What is your favorite movie, film, or show to watch this time of year, christmas or not?

Dr. Coomer@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 69 points –

Muppet Christmas Carol.

A reminder that the true meaning of Christmas is scaring rich people into being more generous. Also Kermit

"Violence is never the answer, it's the solution" -Kermit

Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Family Christmas are the only things I'll still require my kids to watch with us every year. They're just the best.

Muppet Family Christmas and Emmett Otter are our yearly Xmas Eve watch.

Emmett Otter is an absolute masterpiece and a treasure I've watched since the 80s. I've never met anyone who knows what it is, though. Have you ever paid attention to the lyrics in the opening song? ROFL

I am thrilled that Disney+ (last I checked) removed that The Love is Gone song that I've been programmed to fast-forward through since I was a small child in the VHS days.

The empire strikes back. My brother and I would watch it and afterwards go play in the snow pretending to be on Hoth.

I hate this answer but I have to respect it cause I asked.

Is 1-13 worth watching?

I think they really lost their way around #7, from that point on the series mostly kind of stagnated and they seemed to have forgotten what made it so great to start with. That’s why #14 was so earth-shattering, it just reinvented the series and made us redefine what a bubble butt could really do. The first 6 are still good though.

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fucking caillou’s christmas special. i hate this bald ass child with all my fucking heart but i cannot stop myself from watching the special every year. there’s just something about it that compels me to watch it. it’s not good and actually makes me angry to watch it. but i have to

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Well, since you say Christmas or not, my favorite show any time is Babylon 5.

But for Christmas stuff, Hogfather is my favorite tradition. Also Die Hard, and the Christmas episode of Justice League.

Violent night was added to the tradition list last year.

But nat. Lampoons Christmas vacation Die hard Lethal weapon

The wife loves elf and home alone 2.

Just watched Violent Night on the weekend. Awesome! But I'm also yet to watch Silent Night, with Joel Kinnamen.

Yeah that's definitely on the list. Hopefully it'll be good.

I tend to watch the whole Marvel lineup to this day starting early December and my wife and I watch the whole shebang of Harry Potter on Christmas eve and day.

March/April I tend to rewatch Boston Legal and the cliffnotes of Dragon Ball OG to Super. Rest of the shows I rewatch aren't as tied to time of year.

The Harry Potter films. I just finished HalfBlood Prince this evening.

They are good "holiday" movies. They're just good movies.

My favorite movie to watch at this time of year, or any time of the year for that matter, has to be the multiple Golden Globe nominated sensation of 2023, Barbie, which, coincidentally, is also available on Blu-Ray and select streaming services.

You should watch it too.

A Christmas Horror Story (2015) has been one of my favorites (since it came out, obviously) but my family doesn't usually let me pick the movies to watch because - and this is true - I like bad movies.

...Not like I only like bad movies, or all the movies that I like are bad... But I have a track record of liking movies that the rest of the fam thinks are bad.

You should hang out with my wife. Though having "bad tastes" does lend itself to some awesomely bad movies. My wife has found some gems that are so bad they are good.

Klaus is new-ish and has found a special place in my heart. It's just a great movie!

I rewatch the Blade Runner movies every year on Boxing Day. Sometimes I do different cuts, but mostly final cut. Then BR2049 turned out good enough to add to the tradition, so I watch that next.

So uh.... how familiar are you with the Doctor Who radio plays that started when the show was off the air in the 90s? 🟣🍮

Home Alone I: Kevin is alone in the house
Home Alone II: Kevin is alone in the house in New York
Home Alone III: Dennis the Menace
Home Alone IIII: Fake Kevin is alone in the house
Home Alone IIIII: Heeeeiiiiist
Home Alone IIIIII: Kevin and New Kevin alone in the house (not New York)

Today it's the Doctor Who episode "A Christmas Carol", on the day that we're all halfway out of the dark.

Die Hard and Six Degrees of Celebration

We don't do it anymore, but we used to watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special when I was growing up. Nowadays we don't have a tradition like that, but I'll always do my best to watch The Santa Clause because it's one of my favorite holiday moves.

BOOGIE NIGHTS and MAGNOLIA, one on Christmas Eve the other on New Year's Eve--depending on my mood or what I did the year before.