Appellate judge refuses to halt Trump's $454 million fraud penalty while he appeals to – 530 points –
Appellate judge refuses to halt Trump's $454 million fraud penalty while he appeals

A New York appellate judge on Wednesday refused to halt collection of Donald Trump’s $454 million civil fraud penalty while he appeals, rejecting the former president’s request that he be allowed to post a bond covering just a fraction of what he owes.

Judge Anil Singh of the state’s mid-level appeals court ruled that Trump must post a bond covering the full amount in order to stop enforcement of the judgment. Singh did grant some of Trump’s requests, including pausing a three-year ban on him seeking loans from New York banks — which could help him secure the necessary bond.

Trump’s lawyers told the appellate court earlier Wednesday that Trump was prepared to post a $100 million bond, arguing that the lending ban in the Feb. 16 verdict made it impossible for him to secure a bond for the full amount.

Trump’s lawyers floated the smaller bond offer in court papers as they sought an order from the appellate court preventing New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office from enforcing the judgment while his appeal plays out. Singh ruled that Trump needs to post the full amount, which would pause collection automatically.


“One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?’ I said, ‘You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want,” Trump said. “You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills,” he added.

May I be the first to say...

Sour note?

I want happy noises cause this is great news and also hilarious.

Riker is expressing his pity for the poor little baby.

Wut? Nobody pities that little baby. But at least now we know he's poor.

Don't you think he looks tired?

He looks very unhealthy without his makeup.

He looks like he's lost a lot of weight too. Makes me wonder if he's just loading up on cocaine or something as he approaches an inevitable end.

Hopefully it's just stress destroying his body... fucker doesn't deserve a high.

I hope he dies really fucking slowly with the maximum amount of pain.

But hopefully with something that causes him to become too ill to make public appearances relatively quickly.

I don't think I can put up with another five years of him.

The appellate judge paused Engoron’s two-year ban on Eric and Donald Trump Jr. holding executive positions in New York corporations, meaning they can continue running the company. He also paused a similar three-year ban that applied to Trump, but said the company must move forward with hiring an independent compliance director to ensure it follows financial reporting obligations and rules.

That’s more of a concession than I would like to see the courts make. Trump’s lawyers argued that government oversight of the Trump organization is sufficient to secure non-payment of the judgment against him and a bond of just a faction of the judgement amount is merely “additional security”.

Like if I robbed a bank and after I’m found guilty I tell the court: “I appeal the guilty verdict! But I’m gonna keep most the money while I do. You’re the government, you know where I live, so it’s all good man.”

God I just love the irony of him not being able to pay this after him bragging about being a billionaire

So they're going to let him get a loan to pay bond for the appeal. So he'll be able to appeal if any bank takes that bet.

The NY AG seems to be on track to ensure he can't get a loan from a bank in NY (where the assets are). He can still use a bond agency like any other criminal, though.

What's more likely is a large anonymous donation from overseas and he's even more a controlled agent to a foreign power than he was before.

They have a monitor on the board though don't they?

They do and she seems great so far.

It seemed fuzzy on whether he has to pay the fines from current assets or not the last I heard, but if he makes a new company in Nevada and it suddenly has a bunch of money, then it could take years to track down who bribed him this time.

3 more...

Pay up buttercup. I wonder how upset his Russian handlers will be with this since he owes them half a billion too.

I imagine they see it less as a loan and more as a purchase.

Delinquent? James can do whatever the hell she wants.