US Sen. Mitch McConnell has a possible stroke during a press event to Crazy Fucking – 280 points –
Watch: Sen. Mitch McConnell appears to freeze during presser

I watched the video, unfortunately he appears to have survived.

Turtles are known for their long if slow lives. And inhibiting traffic

This is a human being we've talking about. You can dislike him as much as you want but don't be rude.

You're asking us to have sympathy for someone who has ruined the lives of millions of people for his own gain and is actively continuing to do so. I hope it's a stroke and I hope it hurts.

This is a human being we've talking about.

Is he, though?

That’s what the other turtles want you to believe

I say this with as much respect as it deserves. Fuck Mitch McConnell, I hope he dies a painful death, and fuck anyone who thinks that he deserves any amount of respect or human dignity. He has been undermining the American people for decades and has has helped millions of people die due to republican policy.

I agree with you for just about every other human in existence. Not Mitch. Fuck that traitor.

There are 8 billion humans on this planet, neither him nor any one else is special in any way. We are all just sacks of meat and then we die. So wishing ill of a particularly rotten sack of meat is perfectly acceptable.

When that fucker has done more damage and caused so much death I don't give a damn what he is.

He's a shit human being and I will celebrate the moment he is out of our misery because of the very direct pain he's caused.

Agreed. Hate people all you want, but outside of like Hitler or Osama Bin Laden, there’s no reason for a good person to wish for someone to die.

No reason? McConnell works to make the lives of thousands of people worse, on purpose. The world would be better if he wasn't in it. Seems like enough reason to me.

Bin Laden was terrible but I don't know about him and hitler in the same category.

He watched thousands of his own people and civilians get killed by the US before he reacted. Was his reaction wrong? Yes. Should he have stood trial in the US? Yes. Is he on the same scale as hitler? Not even close.

Fair, wasn’t sure who else to include in the example… Mao? Lenin? The “scientist” who led all the human trials in the holocaust?

McConnell has killed far more people than Bin Laden. Just the number of people who die from lack of affordable medical care is 15 9/11s every year.

I can understand the hate. Mitch is one of the architects of the current political environment. Obstruct, shift blame, and stack the courts... he's been a leader in all of that. The world as a whole will not be worse off when he's gone.

2 more...
2 more...

God dam we need a cutoff age for being in any level of political office and a yearly cognitive test to see if they are fit for office. Hell we should be able to vote them out of office mid term if we want. Fuck these old cunts ruining thr world for profit.

It would be callous, rude, and unfeeling to laugh at him. Fortunately, I am all three.

You can be sad for the person who is suffering from the effects of aging while criticizing the politician for their policies and refusal to resign despite being unfit.

Yes, absolutely. You can be sad for the person, critical of the pol, and enjoy a delicious sense of schadenfreude at the traitor's humiliation. (Whether or not he feels human emotions at all is beyond my ken.)

Is it confirmed it was a stroke? They wheeled that cryptkeeper out to speak again later. These people are cold as ice.

Looks like it could be an absence seizure. Don’t think it’s confirmed. Given the lack of FAST symptoms other than speech problems, I’m not thinking it was a stroke.

Either that or his operating system encountered an unexpected error and he needed to be rebooted.

FAST can help to identify a possible stroke but the lack of FAST symptoms doesn't rule out a stroke. So CVA/TIA is still a possibility along with a dozen other things.

I think he's too old for an operating system error. Probably something mechanical. Broken spring maybe.

Well it took long enough for his colleagues to even give a shit. He just stands there for like a full minute staring into space before anyone does anything. And then they are more concerned if there’s “anything else he’d like to say” grandpa, rather than, ARE YOU OK???

I've always thought he might have PD. Freezing can occur with this. While I don't wish the torture of neurological disease on anyone, damn this guy is a scumbag asshole.

I hope it wasn’t a stroke and that it was something more benign like an aura seizure instead. But if it actually was a stroke? It couldn’t have happened to a better person.

Someone needs to put this video clip to a Vietnam flashback video.

We don't know what it was, yet. Likely never will.

Whatever it was, he's one of th few people I have no qualms saying that I hope it hurt.

You guys hear about that ira aniversary theya?