Nikki Haley says she would pardon Donald Trump if elected president to politics – 222 points –
Nikki Haley says she would pardon Donald Trump if elected president

So... She's admitting he broke the law?

A pardon is essentially that. But only literally in the case of a conviction. You can issue blanket pardons which basically say "if you did something, you are pardoned". These do not have the direct acknowledgement of guilt but it's obviously heavily implied.

These don't side-step prosecution though, just the sentence if found guilty, correct?

Well don't think there's a point prosecuting someone (i.e. spending insane amounts of taxpayer money) if, in the end, you achieve "nothing", in terms of punishment.

There might still be indirect punishment in terms of a hit to public image but eh

I feel like in a high profile case like this the prosecutor would still want to prosecute. If for nothing more than to help make a name for themselves. Of course it's likely that some funding for such a trial would be taken away after the pardon was issued. It would be an interesting states rights issue though. Can a president pardon someone for a state level crime? I think the consensus is no, but I'm not a lawyer so I wouldn't really know.

The governor of said state pardons for state crimes

Nikki Haley: Cool with treason.

Cool with treason committed by Republicans.

Really it's the Democrats fault. If they'd just been Republicans this never would have happened. -s

Well, I blame the Republicans. The Democrats are trying to become Republicans, but the Republicans keep running farther right so fast the Democrats can't catch up.

Yep. She's not an alternative to Trump. She's just a Trump clone with better make-up and more stylish heels. Same for Ron Desantis. I don't think Ramaswamy wore heels, otherwise the same could be said about him.

I didn't realize till recently she wasn't white, cause she does everything in her power to portray that she is

'Proud Daughter Of Indian Immigrants': Nikki Haley Launches 2024 U.S. Presidential Bid, that this news may not have reached you is not her fault.

Honestly, it kinda is. She's anglicized herself profusely to appeal to bigots. Denied that America is a country with issues with racism while at the same time claiming that she faced racial discrimination when younger. Giving everyone whiplash as she displayed either the depth of her dishonesty or ability to handle cognitive dissonance.

I would vote for an honest, intelligent nimrata any day over A soulless moral less fashy Nikki.

She's anglicized herself profusely to appeal to bigots

Not to defend her, but she has gone by her middle name, Nikki, since she was born. It's is a Punjabi name meaning "little one". She later took her husband's last name when they married, which is a pretty normal thing for people to do.

To be fair, she could simply be arguing that racism, while a major issue she faced in her youth, is now a largely solved issue in modern America.

Not that I agree. Just pointing out that it isn't an inherently dishonest position. Things change over time, and things are in fact better than when she was young.

Not solved by any stretch for sure. America still struggles with bigotry in all forms. But it wasn't that long ago that Barak Obama was actively arguing against gay marriage on national TV. We've come a long way for sure.

Some of us have. Others, like Haley enabled and encourage those that haven't. So while I agree it's possible for people in good faith to make that optimistically incorrect assertion. Haley can't.

And you aren't wrong about Obama. Ironically it was Biden of all people if I remember correctly. That pushed the issue passed the tipping point. With one of his patented gaffes. But that's why good people can justify supporting Democrats generally. Despite largely being as hurt to themselves and everyone else. They often are decent people deep down no matter how misguided they are. Eventually willing to change their views after enough pushback with facts and evidence. Haley and those like herself, however, are shown that they are just soulless selfish, sycophants in search of power.

she would pardon him to unify America.

What she means is that she would do it to placate Trumps dangerous cult. There are a thousand things republicans could do if they really cared about "unity" but letting a racist piece of trash criminal like Trump off the hook isn't one of them.

Yeah this action would do the opposite of uniting me with them lol

She's trying to position herself for Vice President candidate since it's becoming clear she can't win the primary.

Trump already said she would never pick Nancy Pelosi to be his VP.

I don't understand this comment in this context.

Edit: thanks for explaining!

Trump mixed up Pelosi and Haley in a reference to Jan 6. Not just a single slip up.. but a full rant multiple times he said Haley instead of Pelosi.

"Law and order". My ass.

To conservatives the meaning of law and order is simple but not the same as it is for Liberals or Social Dems. For conservatives law exists to maintain the order of existing social hierarchies and to bind the people into those hierarchies. It binds women below men by stripping them of bodily autonomy, it binds black people below white people by stripping them of their vote then criminalizing protest, it goes on and on like this and becomes painfully obvious once we learn to see it for what it is.

I get what you're saying. But I still take a little bit of issue with it. Conservatives don't have a special definition of law and order. They are using law and order as it was intended. I think liberals etc. Have a false impression of what it was ever supposed to be. Laws absolutely can be and often are unjust. The order almost undoubtedly always is corrupt. And the laws are specifically to preserve the order. Nothing else.

What you want. What any good person should want. Is justice and peace. Things we aren't really allowed to have. All because of law and order. So I ask you, what good is law and order? Give it some consideration. I think you will come to a similar conclusion. Justice even if it's a threat to the order is necessary for meaningful peace. And laws don't bring justice.

If she wins and pardons Trump ... Trump, IMHO, would have her assassinated and try to take over the government. Again.

How can she not see that ?

I mean, if I were running I'd absolutely say in public that I'd pardon him if he were to drop out. Then I absolutely would not pardon him after I won.

"Unify America" my ass. That's not what this move would do.

Elect me and I will pardon your new lord and savior. I got his back! (Wink) À la Jeb: Please clap.

She can't pardon the state crimes. That would take a governor.

Not in Georgia. They have a pardon and parole board, and without getting into the weeds, there is no way to escape incarceration through a pardon in GA.

The same board does have the power to commute sentences, though.

I hope her word is as good as his word was when it came to the Jan 6th rioters.

Any time they talk about not looking back but looking forward "“We’ve got to leave the negativity and the baggage behind", it means -I'll forgive them for what they did in hopes the people that come after me will forgive me in the same way.