Senior Republicans fear Trump will tap the RNC to cover legal bills again to politics – 182 points –
Senior Republicans fear Trump will tap the RNC to cover legal bills again

Several senior Republican officials are concerned that Donald Trump’s expected takeover of the RNC will ultimately pave the way for the committee to once again cover his legal bills.

Those fears come in the aftermath of Trump endorsing a trio of officials, including his daughter-in-law, to take on top roles at the RNC. While those endorsements have been well-received by many committee members — who note that it is customary for a presidential candidate to put his imprint on the party’s main campaign apparatus — others fear a potential misallocation of party resources.

Henry Barbour, a Mississippi committeeman, said he believed “most RNC members will go along” with Trump’s vision for the committee, “unless there is a play to use RNC funds for President Trump’s legal bills.”


Subjugating yourself to a grifter and then whining about being grifted is just so Republican.

Henry Barbour, a Mississippi committeeman, said he believed “most RNC members will go along” with Trump’s vision for the committee, “unless there is a play to use RNC funds for President Trump’s legal bills.”

lmao, as if.

They'll kiss his ring faster than Lindsey Graham when he comes knocking for the RNC to cover his legal bills.

note that it is customary for a presidential candidate to put his imprint on the party’s main campaign apparatus

Yes, except he isn't the nominee yet. Imagine a world where Trump is convicted quickly and Republicans decide he's unelectable and Nikki Haley pulls out the win...and then Trump's daughter in law pays Trump's legal bills anyway.

You don't have to wait until all the states have had their primaries but it seems prudent to wait until a candidate has a majority of delegates. Even just wait until Super Tuesday in 3 weeks after which 40% of delegates will be assigned.

Good. Let him bankrupt the party before the general. Let's see how they do without their war chest.

I'm actually pretty happy Trump exists. He's literally destroying the Republican party from the inside because he's so incredibly greedy.

I'm also furious at this p.o.s as he heads the "party of personal responsibility" and goes on and on about evil socialism while essentially benefitting from a type of socialism... Redistribution of wealth to him is not only a good thing, but expected. Redistribution of wealth to help needy Americans is literally worse than the Holocaust...

I'm actually pretty happy Trump exists.

Good to know you're not one of the many women he's sexually abused. Good to know you're not a pregnant child being forced to give birth to her rapists baby after Roe was overturned. Good to know you're not one of the million+ Americans who've died of the pandemic Trump bungled.

I'm glad you're privileged enough for the Trump administration to not have devastated your well-being.

Fuck accelerationism.

He’s trying to install his daughter as the head of the RNC, and she’s basically said as much. Come on, republicans. This is not a hard formula to solve: if you don’t want him to take all your money, you need to stop dealing with him.

if you don’t want him to take all your money, you need to stop dealing with him.

Not gonna happen. The GOP is what we call in poker "pot committed."

Say what you want about the RNC and Republicans, but they have a lot of sway over their base and are much better at messaging than the DNC. They could dump Trump with a unified effort (and naturally have some temporal fallout), but the fact that they haven't really tried says that they like being his cucks.

The RNC has the far right on lock because the quiet part is largely out loud now. Meanwhile, the DNC needs everyone else but actively tells anybody further left than mid right or so to fuckin shove IT. Even Democrat voters are more hostile to leftists than they are Republicans/MAGAts.

As long as the DNC is capitalist first and political second, they're just rolling over for Trump.

Is the temporal fallout radioactive? Where in the timeline would the radiation be strongest? If it's in the future, it's probably something I could live with since I'll never have to experience it. But in the past, I might not be born.

I'm sure Putin will be willing to bail them out for all the help they've been providing.

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The cynical view would be that a big part of US democracy is the media spectacle and election extravaganza to make people think they have a meaningful impact.

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Nonsense. He won't tap the RNC coffers. Please.

He will shanelessly gorge himself at the trough. He will decimate their finances completely to try to save his skin with no concern whatsoever for other candidates, policies, goals or anything else beyond his own ass.

He’s not gonna tap it, now. He’s gonna slam it like a fat family slams those cakes at the all you can eat Chinese buffet joint.

Good thing Susan Collins assures us he's learned his lesson.

Something something leopards

Something something believe them the first time

Ad nauseam

-the GOP

And a nice dollop of bad faith plopped on everything they serve.

The cheats and cowards in the GOP know exactly what to do to stop the orange idiot. They just won't do it because they have less moral courage than inert dust.

They won't do it because they care more about their jobs than their country. The Republicans who gave a damn were forced out.

My parents used to have my sisters and I hide our wallets and valuables when one of my dad's cousins used to come over. Maybe he should be in charge of the RNC, too?

Eh, it's fitting for trump to do this--he is the Republican party now.

It is a mark of prudence never to place our complete trust in those who have deceived us even once.

Marks afraid that the con man will con them… again.

It's not even a con, his daughter said that's exactly the plan.

Weirdly, they panic over a con when this is literally the game plan.