Trump rebrands his ramblings as ‘I do the weave’ – but is he just losing it? to – 48 points –
Trump rebrands his ramblings as ‘I do the weave’ – but is he just losing it?

For those baffled by Donald Trump’s forays into meandering discourses about electrocution, bacons sales or cannibal killers at his recent political rallies, the former US president had an explanation.

Trump assured supporters in Pennsylvania on Saturday that what might look like incoherent ramblings as he frequently departed from his scripted speech were instead indicators of his brilliance that impressed other great minds.

“I do the weave. You know what the weave is? I’ll talk about, like, nine different things that they all come back brilliantly together. And it’s like friends of mine that are like English professors, they say: ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen,’” he told a bemused audience.

“But the fake news, you know what they say, ‘He rambled.’ It’s not rambling. What you do is you get off a subject to mention another little tidbit, then you get back on to the subject, and you go through this and you do it for two hours, and you don’t even mispronounce one word.”

But, increasingly, many others are not persuaded, including some of his own supporters.


See, I have ADHD so that’s kinda how I roll too. My mind goes off on tangents as I’m talking.

But crucially, I’m not trying to be the president of the USA.

I deal with that as well, which is one of the reasons why I would never run for any office.

Well that and I don't play well with others sometimes. I lack the patience and diplomacy one needs in politics.

What he’s describing is at best a symptom of unmedicated/undermedicated adhd and also not what he does

Don't forget he has serious issues with Adderall as well.

My explanation is:

  1. He gives a lot of speeches
  2. He has almost zero knowledge of government and policy. He likely thinks the US Treasury is responsible for protecting the treasure that's mapped on the declaration of independence.
  3. He can't read very well, and given his inability to sound the words out mid-speech he needs to fill in the parts of the teleprompter that has long words with whatever he can come up with on the spot.

... seriously? That's all you got??

His father had dementia (thus genetically predisposed), he shows (and has shown for years) every single symptom of frontotemporal dementia.

...and your explanation is he gives speeched a lot and doesn't know big words? Are you trying to get a job with the media sane-washing his absurd bullshit?

I can certainly see why people point to dementia, and given how dumb Trump is there's little difference for practical purposes. But I have to lean on the explanation of general stupidity plus poor reading skills simply because his weirdest statements seem to occur when reading from a teleprompter, as opposed to media interviews and debates.

Look at the video you linked - almost every example is from him giving a teleprompter speech. Trump clearly doesn't know big words like "rebuttal" "Venezuela" and "anonymous". So when he sees it on a teleprompter he kinda has to sound it out in real time. Seriously, watch the video again but instead of Trump imagine the dumb kid from your second grade reading class doing a reading assignment. The Hannibal Lecter thing has been pretty well explained by Trump not understanding the difference between "asylum" in the immigration context and an "insane asylum" like the one Hannibal Lecter is in. Again, he's just very, very unknowledgeable.

Yeah there's some other stuff like the weird lean but that's probably just explained by his weird obsession with height and some sort of lifts. Remember, when Trump got that terrible hair transplant, he was much younger. He's never been functioning properly at a mental level.

They aren't mutually exclusive, I think you're describing Trump his entire adult life. The problem is he absolutely DOES have dementia and has for years.

As such the worse the dementia gets, the more he falls back on his "weave" and the more incoherent it is. This fits the dementia and how people fall back on what they know when their memory fails.

I love it. He thinks what he is doing is the same thing that John Oliver does masterfully on Last Week Tonight. What he’s actually doing I cannot for sure say, but I am fairly certain it involves extreme ADHD with maybe a side of schizophrenia and some sort of personality disorder. Oh and a large helping of rapidly worsening dementia.

I have ADHD. I've described my train of thought as less a single train on a single track, but each car on one of 8 tracks, some of which are multitrack drifting. But I don't sound like Trump. He sounds like he's lost his marbles and when he bends over to pick one up, dumps out the rest of the bag.

I have adhd too, the multitrack drifting has a point! It's all leading to something specific. Trump? He never had a point.

I also have ADHD (and know a lot of people with it) and totally agree. We may be hard to understand at times, but we have a clear line of tangents that can be explained. Trump on the other hand has no coherence or traceable train of thought. He just jumps between half-finished, completely unrelated thoughts.

Donald Trump definitely does not have schizophrenia. ADHD is a maybe, but Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a certainty.

The scary thing is that so many people jive with that weird insanitary mental disorder.

I feel like they just have convinced themselves somehow, or it’s Stockholm syndrome sort of.

It’s absolutely Stockholm syndrome for their leadership, but average Republicans act more like (bad) cultists in most of the ways that matter:

Vague, nonspecific language in their modern tenets that can be interpreted any number of ways

A propensity and desire for isolation

Extreme concentration of wealth

Women viewed as breeding machines

Messianic idolatry of leaders and natural acceptance of hierarchical segregation

Read The Authoritarians by Bob Altermeyer. He will explain everything going on in Trump’s follower’s minds. As well as Trumps.

You can read the whole book for free!


I'm not a psychiatrist, but I talked with one about what looks like this AFAIK, if I understood correctly, he called it lose associations, associating things all over the place disregarding their lack of relevance.

Of course just exhibiting one symptom, doesn't mean he is schizophrenic.

I think Trump does show some ADHD like behavior too, again I'm not a professional, but I think the problem for people with ADHD is that they forget where they came from, and Trump does seem to be able to get back to that.

But for sure, this is not a normal way to present your views. Except for a small child maybe, which fits the toddler label often associated with Trumps behavior.

So my best guess is that Trump is mentally like a child for whatever reason (Dementia most likely). Obviously besides being a malignant narcissist and pathological liar.

This is absolutely not ADHD, this is his dementia and substance abuse. Having ADHD you may be distracted while trying to tell someone about something, but you'll be excited to talk about a special interest which may lead into another, but stuff will make sense and often more in depth than most care to hear.

Trump however has no interests beyond grifting and trying to sleep with Ivanka. However he word salads about a bunch of things he knows little to nothing about. He slurs words all over the place, stops mid-word and like brain skips for a sec, and then just goes into something unrelated. It's like his brain is constantly corrupting and causing a reboot.

Of course just exhibiting one symptom, doesn't mean he is schizophrenic.

He is not. He is just a cunt, without any mental disorder apart from sociopathy and extreme narcissism.

you go through this and you do it for two hours, and you don’t even mispronounce one word.

This man once mispronounced his own last name.

And it’s like friends of mine that are like English professors, they say: ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen,’”

Meanwhile, back here in reality, one of his actual professors at Wharton repeatedly referred to Trump as the dumbest student he’d ever had:

according to attorney Frank DiPrima, who was close friends with professor William T. Kelley for 47 years, […] I remember the inflection of his voice when he said it: ‘Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had!’

e: source

Also, it's weird for him to claim to be friends with the a bunch of the very same people Republicans decry as ivory tower liberal elitists. He's weird.

Wharton had a chance to pass judgment on him and they did by granting him one of their shitty degrees.

Man, who'da thunk the damn old and clearly mentally unstable candidate cannot, for the life of him, form a coherent reasoning of any single subject? This is clearly a surprise to all

I still find it amazing people believe the same constant child like lying.

Everyone says... A close friend of mine said... A professor said... Everyone knows...

...That I have the bestest (health/speech/IQ/humbleness/big hands)

No, don't you all see? He's actually so genius that we mere mortals can't comprehend his brilliance, as attested to by his multiple friends who are totally real English professors who exist and spend time with him, and are definitely not fictitious people he just made up on the spot to try to strengthen an obviously bullshit argument. Well, no, you wouldn't have heard them, because they, um, teach at a different school, but the important part is that they are intelligent enough to see the clever underlying structure of his wide ranging and definitely intellectually brilliant speeches, which the rest of us apparently aren't.

you wouldn’t have heard them, because they, um, teach at a different school

In Canada!

How dare you, I'm sure that they are good patriotic American English professors! They're just from a different state than you.

Trump TRIES to rebrand. And we reject it and it's unsuccessful....

“Formal Thought Disorder” is a facet of dementia.

How many of these boxes does trump tick where he fails?

Types and examples of disorganized speech

  • Symbolism: pairing of thoughts with the correct meaning
  • Tempo: the fluidity of words and conversation
  • Processing: quality of thought content
  • Continuity: direction of thought and conversation

Examples of specific types of disorganized speech may include:

  • Paralogism: unusual word choice
  • Verbal paraphasia: incorrect word usage
  • Literal paraphasia: disordered sounds or sound sequence in words
  • Neologism: creation of new words
  • Displacement: citing a similar idea but not the correct one
  • Contamination: fusing ideas into one another
  • Accelerated thinking: rapid flow and increased volume of speech
  • Flight of ideas: losing track of where a thought is going
  • Inhibited thinking: slow processing of ideas
  • Alogia: restricted speech and/or inadequate relay of information
  • Circumstantial thinking: inability to determine essential information from unessential
  • Desultory thinking: random topic jumps during conversation
  • Derailment: sudden drop in train of thought
  • Omission: inability to recall a main thought point
  • Overinclusive thinking: conversation limits are never identified
  • Echolalia: repetition of words or phrases
  • Palilalia: fast repetition of words or phrases with decreasing audibility
  • Thought blocking: Sudden gaps in thought for no obvious reason
  • Verbigeration: nonsensical repetition of words
  • Incoherence: complete speech disorganization; “word salad”

Dude thinks he's John Mulaney, but he's actually just the senile uncle you try and avoid at family gatherings.

I can forgive the author if they were trying to sneak this story past an editor who would have otherwise vetoed it. There's no question that a person who gives meaningless speeches sucks at communicating. That's definitional. The only question is how messed up their head is, and you can only infer that through their words and actions.

I can't say I watch a lot of trump speaking (because I heard enough of that guy long ago). However, the few clips I've seen on trumps rambling feel like he's trying to gain resonance with his audience (and failing). You can see pieces of this that worked for him during the the 2016 run. He'd mention some side topic, pause and watch for audience reaction, and if they responded favorable, he'd double down with a followup remark on that same topic. It many times came off looked semi-planned that that was where he was going to take the speech anyway back then even if that wasn't the case.

These days it looks like he's fishing for an audience response, gets none, sometimes switches back to the original topic, doesn't get a response, fishing again, no response, fishing again, no response, repeat. Its like he blew threw his good material, and is grabbing desperately for something his audience will cheer for. Chasing a dopamine hit of people cheering for what he is saying...and not getting it. I think this is also why he'll occasionally bring up Obama or Hillary because those (in campaigns now long past) hit his crowd very well. Where now those old reference just confuse his audience because they're not relevant to any political discussions today, but trump isn't saying any of this for political effect, but just to hear a crowd cheer for him so that doesn't figure into his immediate thought process.

“I do the weave. You know what the weave is? I’ll talk about, like, nine different things that they all come back brilliantly together. And it’s like friends of mine that are like English professors, they say: ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen,’” he told a bemused audience.

Holy shit that's amazing. Can you imagine this being "your guy"? That's the guy you're selling your soul for. What a fucking clown. It's pathetic, I hope all his voters are ready for the eyeliner wearing couch fucker to take over after a few months. (if he wins).


The author gets to the crux near the end. Trump supporters don't come to speeches for policy, they come for performance art. That's what they expect from their leaders, because that's what they're trained to expect.

Between American entertainment trying to blur the lines between fantasy/ reality, and 24 hour news networks making everything a big deal the public at large has atrophied critical thinking skills.

“I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer,” he told the crowd. “He said, ‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’”

Nobody's ever asked that question before because it's a stupid fucking question, not because you're a genius you dumb fucking prick. The person you asked is trying to let you down easy.

In psychological terms we call that tangentiality or a tangential affect. Where the subject starts on one topic, and then continually digresses to other loosely or unrelated topics. It's a marker for mental illness.

Or we could just call it what it is, pulling it out of your ass.

Most elderly people I know take up knitting, but you wanna weave baskets while you ramble incoherently be my guest. Here's your soup. Don't spill it!