Are we doing anything to prevent becoming Voat? to – 142 points –

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Weird racist posts from dank memes keeps showing up in my feed. Are we doing anything to prevent becoming Voat 2.0? We're really concerned about Threads and that's a big unknown. Weird racists already destroyed the last Reddit escape are we concerned about that? Like are we going to make a policy of defederating hate groups?

I'm pretty confident this community is using fake accounts since every post starts at ~20 and then gets down voted after it's been forced into a bunch of people's feed.

If not that's fine I guess but does anyone have a suggestion for somewhere that will?


Personally, I'm continuing my efforts to not be a racist piece of shit.

It's not much, but it's honest work

The Soros cheques certainly come in handy.

True true, I remember my first Soros cheque. From next month we'll get a bonus if we keep using Lemmy. But at least 500 comments per month. That's hard :(

I'm gonna crosspost my comment from the original post:

I’m guessing your instance admins didn’t defederate from You can either ask your admin to defederate, or move to an instance that has defederated them.

You can check which instances are federated and which are blocked by opening the instance in a browser and scrolling to the bottom and clicking "instances". is federated with that's why OP is seeing racist shit.

Yeah. It's very disappointing that the admin of this instance hasn't done that. For now, I've just blocked all the communities I've seen, but I'm considering switching instances at some point because fuck those literal Nazis.

Defederating from that instance is an absolute must, if you want to take a small step from preventing Voatification. That instance took from where Wolfballs left off.

BTW every time I see you commenting on something it makes me think I joined the right instance. Well, I joined after checking that out but you are just making it so easy to be happy about it.

Funny, I checked the username after reading your comment and sure enough it was Quentin. I feel exactly the same about choosing Sopuli so far.

User also joined at the same time they crossposted these and neither them or the OP has replied, something is sketchy...

The OP, the Crosspost OP, and the racist posts could be the same person trying spread this idea that Lemmy is failing trying to scare people away.

Not making accusations, just a wild speculation. 🤔

Does Lemmy have the ability to move an account to another instance? I know you can delete and recreate, but the former would be useful for occasions like this.

I have a "Ruin their day in any possible way" policy when dealing with nazis online, in person I have a "punch them in the mouth and see what happens" policy.

Based and you-can't-propagandize-with-a-mouthful-of -broken-teeth pilled

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Currently your server just needs to defederate from and to avoid nonsense. Basically all other servers moderate really well

Voat was by and for the weird racists from the start.

Was it? I don't ask that to be a jackass. I remember being on there briefly before the racist and jailbait bans on Reddit and it didn't come across as terribly racist to me at the beginning. But it sure as hell got really racist, creepy, and fat-hatey really damn quick.

There's a possibility I just missed it. I'm pretty oblivious unless something is right in my face.

To the best of my memory, it started out as a less moderated more free speech space. But that kind of place online tends to attract racists, bigots, and haters because most places online are very free except for those kinds of speech.

Voat was founded to be free speech maximalist relative to Reddit. Basically the only subreddits Reddit ever banned that weren't bigots or pedophiles were r/shoplifting because corpos don't like being stolen from and r/chapotraphouse to present an appearance of impartiality when banning r/thedonald.

When someone online bemoans a lack of free speech, you have to ask, "free speech to say what?" in much the same tone as you might ask, "states' rights to do what?"

IIRC, Voat either was created in response to or got popular after the banning of /r/fatpeoplehate and some other shitty subs.

I'll never forget my first trip to Voat, literally Nazi shit on the front page with a shitton of votes.

Never went back.

Happy it's gone.

I think it was a good plan-b for about a week; but yeah, it went to absolute shite in such record time.

There's actual moderation on each community, so that helps. As does the fact that it's not being populated just by people who were booted from Reddit for being too hateful.

It's inevitable there will be a corner of the fediverse that's hyper-racist, though. Having an authority is a double-edged sword but so is not having one.

guessing you haven't seen the massive defederation wave against anything racist or bigoted. this complaint is a about a non-issue.

Is there a list of known racist instances that I can use to defederate my instance from?

Yes sir, there's lots of lists. Go to any instance that is a safe space and check out their defederation lists.

Look at beehaw defederated list. That should give you an idea.

Fun fact, lemmynsfw is not defederated by beehaw. also has a lemmygrad instance that is spamming propaganda and disinformation in all the news / politics subs. The !worldnews here is just about useless since it's 75% lemmygrad users and their alts spamming nonsense.

I've blocked two users who spam pro-China propaganda non stop in that /c/. Ugh

It's definitely a problem here. They spam to every news community, then brigade the votes. And, they use a bunch of alt accounts on different instances.

Lol, oh good, they've seen this. I forgot to mention, they also brigade. 5 downvotes in 5 minutes.

Yep. I'd be perfectly fine with defederating from It's just as bad as lemmygrad. Tankies are fucking annoying and they all brigade like crazy.

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Instances in general will defederate with other instances that careless about the law. The problem with these people is that they are not there because Lemmy exists. They exist anyway. The question is want you interact with them.

Instances already defederate servers that giving people a platform to write thier illegal shit in the fediverse. They get blocked by users. But they exist anyway.

I think it's a self regulating system of common sense and in the end there will be bubbles that don't interact with each other. So basically how it is in social media already.

The difference between the Fediverse and Voat is decentralisation vs. centralisation and this is what the fediverse makes more robust. Aside from it's challenges regarding it's protocol with Threads in scope.