North Carolina Republicans create "secret police force" to politics – 432 points –
North Carolina Republicans create "secret police force"

This includes the private residences of subcontractors and contractors who run businesses out of their homes

Even more crazy is that you can't tell anyone you've been raided, including seeking or talking to legal counsel.

So you technically are denied legal counsel if you are targeted by a blatently unconstitutional search.

And it's legal for them to destroy any incriminating records that they want at any time.

Unlimited power to target whoever they want and no legal recourse.

Welcome to Germany 1935.

This law is categorically unconstitutional. It is a prima facie contradiction of multiple specific amendments in the bill of rights. This will certainly be thrown out - even hard-right judges won’t be able to justify this. It’s clearly not reasonable in the slightest.

So are the lawnakers complete morons or do they have an ulterior motive?

Their motives are strictly unconstitutional and pure evil. Republicans want their own private gestapo.

It's political theatre. If it passes, they get a Gestapo. If it is thrown out (likely), they can chum the waters and get their base frothing about "woke judges" or some shit.

Either way, they win.

even hard-right judges won’t be able to justify this.

They don't have to justify anything any more. You should stop pretending the constitution matters.

It does matter! It matters to us... unfortunately totalitarianism has taken control and the AC along with the GOP do not care... the mask is off.... it is now time for the 2nd amendment to be actually enacted by a well regulated militia who protects the constitution as the 2nd amendment laid out

even hard-right judges won’t be able to justify this. It’s clearly not reasonable in the slightest.

I dunno about that, Supreme Court looking pretty right wing lately

The SC wants to maintain the roots of their power. Undercutting certain parts of the constitution does the opposite of that, because it implies others can do the same in areas they don’t want touched.

Maybe they should have thought of that before overturning stare decisis, lol

Reminds me more of Eastern Germany to be honest. But yeah, that's fucked up no matter where it happened before.

So moral of the story, keep everything backed up to the cloud. Though the fun thing is, NC is so awash in guns, sending goons to raid someone's home is likely to result in some ventilated goons.

Setting aside this story that is absolutely ridiculous and horrible, why are people obsessed with claiming that nazi Germany has begun with every scary story out there? Calm your tits.

Moreover, Gov Ops staff will be authorized to enter “any building or facility” owned or leased by a state or non-state entity without a judicial warrant.

That sounds unconstitutional. I mean, the whole thing sounds unconstitutional but that especially.

Repealing the fourth amendment will be a plank on the GOP platform

The 4th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th.... hell, all of them except the 2nd, really.

That's why a Constitutional Convention in the present climate scares the absolute shit out of me.

They absolutely will go after the Second Amendment when they are ready to.

"Just take the guns. Due process later." - Donald Trump

Conservative: "But I'm one of you!"

Republican: "LMAO!"

You're leaving out the first amendment, which the Republicans want gone so they can make porn illegal.

Mind you, the point of making porn illegal isn't to get rid of porn. Daddy's gotta have his pictures. The point of making porn illegal is to ensure that it is made through slavery and rape, not through consensual sexual expression.

Oh, look. The party of Nazi apologists is passing laws to make their own Gestapo. But everyone comparing them to Nazis are the real problem.

That’s when you respond saying “fine, NKVD then, you guys are like the Soviets”

See what the assholes say then

seems like a violation of the 4th amendment but knowing the current supreme court they'll rule it doesn't apply to state laws (but the 2nd amendment does!)

The constitution only applies when the billionaires giving them huge bribes say it does. Couldn’t be simpler.

Moreover, Gov Ops staff will be authorized to enter “any building or facility” owned or leased by a state or non-state entity without a judicial warrant. This includes the private residences of subcontractors and contractors [emphasis mine] who run businesses out of their homes, lawmakers say.

As if the name isn't hilariously evil enough...

This would have been front-page news a decade or two ago. So far out as to be unbelievable except by the lunatic fringe. "Nah, the government would never go that far."

Full fucking stop. No government agent is coming in my home without a judicial warrant. I am not a big man. I am not a tough man. I AM able to enforce that statement. We'll play Ruby Ridge II up in here come to that.

Imagine conservatives trying to spin that shit.

Police: "Well the law says we can kick his door down and take his shit without approval from the judiciary. So we tried. And the mad man turned his front door frame into a hell storm of lead!"

Y'all liberals better pull your head out your ass in a fucking hurry. Fascism is here, now, today. If you can't defend yourself, you are not peaceful, you are harmless.

(And I know, I'm old, so it's easier to throw my life down. But I'm not getting on the concentration camp train.)

Okay, for those of us that don't want to go down in a hail of bullets, what is the option if we wanted to survive? Any good countries to look at moving to?

You appeal in court and have anything they charge you with thrown out as unlawful search and seizure.

Fascism is actually here when the courts no longer function, but the courts will always be the courts.

That's right, Jebediah. You tell 'em. Ain't no varmints nor lawmen gettin' through yer door. They'll get a face fulla buckshot, aw' right.

Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians Gov Ops staff break into my house. "What the devil?" as I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, misses him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbor's dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot. "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. Bleeds out waiting on the police EMTs to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

This story is ridiculous, but also nobody is putting you in a concentration camp. Settle down. What is with people's persecution fetish?

The government barging into people's homes without a warrant to investigate spurious crimes is out-and-out fascism. It's absolutely persecution.

Well, for one it is a direct violation of the Fourth amendment of the US Constitution which protects US citizens from unreasonable search and seizure.

Sounds like someone is gearing up to steal a fuckton of money and wants power over any investigation that might stem from it.

So more nazi stuff coming out of the GOP. What's wrong with you America

Decades of siding with fascists over even milquetoast socialists, including when NATO member Greece got couped by its own military.

That rat fuck Tim Moore.

With some people all you need is one look and think "that guy is a awful person and shouldn't be anywhere near dictating rules for other people." and this guy is one of them. Though to be fair that's like 95% of elected Republicans as well

Truthout is a good source. You know they are good because Karl Rove purposely gave them bad information so Republicans could come back and disparage the source.

News & Observer is a (in my experience) rather reliable source based in Raleigh, it is local

National sources suck

This why propublica and a lot of smaller news sites are better

They report this sort of stuff

They try to go into a relay center for the deaf and hard of hearing and they will be in so much trouble that they can not conceive. They would have to answer to Congress and a very large lobby who will take this very personally, no matter what law they try to present. Even the President of the United States can't enter without consent. Law enforcement gets turned away, even with a warrant. I used to be a relay center operator and they were very serious.

People overreact. This is just the way north carolinians is. If you meet a north carolinian you can just ask them to turn around and bend over because your going to fuck them up the ass. And they will do it. Source. this law.

Fuck you.

fair enough. I don't really mean it but man if absolutely anyone votes for this guy or anyone who votes for the bill. They should consider themselves bendover buddies. You can't allow shit like this and then wave the flag and present a pocket constitution like you mean any of it.

Everyone I know here in NC that is informed is desperately sick of these fuckers, but there is so little we can do. Even when we manage to vote blue, we have a fucking turncoat who switches to GOP and lets them get away with horse shit like this. Send help please

yeah. I realize ya all are not necessarily like that. sorry for the shade and keep up the fight.

No worries lol we're a proud bunch too 😂 It's rough out here sometimes but NC slander always leads to a kneejerk reaction

Well at least some of us can read the snark. You had me in that first moment though.

oh yeah I could not keep the sarcasm bottled up on this one. a bit meaner than usual for me to post publically. Man that law is some bs. This is not how you keep violence off the streets.