Do you see a problem?

Like A to Lemmy – 1182 points –

He died how he lived, defending third world supply chains for the profit of the western oligarchs that consider poories like him subhuman livestock.

Thanks for defending your owner's ego score quarterly growth/metastasis expectations with your insignificant little sucker peasant life, Billy! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’°πŸ€‘

Well, patriotism can be necessary to deal with the constant fear to loose your child.

I don't understand this statement. Can you rephrase and/or edit? ^^

I'm struggling with the question what exactly is hard to understand. Soldier's parents live in the constant fear that their child might one day just be killed in some conflict a d in order to cope, they use their patriotism

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I would rather die for greedy capitalism nation rather than live against the social norm.

Too many people have taken your comment seriously. I felt the sarcasm was decently clear but I guess not.

"My son has never killed a family in a foreign country because someone told them to."

Wow what a privilege for you to only have the option of not being a man or perish in battle. There is no middle point

Yeah that soldier's boots aren't bloused!

Well, my "son" is a girl both biologically and in terms of gender, so I guess that's correct?

Well that's super fucked up.

I'm sure this will make them reconsider their position.

What part of shitpost don't you understand??

I dont understand "shitpost" but i find most of the posts funny

The shitpost part

Then I highly recommend you unsub. Otherwise, you're in for a bad time.

I'm not subbed