Unblockable political spammer ads now on Reddit.

blarth@thelemmy.club to Reddit@lemmy.world – 298 points –

The problem with Babylon Bee is that conservatives aren’t smart enough to know it’s satire. So now we have to rebut and defend against the bullshit they read there as if it were real.

The Babylon Bee also makes articles under the guise of satire in an attempt to take advantage of this very fact. They're basically a misinformation source that calls themselves satire because they know their base will take them seriously, but they can deny it. They're basically Fox News calling themselves the onion.

Yep, they are not satire at all, recently a video from them popped up in my feed, that's about gender reassignment surgery, there was nothing satirical or funny about it

Entertainment. They said they can't be sued because no one would take them seriously because they aren't news, they are "entertainment." They won.

That was fucking ridiculous. As if there's not ample evidence that millions of people take Fox News seriously.

I think calling conservatives "dumb" is needlessly inflammatory, and what's worse, is it's incorrect. They just fall for a common human failing: confirmation bias, amongst other well known fallacies.

"They're not dumb, they're just worse at processing information than their other fellow humans."

That's just the point. These failings are common. That means we all fall prey to these faults from time to time. Just remember when you point a finger, at least three get pointed back to you.

It's not our fault reality scares conservatives. It's their fault for refusing to make friends with what they cannot change. If the unknown scares them so much, what they should do is get familiar, not hostile.

People who make bad and wrong decisions deserve nothing positive. They deserve to learn why they are bad and wrong.

No. They're dumb. It's scientifically proven at this point. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289609000051

Had a quick glance at this study. Forgive any mistakes, but I have a few "faulting" observations:

  • over a third of the sampled people were people seeking immigration to the US. It could be argued that it could be argued that this points purely to the type of conservatives that seek entry outside their home country. Not the general population of conservatives.
  • this study only looks at a statistical correlation. It's dangerous to infer causation from correlation as correlation does not equal causation.
  • intelligence measuring as had a long and troubled past. For instance, some tests were used to "prove" black people dumb. Turns out these tests relied on prior knowledge denied to black people. It can be very difficult to account for culture.
  • maybe the tests used in this study only measure for people that are good at taking tests.

There is such a thing as self controlled ignorance (or whatever its called), conservitives use it all the time. Someone reminded me what thin excuses manifesting as jokes look like and why they are used.

if you think Babylon Bee is satire I recommend you watch this https://www.youtube.com/shorts/U2Srxl7bw6c

and then tell me how it is anything but thinly veiled right-wing propaganda

edit: or this https://youtube.com/shorts/fo4ly63TJNw?si=zQg5iTQC5MYp4pYT

I could be convinced that the first one is satire about what conservatives think the country is turning into, some real Tony Zaret shit

::: spoiler deleted Oh, yeah, We pushed so hard for it that now its (to the best of my limited knowledge, also hopefully) behind a psyche eval instead of a simple (dumb, no complex logic) age gate.

Its a decently made skit with a well written script. Good job making mential poison, Now stop being a weasel and go do somthing better with your life. :::

we**, it's*, psych*, mental*, now** (**or maybe you meant to use a semicolon instead of a comma).

Consider reading without giving input until you understand what people are talking about.

Wow, i didnt relize how terrably made my comment was. Im going to delete it do more work and try again.

Pretty sure that site is satire, iirc with some right leaning bias but my memory is vague.

So it's political ads, but at least fake politics :P

"Satire". That site is as subtle with its propaganda as Trump is. This is just pushing the stole election bs, paid for to be on the front page no matter what.

Correct, it's supposed to be The Onion but conservative.

It's hard to tell sometimes because conservatives suck at comedy.

Indeed, the Babylon Bee is very cringe

Conservative humor: trip a child and laugh when it is injured.

Of course he gave a sizeable lead with them, his base never threatened to kill them.

Is this appearing on feeds that don't include r/babylonbee? Shouldn't there be some sort of an ad indicator if so?

Yeah, it didn’t have the 3 dot menu to show less posts about this or whatever. It was like an ad that I couldn’t get rid of via any method in the app. It wasn’t simply a post on the sub. I don’t visit that sub, showed up in my curated feed.

BabylonBee is a satire site

it's like The Onion except strong right wing christian extremist bias

And no satire

idk I'd say the OP headline is technically satire, it just falls flat because the thing being satirized (Biden rigging the election) is not true and blatant misinformation.

Well, sure they have reasonable doubt, but then you watch something like this: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/U2Srxl7bw6c

and well, you know, hard to deny what they are doing...

To be clear I don't think satire, political propaganda, and bigotry are mutually exclusive things. I'm not saying I think babylon bee is satire as a way of defending it, just that it mostly meets the definition.

the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

Don't think it fits if it's "exposing" something that's intentionally misleading

I don't think the use of the word "expose" in that sentence is meant to assert that the core of satire is that it must be right. Satire is a type of media/expression, it would make little sense to have a taxonomy of media where what genre something is depends on the personal political affiliations and beliefs of the observer, where saying what genre something is in is a declaration of those beliefs.

Why object to calling it satire? It's obviously closely copying the format of other media primarily known by that label, I don't think there's any other term that works as well to describe what sort of thing it is.

Wait wait wait... She wants a tattoo, says "my body, my choice" (clearly referencing abortion rights) and he says "No, tattoos are permanent" ... You mean LIKE A BABY??? They must be pro abortion then right?? Because an underage kid can't do permanent things like have a baby unless their parents sign off on it according to this shit I mean skit.

Also 16-18 yrs old is when you make ALL the life altering decisions, like learning to drive, picking what college to go to, what career to pursue. I couldn't have a single conversation with an adult at that age without them asking what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Anyways, I could go on but I'm preaching to the choir. This would definitely give the biggest hate boner to their right wing bigoted audience who wouldn't know what hypocrisy is if it contradicted itself in their face.

Omg some of their videos are hilarious. Not for the reason they wanted it to be, but still. "Woke Jesus" for example.

Woke Jesus says to be saved, you have to be less white. Meanwhile, the person they have playing Woke Jesus is a white guy. They miss the point while demonstrating how to miss the point in the same video, unintentionally and ironically hilarious

BabylonBee is right wing propaganda that uses "satire" as a shield to deflect criticism

okay, why repost it here then?

I get that, but this particular community is about Reddit. You're gonna see reddit-related content here.

Is that because the only people hand counting now are regressives?

It's the Babylon Bee. Not spam, not an ad. Maybe shit, but still

I would put something that’s only “funny” because we all agree Biden stole the election amirite, in a different category. It’s like racist jokes; I don’t think the supposed funniness of it makes it suddenly harmless.

Oh, definitely agree with you on that one. I was only defending the right of a platform to suggest content to its users, regardless of what that content is

Reddit shows you communities that you are not subscribed to in your subscription feed.

The idea is to show you new communities you might be interested in.

The question is whether it is just doing it on the base of an algorithm or if you can pay to have communities recommended more often

Reddit shows you communities that you are not subscribed to in your subscription feed.

Yeah, like I said, not spam and not an ad. It's just an internal algorithmic recommendation

It was an ad though. I couldn’t do anything to get rid of it, it wasn’t simply a suggested community post in the app.

An ad is something that a 3d party buys to appear on a platform. This is a recommendation by the platform itself, so I would not define it as an ad

You still do not understand.

When a community is suggested to you on Reddit, there is an option to see less of it, effectively blocking it from your feed. This had no option like that available, no fly out menu in the app.