‘I Will Come For You’: Court Filing Reveals Judge in Trump Case Received ‘Hundreds’ of Threats

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 555 points –
‘I Will Come For You’: Court Filing Reveals Judge in Trump Case Received ‘Hundreds’ of Threats

A new court filing has revealed “hundreds of threatening, harassing, disparaging and antisemitic” threats made to Judge Arthur Engoron, who is currently presiding over the civil fraud trial of former President Donald Trump in New York and trying to get the gag order he imposed against Trump reinstated.

Trump already violated Engoron’s gag order twice, costing him $15,000. An appeals court paused the order last week, citing Trump’s “constitutional and statutory rights.” But the threats have caused serious security concerns for Engoron and his staff, especially his principal law clerk Allison Greenfield.

One voicemail, according to an affidavit filed by court officer Captain Charles Hollon, stated: “Trust me. Trust me when I say this. I will come for you. I don’t care. Ain’t nobody gonna stop me either.” Another said: “Resign now, you dirty, treasonous piece of trash snake. We are going to get you and anyone of you dirty, backstabbing, lying, cheating American. You are nothing but a bunch of communists. We are coming to remove you permanently.”


In 2023, how are these threats not immediately traceable and punished? Even burner phones have to be registered these days, right?

Considering what happened to the January 6th insurrectionists, even if they're caught, they'll get a slap on the wrist.

What? Many of them are in prison for over a decade.

I'll have to find a tracker, but I think most of the insurrectionists received a very mild sentence, if any...

I think the only big punishment for them was taking away their guns since they're felons now. Though I doubt that will stop them

Maybe the “regular” people, but show me one of the GOP members who has been put in prison? Especially the orange stain himself.

That’s not what the conversation is about. The Jan 6th insurrectionists are what we’re talking about.

Exactly, and who instigated, motivated, and coordinated it all? Where are the Turning Point people with busses to bring folks to DC? What about the congressmen who were tweeting the location of other representatives?

Again, that’s not who we’re talking about.

There is a long history of law enforcement not taking threats of violence seriously, when they come from white conservative groups.

The Secrete Service might. As far as I know they take all threats to the president as pretty serious. But that only helps the president, not the rest of us.

Perhaps in the past, but at least as of a few years ago, the USSS was heavily infiltrated by MAGA fascists.

Carol Leonnig’s book Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service goes into great detail on how compromised that organisation has become.

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The cops and FBI are on their side, that's why.

Hell, a decent chunk of the posts are probably from cops.

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Remember when hrc was lambasted for calling these folks deplorable?

I always thought she was right and she should doubled down.

She was proven right in polls about their attitudes soon after.

Unfortunately for her those deplorables vote.

Well, anyone holding deplorable positions was not going to vote for her, no matter what. All the pearl-clutching tone police seem to overlook that when they lecture her...

Perhaps, but I guarantee you some of them probably weren't going to vote at all until she said it. Spite inspires a lot of weirdos. I think we've all learned that by now.

Unfortunately, being right doesn't matter in a popularity contest.

I do wonder how things would have panned out if she'd won - I can't help but think Trump would have been replaced by someone better able to overthrow democracy...

I guess when the judges start dying, we'll think about taking this seriously, but not really.

it also sounds like a few hundred people need investigating.

Yes but it's hard to investigate right-wing terrorists when you can't seem to take off these damn kid gloves.

Not to mention a lot of the terrorists being the the same people as the cops who would look into "it".

Never forget "We have investigated ourselves and have found no evidence of wrongdoing" might as well be the motto of US policing.

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Here in the UK we had a member of Parliament straight-up murdered for having the "wrong" opinion on Brexit and the whole shitshow still rumbles on. We're in a very bleak chapter in history.

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Anyone else remember back in 2020 when the conservative bullshit spewing machine (Fox News) was saying how democrats weren’t going to be able to accept the outcome of the election and that conservatives handle these things with dignity and maturity?

They also tried claiming that Trump not accepting the election results was fine because Hillary didn't accept the results in 2016. This despite definitive proof that Hillary conceded that night. But they can't let something as pesky and minor as facts get in the way of their talking points.

Yeah they just lie, it’s not like the morons will fact check and even if they do stumble upon the truth it defaults to lib conspiracy.

Any conservative who hasn’t walked away from Trump and/or the federalist society never will. They are lost.

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Its whack how we have a whole ass terror cell in our government nobody does anything about.

Well the FBI just designated Antifa as terrorists, so.... Wait yeah we're doing nothing.

Yet Jan 6 insurrectionists are still referred to as "capital rioters"

I hope they are doing their best to track each one of these terrorists down and throwing the book at them. All the better to have these thugs wrapped up in the justice system with trials, prison time, etc...give them something to occupy their time, esp. if some other big event calls them (like J6), they can stay away due to serving time or having to show up to trial, etc...

I hope they are doing their best to track each one of these terrorists down and throwing the book at them.

I'm sure justice will be as swift and harsh as it was for the January 6 insurrectionists. Which is to say, they'll slow walk it and hand out insultingly minor sentences when they absolutely have to do anything at all.

Federal judiciary doesn't take kindly to threats. Neither does the FBI.

FBI is part of it but the us Marshalls oversee Federal courts, they're not super politically biased and will fuck some people up if given a reason. Don't fuck with the federal Marshall service.

I highly doubt these mental midgets took care to properly hide their identity when making these calls. I'm fairly confident they could easily be round up and charged with criminal threats against an officer of the law.

Trump already violated Engoron’s gag order twice, costing him $15,000.

I gagged. That’s less than the cheapest car on the market. For violating two gag orders in a civil fraud trial.

I mean, his rights? Isn't the point of the judicial system to strip away some rights when you do something illegal?

in this case its all about the drawn out appeal. trumps famous not for winning, but for dragging cases out so long it doesnt matter anymore.

in this case, hes already guilty hes just literally throwing tantrums to create noise that might allow for an appeal. and its a longshot, as no one appears to be giving him an inch of appealable activity.

its painful to watch, but its all about the appeal avoidance.

It's a good thing it's only white people threatening him.

Did I miss some context or is that just casually suggesting that other races are more violent?

The implication is that violence by white people is tolerated more than violence by non-white people.

Missed context.

White people are typically given an extreme benefit of doubt that is not afforded to other racial demographics in the US.

Also, the people making the violent threats are exactly the type to say that other races are more violent 13/50 and all that.

I know others have explained already, but here it is in photographic form.

Remember when like 20 cops were all that were available to keep the Jan 06 insurrectionists out of the Capital Building?

Here's what DC looked like during the BLM protests:

Honestly, it was that everyone else read it sarcastically and I didn’t. I’m autistic though, so that’s not new. Also your picture didn’t load, but I’ve been to enough protests to know how the police handle things

Possibly also that the average white person has a tendency to issue idle threats that they aren’t motivated enough to deliver on. Armchair terrorism. Get me a beer.

Talk is cheap, anyone can talk shit behind a phone or computer

It doesn't matter how cheap the speech is or whether few of them would actually turn their talk into action. The death threats themselves are serious even if none of these people intend to act on it. Also, these threats are illegal whether or not these people intend to act on it. Finally, all it takes is one person who decides to act on Trump's marching orders.

If you were getting these threats, would you be resting easy with the thought that most of these people wouldn't come to your home (which they'd know the address of)? Or would you - more likely - be afraid to go home or answer your phone?

Let's throw them in jail. Yeah I'd be scared to answer my phone??(most likely)

They keep imagining he has some shred of human decency. This is mob shit. The courts need to stop treating him like he's not a mob boss.

They did storm the US capitol alley being told to take the country back in "trial by combat."

They did shoot Gabby Giffords after conservative propaganda that literally drew a crosshair on her.

They did try to kidnap a governor.

They did take over a federal building and receive no punishment.

That wasn't talk was it cuz? is they the same people we are talking about ?

Well, that's always been Trump's play: talk a big game from a veeery safe distance, and incite other people to do his dirty work for him.

"I'll be right there with you" my ass.

The issue - as January 6th has shown - is that there are enough insurgents and domestic terrorists who are willing to commit violence on Trump's behalf.

This is why the call to GA was such a massive fuckup for him. He made that call personally, and he's reaping the consequences of getting his own hands dirty.

Is it worth taking that risk?

Is what worth taking that risk? What I'm saying is most people who are actually serious don't usually give a heads up..

I think your opinion of the sanity of Trump's followers is too high. At best, they hide in Telegram channels and think that's ample obfuscation for their scheming.