We always imagine that if humans had tails they'd be furry tails but they'd actually probably be hairless like our bodies

Edmund_Across_The_Room@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 250 points –

Human bodies are anything butt hairless. It would just be wispy, crinkly pubic hair that only grows in the most inconvenient of places.

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Yes, human tails are hairless. Here are photos of vestigial tails on humans.

Sometimes our body tries to include traits of our ape primate ancestors. Vestigial tails are not that uncommon. They are typically surgically removed from infants in 1st-world countries.

Years ago, I realized DBZ would be way weirder if their tails were accurately hairless....

Well, I learned something new today. Now I'm happy I don't have a tail.

Are they harmful? why do we remove them? is it just conformance based or are there actual good reasons?

They are just lumps of fat, not real tails, they are removed for cosmetic reasons

I'd imagine comfort reasons also. Hell having a dick can get uncomfortable at times. Like every time I wear pants that are just to tight for a long bike trip it gets twisted around and bent into kinks. I can't imagine having what is comfort wise a second dick on the other side of my groin and pointing down. I can see that pinching itself every time you run or sit down. I really hope there aren't any nerves in them.

I imagine you'd either have to sit on it, which is probably painful (maybe likely to even break it), or wear modified clothes and dangle that shit free for the world to see. Personally, I wouldn't like either of those options.

Not to mention shitting on it by accident.

Or baptizing it in the toilet..

I hate when that happens to my dick.. feels forever unclean. Even worse when it touches the bowl...

Sometimes our body tries to include traits of our ape ancestors.

But apes don't have tails.

However approximately 25mya the monkey and ape lines split so itust have come from at least that far back.

My bad, definitely speaking informally. Should have said primate ancestors.

I'm pretty sure human tails would be covered in something like pubic hair. I hate it.

Perhaps millennia of sexual selection would have resulted in Hairy tails.

Millennia of sexual selection already resulted in no tail...

Technically we all have tails already. However they are made entirely of bone and aren't long enough to stick out. Really all they do is make sitting on hard surfaces uncomfortable and try to dig their way out of your ass when you do situps without a mat

I want a thick, prehensile tail that's at least 2/3rds as long as my body. I want to be able to use to hold things, hang upside down like a opossum, climb trees, and slap the shit outta Greg from work when he irritates me. That's the kind of tail I wish humans had. I don't care if it's furry or smooth. I'll crochet a tail condom if I need to.

Your tail's hair doesn't matter. It's the length and if it's not long enough, you can buy a monster truck.

There are humans that have born with tails (long coccyx protrusion) and this is correct. Go look up images.

1.) Not all bodies are hairless, so there'd definitely be a range.

2.) A massive hairless tail wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. เฒ โ€ฟเฒ 

I see we have watched the same hen Anime.

Wait, what.

It's okay to admit it bro, there are dozens of us

What's the anime? I'm honestly clueless. But I'll watch it, then admit it.

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I almost never imagine what human tails would look like(but then I clicked that link in a post in this thread...๐Ÿ˜•)

Don't tell the furries

nah we're aware, its just that like...

its already pretend, basing it in realism doesn't really do much if doing that is still pretend.

I didn't think they wanted humans with tails? I thought they just wanted anthropomorphic animals

I've got some furry friends and there's a whole spectrum. You can run into everything from the mostly human with some animal features like the kemonomimi trope to full anthropomorphic animals. Depends on the person really.

Tails are kinda hard to clothe and not very attractive without hair, they'd probably be furry.