At some point, you start to forget how old you are to Lemmy – 863 points –

If you're between 21 and 65, it tends not to matter much in most cases.

That's so true.

Edit: Nope, thought of a couple important ages: 40 for women (mammogram) and 45 for everyone (colonoscopy). This is US-centric, and I'm sure there are other screenings I'm forgetting about.

I'm fairly sure they just send notices about screening stuff where I live. No need to remember it yourself

1990 is pretty easy too, I just add 10 the the last 2 digits of the current year and subtract 1 if it's before August

Well, at some point i just started not adding 10

Born in November 2000

Still having issues calculating age since for most of the year it's year-2001 but after November it's year-2000

Just because you're old, it doesn't automatically mean you're wise.

I know lots of older people with years of experience that are just as dumb as they were when they were 18.

I would 100% agree with that.

I'm also considered old and I now understand what my elders used to tell me when I was younger ... I feel just as dumb now as I did when I was younger ... it's not a lack of intelligence .... it's just a realization that no matter how much you try, there will always be someone smarter than you.

If you ever do find that you are the smartest person around, you're probably closer to death than anyone else.

Me, except I forget what year it is. Like last month I said I was 19 to someone only to later realize that was 4 years ago.

There's that joke about using months for your kids age way past a normal range, but the other day I figured out the benefits of the month based age system. I was asked how old my child was and was questioning my sanity. " 2? 3? Uhh.. 2.5..." I mean 6 months is 25% of a two year olds life. To add to that, the 9 months of pregnancy, the late nights of screaming and crying that make you forget what year it is.

At least when you count the months you are within a close range when you get it wrong. Saying your kid is 2 or 3 years old is like saying your grandpa is either 66 or 99.

Yeah, I catch myself sometimes doing "how old was I 🤔"... I know that I'm above 35 and below 40, but was I 37, 38 or 39 🤔 😂.

That's the best thing about being 40, it's easy to remember. After this, I'm screwed.

I'm 46. A few months ago, I was filling out a medical form and it asked me my age along with my birthdate. I had to ask my wife because I couldn't remember. She couldn't remember either. We're the same age.

do ppl really forget what year it is after the spring??

and the meme isnt saying 2000 is old, it's saying the math is easy

soon you'll be old enough that 1 year won't seem worth worrying about, I assure you. difference between 29 and 30 years is miniscule and in most contexts is unimportant.

Hmmm but the difference between 39 and 40 is a doozy.

Yes, I feel like it's still 2020

Ima be honest, everything after covid started feels like it lasted less than a year and yet it’s been almost 4 years

i don’t even try to calculate it anymore. i just give an approximation that “feels right”.

I'm definitely at least 27....

Right there with you. I've been 27 for a good few years now, before that I was 26 for about 5 years.

I don't celebrate birthdays so I just don't keep track of it until i need to put it on a form or something.

Kinda the same, I don’t celebrate my birthday (though I do look forward to it anyways, I just kinda stay at home like on any other day) and I keep forgetting how old I am

I don't invite forms to my birthday

2000s gang rise up! it's even better cause I'm a February baby so like only a tiny bit of the year doesn't match!

I usually forget which year we are at.