias.

Of course when push came to shove to actually confront someone to protect people he hid like a little bitch behind the chairs..

..and now he was waiting for someone to hold him back from his bravado - it ended up being Bernie who couldn't hold back a feisty kitten if he tried.

But it's ok this guy learned how to act tough convincingly in wrestling - so he went on the media circus.

He's playing the terrorist support card. He's telling his dumbass supporters it's okay to use violence against union members. And they will do it.

The next time teamsters are striking, see if one of those dumb fucks that love this guy doesn't try and drive their car through them or do a mass shooting or stab a five year old fifty times.

These are Republicans and as they say, "we are all domestic terrorists."

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WTAF is the thought process here? Fight the witness. Hmmmmm

They've both talked about having a mutual fight before, so this really isn't anything new, this time it was just in person.

The incident ended with them agreeing to go get coffee together.

You’re giving the senator way too much credit. After Sanders got the Senator to sit his crybaby ass back down and act like an adult, the Teamster rep quipped that his idea of “settling this” would be discussing it over coffee like adults. The Senator then responded - flustered - that he’d do that, in an attempt to save face after having embarrassed himself. The teamster, sitting calmly and still smiling, said, “Yeah, sure, ok. Let’s grab coffee and discuss this,” is the most drippingly sarcastic tone ever uttered by man and still smiling, because he knew he won and made Senator Chucklefuck look like a total nutjob— who responded, btw, with, “Yeah, yeah… coffee.”

Senator Markwayne Gacy isn’t having coffee with anyone.

Meh, I thought the teamster guy came off as a scrub. Telling him to stand up and whatnot, then saying "wait, you want to fight?" in a fake-surprised voice.

He was winding up a prize d-bag, yes. But he was still being a punkass about it.

He's a union guy through and through. I'm sure he's seen worse at local teamster meetings

The Teamster dude was shit-talking the Senator the whole time. Of course he wasn’t going to fight him— it’s a Senate hearing, not a schoolyard, and they’re not children. Everyone (but Senator Jimbob, it seems) could hear how sarcastic he was being. (Edit: watch the video— it’s hilarious how he baits the Senator into his tantrum, but Bernie comes out as the real star just for acting like the grown-up in the room).

The Teamster guy baited the Senator into publicly embarrassing himself, and it worked. That’s why that Teamster dude was just sitting there and smiling the whole time; he was just egging that dickbag Senator on, and he kept falling for it until Sanders shut him down.

Even if violence was an acceptable form of conflict resolution, if you want to have a fist fight over twitter beef do it on your own time. Not while you're actively performing your job that we the people pay you to do.

After a quick google, It appears that after 1902 was the point where the Senate got too woke to tolerate a fist fight.

Thomas Jefferson had enough of this shit in 1801. He wrote an entire manual about it.

Why does Markwayne hate the founding fathers?

Absolutely shocking, how could any true blue blooded American let someone be so civilized?!

He loves the founding fathers. The ones Republicans have told him about that loved Jesus and hated government and all taxes.

I don't care what martial arts you're mixing up, a teamster is gonna give you trouble.

"We can be two consenting adults and do it right here."

"Get your butt up"

"I bite. And I don't care where I bite."

Quite the Freudian word selection.

Poor guy thinks the only way it's socially acceptable to touch another man in public is if it's in the context of a fist fight.

He's itching to fight everyone because he just can't walk down Congress's halls without being carried away by the allure of a testifying witness or a fellow Senator.

Can't wait for the eventual tell all from his college roommate if he continues to have any time in the spotlight.

He knows the teamsters are sexy motherfuckers and it confused him emotionally.

Conservatives lack humanity. They lack the capacity for empathy or kindness for kindess' sake. For a conservative, everything is a transaction. If they show kindness or pretend to be empathetic, they feel they have done you a favor and you should be grateful for their kindness.

If a person shows kindness to a conservative, the conservative considers the kindness to be a weakness to exploit. If the person is not someone they wish to exploit, then they identify the kindess as a favor being done for them. A conservative cannot fathom kindness existing just for kindness' sake.

When you interact with a conservative, understand that they do not see your life as valuable. They do not empathize with you as they are simply not capable of that. They see you only as a transaction.

Use caution when dealing with conservatives. They do not value humanity or living things the way a normal person does.

This latest batch of conservatives seem to dial this trait up to 11. Before, it was mostly a callous indifference. "Oh, you need this social program to survive and we are cutting it for budgetary reasons? Well, why aren't you investing your money better? If you just invested your money better you'd be a millionaire by now even though your minimum wage job doesn't pay enough for you to survive."

Recently, though, they have gotten actively antagonistic to various people merely existing. "We need to shoot and kill these immigrants as they cross the border. Liberals should be rounded up and sent to prison. Globalists (aka Jews) should be killed. You disagree with me? Let's fight! I'll beat you up and then kill you!!!"

It's really scary and these people need to never get anywhere near power.

Republican Senator tries to fist fight a union leader is a little too on brand. Like an Onion headline.

Political correctness, nothing. We have laws in this country against assault, you moron. Laws you should know about, considering the fact that you're literally part of the legislative process.

Bernie Sanders was right to stop you. Hell, you should have been thrown out of the Senate entirely for your failure to act with some degree of decorum. You're a disgrace to the government.

Acting like you have the intellectual capacity to negotiate the legislative process is, contrary to this Senator's belief, not political correctness.

Remember kids, if you have a psychopathic Senator trying to start a fist fight with you, kick 'em in the balls as hard as you can. It's the right thing to do.

I'm just amazed this guy is picking a fight with a Teamster. I can get going after some pencil necked scientist but Teamsters will fuck you up and bring their friends to help.

Is it because his parents gave him two first names as one?

He seriously thought he could beat up the President of the Teamsters and would win?

He's a former MMA fighter, so probably

Apparently his MMA credentials are a bit suspect. The last time this story came up someone said he only has 5 fights in his entire career and if I remember correctly 3 of those were against the same guy.

So he fought a ringer?

He's only got three fights on sherdog, including submitting a dude with a 1-11 record.

Would still annihilate me, of course.

He fought that guy with the 1-11 record 2x, so 2 of that guys 11 losses were to him. He beat him both times in the 2 round, one by armbar and other by TKO from strikes (guy probably wasn't defending good enough). His 1st win was to a guy that was 12-9 and beat him with a rear naked choke in 1st round. That guy lost 8 out of those 9 by being submitted, so fair to say no ground game (1 was Dr. stoppage).

So what, he has brain damage?

That was what I was trying to imply. Also, that's just how some guys resolve conflict. They fight, then they're buddies again. In college we had a set of boxing gloves/head protection to resolve conflict (I only participated once, then realized getting punched in the head isn't fun).

I think there is a problem that a sitting senator can use his position of power to call fights on people he doesn't like.

But I don't think he understands the consequences if he loses. Or that there isn't a situation where he really wins outside his ego.

Scenario 1: He loses the fight, people realize that violence solves deadlocked problems. Union Support emboldens.

Scenario 2: He wins the fight, everyone around him including the audience sees an MMA fighter beating the shit out of a union leader in 4k resolution. Union support with GOP would die in an instant. People realize that discussions don't solve problems. ------> civil unrest.

Unironically inspiring in the most mundane way

Looking at his Wikipedia page it seems like this has been an on going thing with these 2.

On March 8, 2023, Mullin accused Teamsters president Sean O'Brien of "intimidation" during a Senate HELP Committee hearing on the PRO Act, claiming that O'Brien was forcing union members to pay dues and alleging that union leaders had attempted to unionize his plumbing business

On June 26, 2023, Mullin challenged O'Brien to a fight for charity via Twitter in response to an earlier tweet from O'Brien.

On November 14, 2023, when O'Brien again appeared before the committee, Mullin challenged him to fight, saying, "you want to run your mouth? We can be two consenting adults, we can finish it here" and demanding that O'Brien "stand [his] butt up".

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin ran to Fox News to explain that, despite his best efforts to throw down in the middle of a Senate hearing, “political correctness” is what stopped him from beating up a witness.

On Tuesday, Mullin stood up during a hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee and made a move to physically fight Teamsters President Sean O’Brien, a witness before the committee with whom he’s been feuding for months.

During an interview with Sean Hannity, the Fox News host reminisced to Mullin about his rough and tumble youth.

“I don’t think there was a single day that we were playing sports where we didn’t drop the gloves or, you know, have a brief interlude of, you know, throwing fists and it would be all be over,” Hannity said, asking Mullin when society had become so “woke” that fist-fights are no longer an acceptable solution to conflict.

The senator added that if he hadn’t challenged O’Brien to a fist-fight in the middle of his workday “the people of Oklahoma would have been pretty upset” with him.

In another interview Mullin gave on Tuesday to the Undaunted Life podcast the Senator said, unprompted, that he’s “not afraid of biting” his opponent in a fight.

The original article contains 335 words, the summary contains 210 words. Saved 37%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Can't wait for the Southpark where PC Principal goes to congress.