Classic to Antique Memes – 381 points –

Ironically it makes you seem rather young to think remembering this makes you old

Yeah but are you this old?

Remember the striper versions on porn sites?

I never understood who the market was. Like why would you want a little stripper clippy/bonzo buddy assistant?


As a fisherman, I've seen this typo go the other way countless times...but this is a first.

What's the connection between striping and fishing?

Striped Bass are commonly called "stripers".

All over the Internet, fishermen post on fora and social media looking for "tips and suggestions for stripper fishing" and get appropriately ridiculous responses.

The same people who wanted a loud 3D envelope telling them they received an email.

Damn I 'membah even I used it on my PC

The sad thing is this ain't that old.

I'm even older. I was around to see the very first internet viral meme. That CGI dancing baby. I saw it even before it was featured on Ally McBeal, thus also starting the tradition of killing a viral meme when it hit mainstream.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Viral memes on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched CGI babies dance in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.

1 more...

People who are old wouldn't remember these since they're too new

Hey! This is clearly a circlejerk! Get out with those real facts!

/s, kind of.

I was online before the cat wanted a cheeseburger.

Older. I'm old enough to remember the cutting edge upgrade to the 36k modem.

I've sent emails over a 1200 baud modem line.

That's 1.2k. You could literally see each character appear one by one on the screen.

me and the other grandpas over 18yo reminiscing over ancient funny poker face meme

I remember when the internet started

People would use these templates to create meandering comic style blog posts and present them as memes. It seems like they were the first generation of memes that went fully mainstream and imo were very bad because people could not help but make the comics very long and boring.

I member when memes were called taglines and we distributed text files of them on FidoNet.