Google is switching the Pixel 9 to an ultrasonic fingerprint reader

limerod@reddthat.commod to – 114 points –
Exclusive: Google is finally adding an ultrasonic fingerprint reader to the Pixel 9

I miss the physical fingerprint reader on the back. Plus you could program it to pull your notification screen down.

rear fingerprint reader was peak and I don't know why it went away.

with a rear reader I could grab my phone and it would be unlocked with an index finger before I've even lifted it to my face. it was all one smooth motion.

Now, I have to pull it out of my pocket, orient it correctly so my thumb can hit the correct part of the screen, half the time shake the phone or swipe up to wake up the screen to make the reader work consistently, then hold down my thumb for at least a second longer than I would have to with my rear reader.

dumbest so called "advancement" in years.

Same. It was in the perfect spot, and worked 100% of the time for me.

The in-screen one on my Pixel 6 works maybe 50% of the time, and for whatever reason just hates my right thumb, the one it really needs to be able to read. Even with it saved 5 times.

Pixel 6 Pro worked marvelous for me all the time. I have the 8 Pro now, and now the fingerprint reader is a real mess.

But yeah, the reader on the back was perfect.

I sort of had the opposite experience. My pixel 5's fingerprint reader worked about 20% of the time. It was so bad. I've actually had a much better experience with the Pixel 7's in-screen one. It's probably 90% successful. Before my Pixel 5, I had a OnePlus 6, and that one was like 99% successful.

I did prefer the location on the back, though.

When I got my P7 initially, it was so bad that after a couple of days I threw it in a drawer and went back to my old phone.

Then someone said you have to lick your thumb or rub it on your forehead before you register it. So I did both. And now it works like 95%. The other 5% I have to lick it again to get it working. Don't ask me why. Yes, it is stupid. Yes the old one on the back is still better, but it's not terrible anymore...

Mine used to work somewhat. Then I got fed up with the errors when unlocking and deleted my finger prints. Now, I get bit with that known bug on Pixel 6 that won't let you register fingerprints (I tried again when I replaced the screen protector - even with no protector). I gave up on that fingerprint reader and 5G on this phone. It still works overall so I refuse to replace it for another year or two.

I bought a Pixel 5 two years ago for exactly that reason (fingerprint on the back) and its small size. I love this phone but honestly the fingerprint reader works 70-80% of the time depending on sweaty hands etc. and by now I wish it was on the front because it often lays on the table and I have to pick it up. It all has its pros and cons and I think an ultrasonic under the display is the best option (right after apples face id).

Never had issues with the Pixel 2 XL. The reader worked great. Even with stuff on my hands it would still work,eventually (2-3 tries). It picked up great with dry hands.

I recently switched to the 8a from a Poco F1, and this is the one thing I really miss...

I used to work on diesel engines. I'd end up with different looking fingerprints all the time from grease, oil random little cuts, etc. I'd hope this tech is better able to discern fingerprints from noise. It was a little annoying.

It might not be. If your fingerprints are physically changing, then an accurate scanner should not recognize a fingerprint that's changed after the fact. If anything you're looking for a less accurate scanner to help with this issue. But a less accurate scanner could let others in your phone too.

A family member is a massage therapist and no fingerprint reader has managed to recognize their fingers. Not even the old capacitive types in the rear. They don't even recognize there's a fingerprint present. It's like tapping with a wiener.

1.) Used to be a dishwasher and even the government had a hard time getting my prints.

2.) A wiener (that's attached to a human) can actually be used and make a recognizable print on a fingerprint reader. (Not recommended for daycare workers.)

Now I wanna set up my phone to accept my wiener.

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

If my dreams can't be dreams, they can't be anything. Reality doesn't support what matters to me.

don't knock tapping with a wiener, it's all our origin story

The tech has been in Samsung phones for several years, and is good enough that one's fingerprint will read through vinyl gloves if they aren't too scrunched up. It's fast and decent.

Does make me wonder though, it's a Qualcomm tech. Does that mean Google is finally going back to Qualcomm chips? The pixel modems have been trash ever since they left.

Yeah, I instinctively tried to open mine with vinyl gloves on once and immediately thought "I'm dumb, gotta take these gloves off first." That was a good shock when it actually worked first try, much confusion...

It makes sense if you think about it, ultrasonic vibrations will "see through" the glove and detect the finger ridges beyond. If the glove is scrunched up, it "looks" like finger ridges that aren't yours, which will then not match.

the more a fingerprint reader "allows" for oil, cuts, and any other change to the fingerprint it has stored, the more it becomes useless. the fingerprint is the key, the more the tech lets the lock change and morph the more insecure the lock becomes, and the more it will allow just about any key to work in it.

That's exactly why I'd hope an ultrasound would ignore things like color difference. I wouldn't expect it to ignore cuts without an ai component.

My fellow diesel tech. Fucking yes this fucking problem right here hahaha. Skin peels a bit, little scratch or cut, got some shit on my hand to dry it out.... And whole new finger print. Add this print, and once it hears it stops working again. Hahahaha fuck my life.

My galaxy s24 has been pretty spot on though, honestly works most of the time unless my hands are very dirty.

I've done so much work with my hands. I thought something was wrong with my phone, my partner walked up finger on phone, opens immediately. Me, half the time I need to use the code because the fingerprint doesn't work.

Exactly. I used to register my off hand, as that was a little less likely to get damaged.

The problem is I'm prone to accidents so my non dominant and has scars from cutting myself.

Me too, the random little cuts are by far the worst because it can take weeks until the phone registers your fingerprint again.

Thank God it allows for more than one finger. I used to start running low on undamaged prints!

What if you used a part of your palm instead of a finger?

I solved the problem by getting a better job, but at the time, it wouldn't have helped. Same problem. Swimming in motor oil.

Hmm, for your use case face unlock should be more reliable.

I was a diesel mechanic as well. Never had a problem with the old readers.

This thing is so ugly... What's with the GIANT extended camera bar?

At least it's level on a table because of the bar

I preferred when it was a full squared stripe instead of trying to round the edges. Own it if your going to do that.

(As previously mentioned, it allows them to have some of the best phone cameras and let it sit flat on a table)

They rounded it on the wrong axis

I kinda like the square-ness of the camera bar after having used it a bit. makes it real easy to fish out of a pocket.

If the size of the pixel 9 is good I'll upgrade. Other than that I'm good.

You'll be able to get the "Pro" in both big and small sizes this time

Comparatively though the pro and regular size of the 7 do not give me hope. The 8 is fine but I haven't been reading up on the 9 rumours yet.

I bought a Samsung S24 recently but sold it because of the terrible ultrasonic fingerprint reader. I guess I have too dry thumbs or something. Using lotion helped for a few hours at a time but I'd rather not use lotion all the time because of my phone. Tried a few tricks like registrering my prints twice etc. but no dice. Meanwhile the old optical reader on my old phone Moto G84 worked perfectly.

So my experience from this is that ultrasonic is not always better.

The ugly trick is to wipe your thumb on your greasy forehead before using it. Gross, but works.

Is this the same sensor they use on their pixel tablet?

No it's a big upgrade

What kind of sensor does the pixel tablet have in the power button. How does it differ from the one in the pixel 9?

whatever the 7a has unlocks better with a blue disposable glove than bare hand

I can hear ultrasonic sounds. And it's not pleasant.

Maybe you need to get checked for tinnitus, because it's literally impossible for humans to hear that frequency of ultrasound

Not necessarily I have tinnitus but certain ultrasonic sounds I can hear that are at the lower range of ultrasonic

Can you hear electronics hum? I can, especially when it's quiet. Doing hearing tests, I would hear when they turned on the sound, but not be able to hear the actual sound. Idk what it is, but pretty sure it's not ultrasonic sounds.

I can, certain alarm clocks I can hear tick or my gtx 970 had a capacitor issue that I heard for awhile before it gave up. Certain ultrasonic dog toys and whistles I can hear as well. Fun fact on things humans shouldn't technically be able to do you can also see infrared light under certain conditions.

Uh huh... The Oxford definition literally says that's untue.

of or involving sound waves with a frequency above the upper limit of human hearing

Not everyone has the same hearing range (it tends to get worse as you get older, hence those ultrasonic teenager repellers that people claim are for cats). If a device is running at the very low end of what we consider ultrasound and OP can hear higher than most then maybe they can hear the sensors. I would be surprised if an ultrasonic sensor was running this low though.

People often believe they are hearing ultrasound, but instead are hearing clicking noise or sub-frequencies emitted from the capsule that are not actually part of the ultrasound.

sorry I can still here it.. I sometimes needs to go to the hospital for a check-up on my heart, and I can hear the ultrasound if the device is going over my head.