choose a superpower rule to – 311 points –

I can slap people over TCP/IP

Doing so causes your internet service to cut out for several hours.

I’d still use it occasionally.

I'd still use it all the time. Losing internet for a while sucks, but letting someone you'll never meet express their wrong opinions to equally unimportant strangers on a fake place for fake internet points without consequences??????????

Slap people wirelessly, and get a break from the internet to cool off? sign me up.

Is it just the service I was using at the time to perform the slap, or all internet access is closed to me? Also, is it computer based only, or could I potentially buy 20 burner phones to slap the shit out of someone? What about VPNs?

So you can go outside and calm down from therandom internet argument, good call

Being the first known human to fully interface with a machine also leads to the discovery of cross-platform illnesses.

You are the first human to experience the effects of a backdoor trojan firsthand.

Trojan can't communicate with host, still a win

I can feel the same emotions as others and am able to communicate without any misunderstandings.

It only works on depressed people.

I'm sooooo ok with this. Being able to understand where their depression was and able to communicate perfectly how to shift their perspective would give me a purpose that would kill my depression and realign my perspective.

Become the best psychiatrist for depressed people ever

whenever a bird chirps you hear the actual meaning of its song, as if it were shouted at you in your native tongue.

I kind of like that one. Might be a bit overwhelming but at the beginning it sounds like fun 😃

You also have Tourette's

"I can tell that you are dealing with a lot of PISSNUGGETS emotion trauma right now."

Ads are blocked for me in real life. Billboards, posters, tv-commercials, all gone!

They are blocked by obnoxious flashing and loud beeping noises.

I instantly know the answer to ANY question

you now have access to cursed, ancient knowledge and it drives you crazy

blank reply?

Gif. Maybe your instance isn't showing it.

possibly not, i've been having issues on and off this morning

It's a gif! I swear it's not blank haha

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull when the lady asks for all knowledge

yeah i've been speaking with the owner of this instance and they're doing some tweaks so things are a little funky

... but you are a callcenter agent working in first level IT support.

Written/spoken in random language every time

Photographic memory!

But your keys keep disappearing, even though you know you've put them there.

The only thing you can remember is what the inside of your own lower intestine like like.

Summon lobsters at will.

I can jump 10x my own height and can stick to walls

You have no built in shock absorption and the substance you secrete that allows you to stick to walls also gives you eczema.

All my bodily functions smells nice, sort of perfume-like.

Your perfume-like scent acts as a pheromone to all insects in your proximity, leading to an endless swarm everywhere you go

So basically anytime I sweat already, but I'll at least smell better. I honestly see no downsides.

All smells you used to enjoy smell like bodily functions.

I can materialize any technology I want, whether it is possible or not.

Everything materialized will run on coal

But everytime you do it you get sued for patent infringement

Mosquitos that drink my blood instantly die

But mosquitoes can detect you from much further away. Like several kilometers.

You take a bullet for the team.


Seeds i plant always grow to the full size plant in a day.

They grow immediately, which leads to you getting either stuck inside a tree with wood in your lungs or getting impaled by a plant.

In doing so you also grant the plant sentience with a mind that develops at the same pace as its physical maturity.

These plants are fully aware that

A. They have been robbed of a full life, B. They exist solely for the harvest C. They are the only ones of their kind and are alone in the vast uncaring universe beyond the prison you call a “window sill”.

They also see you planting other seeds and understand that makes you their parent. It’s a lot to process.

Does obtaining the financial security of the average adult American in the 1980s count as a superpower? Home ownership on near-minimum wage does seem pretty fantastical.

But you become extremely jaded and disappointed in anyone younger than yourself, overcome with än irredeemable urge to tell people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps

i get the superpower of getting to move through solid objects

But you're still affected by gravity so you immediately start freefall into the centre of the earth

I can see dead people

... and they see you. You remind them of the taste of food. It's been so long.

...but everyone already knows that before they see the movie about your life.

I can undo and retry fumbled social interactions.

But you shit yourself while you're going home every time.

Retrying these fumbled social interactions can occasionally lead to absurdly consequential butterfly effects that rock the foundations of the world around you. Every disaster stemming from a social retake is preceded by a benign itch in the back of your ear. Sometimes you just get that itch for literally no reason anyway, though.

I have a set of mental buttons i can press which lets me instantly fix some common flaws of being a human:

  • fall asleep
  • stop humming a song stuck in my head
  • stop feeling light headaches
  • postpone hunger for 3 hours
  • shut of tinnitus
  • make the itching stop

Pressing one inconvenience-fixing button also causes a random inconvenience in the list to reoccur. Hope you like invisible splinters in your socks and random hiccups every time you want to cure your allergies.

When you push one of those buttons, it's effect is random.

"I really need to get this song out of my head so I can concentrate on cla....ZZZZZZZZZZ"

You fall asleep easily, but you have wicked sleep apnea.

You can stop humming songs but it dials the intrusive thoughts up to 11

Good news, your light headaches have been replaced with moderate migraines.

You can postpone your hunger for 3 hours, but anything you consume within that window you permanently develop a sickness taste aversion to.

The ringing in your ear has been replaced with the Wilhelm scream.

The itching has stopped. The only price was IBS.

Telekinesis with no mass limit.

But it also has no speed limit, causing items you pull around to reach light speed almost instantly, effectively growing to infinite size for the duration of the pull

Honestly, in controlled conditions, I think I can benefit humanity with this.

I can stop, start, slow down, and speed up time.

But every time you do it, you fall asleep until someone else wakes you up with the magic formula "wake up, you dummy! Wake up!" When you wake up the effect is over.

I can learn information & skills extremely quickly, and I get to choose what I hyperlearn and what I regular learn (for example, I can basically flip through the DSM 5 and memorize everything, or watch a tutorial on 2x skill and nail it first try)