‘Up Yours Woke Moralists!’ Jordan Peterson Announces He’s Launching a ‘University’ Without Accreditation

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 186 points –

So... he created his own safe space?

Only real men who have their house in order, at the peak of human intelligence, grift the most mentally unstable, and attack the most vulnerable, members of society; get addicted to benzos and fly to Russia to be put in a medically induced coma to avoid enduring the consequences of their actions, ostracise themselves professionally, then spend the rest of their lives a talking head for the right wing propaganda machine.

You're just to woke to understand his genius...

Hi, woke moralist here. Please reconsider framing addiction as a moral failing. It's a disease.

"Mikhaila has consistently and emphatically claimed that her father is suffering strictly from physical dependence, and not from addiction."

Jordan Peterson announces he's launching a new scam.

It’s better to do something badly than to not do it at all.

His own quote. I can't make this shit up.

What's wrong with this quote? Trying at something and failing is better than never trying at all.

Depends on what it is. Failure can cause harm to others. Do we want bad safety inspectors, cops, or educators?

Doing bad safety inspections is still better than doing none at all tho...

Soft disagree, if you know that no inspection has been done, then you are aware that there may be unknown risks and act accordingly. A safety inspection done poorly creates a false sense of security that can be dangerous.

Failing at something is one of the most effective ways for humans to learn, grow and achieve success.

It is when we learn from ours and others mistakes that we can achieve higher levels of intellect to determine how to be smarter, more kind, make better decisions, be better at our jobs etc for the next time...

Look at history to see how good things have come from massive failures.

We can't escape failure in life and we cannot always control the consequences or fallout from our decisions/actions, but we can keep trying. That is what the above quote is all about.

But education isn't something we need to reinvent.

We already made mistakes we can learn from.

Trying at something and failing is better than never trying at all.

Sure you wanna say that about parachuting?

He isn't saying to do something and fail at it, but to do something and do a terrible job at it is better than to have never done it. You're conflating what he said with sayings like "It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all."

I dunno. I think it's better not to attempt genocide, fascism, bullying, propaganda, etc etc etc. No matter how good you are at it.

Those who can, do.

Those who can't, open their own university and grift people.

I can't believe this dude finds anyone gullible enough to listen to him after the times he's been utterly wrecked in debates.

all you really need to do is say stuff with conviction that supports a groups politics and sound vaguely plausable/intelligent while you do it. they will then tout you as an infallible expert

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Haven't we already tried Trump U and Praeger U?

This is just one more embarrassment for the conservative movement.

The former psychology professor vowed the program would be 95% less expensive than a typical university.

Not that hard when I look at what the hell American universities cost.

Of course, they give you real degrees.

Yes, but none of that money was going into his pockets.

As you said this, he stared off, just to the right of the camera in the middle distance, eyes quickly turning red and glistening...

jordan peterson cooking up a whole new type of idiot. can't wait to see the first cohort of freethinkers launch a series of startups based on stuff like reselling the breadsticks from olive garden

Now the right is devaluing the word university. SMH…

They've been doing that for a long time.

PragerU has been infecting education since its inception and is now having its propaganda adopted by right wingers as official course material in genuine schools.

Trump University was disbanded in 2010.

Brigham Young has been around well over a century, started by an outspoken racist shitbag and still having extreme right wing and racist policies and views today.

They know full well that controlling and infecting education is the only way to breed sufficient amounts of people dumb and prejudiced enough to vote for their side.

It's why cutting public education has been a number 1 target for the right wing since forever.

BYU, no matter it's history, is at least accredited and has a decent academic reputation. You can get your degree from there and it means something. You might not want to go there if you're not Mormon (or are a Mormon who doesnt "look" like one), but it's not like you are setting your career back if you do.

For a while I kept getting Liberty U ads on my LinkedIn feed even though I kept reporting them.

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                  We live in a society

I thought he did this 5 years ago, and then never heard anything of it again. Was that a fever dream, or did he fail to find his blackjack and hookers?

I think back then he was going to create an alternative to Patreon.

I think it was before that, but after publishing lists of U of T faculty he wanted his incel army to harass and threaten.

Kinda wild, because at first he seemed reasonable and offered decent, if somewhat generic, advice. Then I looked into some of the stuff he was claiming, and.... woof.

Spreading this sort of announcement only gives these people more motivation to continue devaluing the country as is.

Because people on Lemmy will be inspired to take his "university" courses? I doubt it.

That isn’t what I meant. If you are in a room full of a thousand people and one person in the back, the loudest, is shouting hate, why would you listen to it and then announce it to others

Because that 'one person in the back' influences a huge number of people. Are you really suggesting Jordan Peterson has no influence?

He is a nobody. But sure, continue to put his message out there. Good job bud!

How is he a nobody? He has a massive following. We're nobodies here on Lemmy. He is not.

I wonder why he is continuing to gain followers?! People must be sharing his messages everywhere… hmmm. How could this be?

You really think he will gain followers from a post on Lemmy? Have you ever been on Lemmy?

There are people in this thread that have never heard of this person and even though you are against this person’s values and their beliefs, you are sharing his message and gaining followers for him, even on Lemmy. Everyone on Lemmy doesn’t believe the exact same thing even though people like you actually believe that they do. If you would just ignore him, you wouldn’t be helping his cause by spreading his message. Everyone is entitled to free speech, but you have to remember everyone is entitled to ignore them.

I have not seen anyone who has never heard of him. He's really well-known.

He’s not, he is a nobody. But now Im repeating myself to you. Lets just part ways friend, its clear you disagree with my point.

I’m here for it. Go Croaking Cryers curling team!