Let Trump Be Dictator for a Day, 74 Percent of Republicans Say

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 259 points –
Let Trump Be Dictator for a Day, 74 Percent of Republicans Say

New poll reveals Republicans are authoritarian curious, while Americans are starkly divided on Trump’s 2020 guilt

The Joe Biden presidential campaign is positioning the 2024 election as a referendum on democracy. But a new poll suggests that defending America’s constitutional system of checks and balances is no longer an electoral slam dunk.

A startling 39 percent of Americans, including 74 percent of Republicans, think it’s a decent idea for Donald Trump to act as a dictator for a day to begin his prospective second term, according to a University of Massachusetts Amherst survey released Wednesday.


Ah yes, the famous Dictator For A Day Program where the guy who wants to be a dictator famously chooses to not use his powers to install himself for life.

It all makes sense when you learn political conservatism was created to "conserve" the power of monarchs, landowners, and the entire elite post democratic revolutions.

It's not surprising that supporters of an ideology created to support dictators and authoritarians would want to be ruled by a king.

This was super clear to anyone who was paying attention to this weird, creepy side of the Internet in 2016. There is a large conservative movement that truly does want to have a king. And they also want it to be a theocracy with a king.

I was trying to tell people about this that whole year, as I was researching accelerationists, but I was consistently downvoted on the other system for being alarmist. And here we are. The only things that I didn’t foresee was how incompetent his people were.

I am in the same boat as you and basically left/lost all my former friends over it.

I had the combo of being an internet dork who used to go on 4chan long ago, followed some of its derivative nonsense, and also has a degree in poki sci and econ, and years of data analysis work.

Nearly all my friends mocked and scorned me for being extremely concerned with this dubious yet growing trend that can roughly be summarized as all the /hopefully/ ironic racism/nazism of the terminally online crowd of the mid 00's gradually becoming less and less ironic, talking points and memes migrating over to other platforms, being espoused by actual politicians...

...the whole process mirrors in many ways how fascist movements have grown in other societies.

But nobody wanted to hear it.

By the time I was openly calling out various rhetoric as literally fascist, all these idiots with no understanding of political science did the exact thing that is the next step in the social process: viewing this as alarmism and /me/ as extreme.

This even happened to my own family members. My dad thinks Jan 6th was done by Antifa, except for when he thinks it was an inside job by the FBI.

And he makes fucking ghost guns with no serial numbers in his garage, and is the most stereotypical mediocre white man you can possibly imagine.

Oh well. Fuck em all, I am better off without their constant belittling and ignorance.

Now more than half of them just actually are fascist in everything but self-identification, 90% of their rhetoric and positions they support align with either Nick Fuentes or Fucker Carlson, or the goddamned Praying Medic.

So, hooray, I was right. Sucks losing nearly everyone to the fascist mind virus, wish they would have listened seriously to anything I said, but by now I hate them from how abusive they were toward me.

Anyway, yes, also likewise, I could not possibly have predicted how utterly incompetent the leaders of this movement would be. The... the shit that Trump has done is truly mind bogglingly moronic, an even further indictment that in general American 'conservatives' may actually be more stupid and cruel than literal actual Nazis in some respects.

Anyway, I await the theocratic republic of america commiting pogroms against lgtbq and non christians, as well as infighting between various christian sects in i dunno 5 to 10 years, regardless of whether or not they won or lost the next civil war or if it somehow does not happen.

That sucks. Sorry you got cut off for being right. I'm hopping the UK is about to kick out our mad conservatives. They never actually get a majority, but the majority is split over multiple parties. In the US, it worse, both in being a two party system and undemocratic. Democratics can win the popular vote but not power.

And eliminate all opposition with impunity.

Oh, man... Quoting Benjamin Franklin in this case would come perilously close to breaking the "advocating violence" clause.

Lemme just say this... Franklin is the reason we have the ability to impeach Presidents. He considered the alternative too terrible to contemplate:


For those not in the mood to read, saved you a click but thank you for the link @jordanlund!

The history of impeachment in the United States is important to understanding the Bill Clinton saga. The Founding Fathers wrote impeachment—originally a Roman political institution—into the constitution for the purpose of removing an official who had “rendered himself obnoxious,” in the words of Benjamin Franklin. Without impeachment, Franklin argued, citizens’ only recourse was assassination, which would leave the political official “not only deprived of his life but of the opportunity of vindicating his character.”

It would be best, Franklin argued, “to provide the Constitution for the regular punishment of the Executive when his misconduct should deserve it, and for his honorable acquittal when he should be justly accused.”

The bottom line here is that if anyone manages to eliminate prosecution for acts performed while they are president, expect the Punisher. In fact, while I don't normally support violence, I'd have to say it's a patriot's duty.

Bennie Franklin truly was the greatest president 😉The best president was never president at all

Docr. Franklin was for retaining the clause as favorable to the executive. History furnishes one example only of a first Magistrate being formally brought to public Justice. Every body cried out agst this as unconstitutional. What was the practice before this in cases where the chief Magistrate rendered himself obnoxious? Why recourse was had to assassination in wch. he was not only deprived of his life but of the opportunity of vindicating his character. It wd. be the best way therefore to provide in the Constitution for the regular punishment of the Executive when his misconduct should deserve it, and for his honorable acquittal when he should be unjustly accused.

-The records of the Federal convention of 1787, volume 2, p. 65

There is nothing about him thinking "the alternative too terrible to contemplate". He merely thought it would deny the executive a chance of redemption - Does anyone think Trump could redeem himself in his last few years of old age when he never has prior?

To think a man who only a few years prior had been a key political figure in fighting a revolutionary war, something that famously leads to bloodshed, would be abhorred by the concept and become a staunch pacifist is a bit silly. Not to mention the whole aforementioned quote you won't share and which I'm not going to repeat here for that reason.

Also Franklin was not the sole reason, they all debated on this topic.

Ok so we're up to 40% open fascists, regardless of if they have enough functioning brain cells to realize that's what they are.

Yep. I'm sure we can vote our way out of this, just like all the other times that literally never worked!

It worked in 2020. Democrats even overperformed in 2022. We outnumber the fascists. We need to outvote them.

As dictator for 1 day, my first act is to change all historical documents and records to show that I stated I would be dictator forever and that 100% of Americans support this.

Oh also if anyone protests or says they don’t support this it’s treason and they will be sentenced to death.

I think that if he gets voted in then that's what should happen. It is as advertised.

I hope he doesn't, but if he does nobody will be surprised. Good luck America!

Okay. But I get to be a dictator for a day first.

I would totally not do dictator things. honest. Cross my Heart and fart.

39% were willing to admit it to a surveyor. It's probably higher, no? Is this really going down like this?

The means of communication are owned by the few and it reprogrammed a lot of people. Don't let them tell you it comes out of nowhere. They are constantly flooded with lies about the state of things.

I will preface by saying that I absolutely despise using the “r-word.” I think it’s insulting, demeaning, and repugnant to label human beings with such a disgusting term where the simple use of mentally handicapped would be more… let’s say- “politically correct”….

But in this case, I’ll make an exception:

Those dipshits are such republicans.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The UMass Amherst poll posed the following questions to 1,064 respondents: “Donald Trump recently said that if elected, he would be a dictator only on the first day of his second term.” It then asked, “Do you think that this is a good or bad idea for the country?”

Only 44 percent of adults completely rebelled at the notion of giving the former president — who is currently facing 91 felony charges — dictatorial authority, calling it “definitely bad” for America.

“The lone holdouts are conservatives, Republicans, and Trump voters who seemingly would welcome a dictator in the White House, believing such an administration would be a good thing for the nation,” says Nteta.

“As Trump is facing a likely close contest with Biden, it comes as no shock that he has recently attempted to walk back these comments, in hopes of broadening his electoral coalition, but the damage may already be done.”

The UMass Amherst poll also delivered several other eye-popping findings relating to the fallout from the 2020 election — including that 40 percent of the nation believes that Americans convicted of crimes for participating in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol are “probably” or “definitely” deserving of a pardon.

In addition, the poll asked about the nation’s high court, which is likely to have a final say on issues ranging from whether Trump can claim presidential immunity for his acts leading up to Jan. 6 and whether states can boot him off the ballot as an insurrectionist.

The original article contains 729 words, the summary contains 253 words. Saved 65%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

@MicroWave I just want to get Covid for a day, just to see what it's like.

Just drink enough to give yourself mild alcohol poisoning, get under a heated blanket turned on full blast, and then have someone hit all your major joints with a hammer every once in a while.

Just like School Shootings this is EXACTLY what the Founders intended!

Man it's so sad to see that I can't tell what percentage of these people are just trying to meme. I would hope that it's only a minority of these people who truly think this is a good idea. But man are his supporters filled with idiots

Even if they are just trying to "meme" - it doesn't matter. They support this fascist asshole, even if only to "own the libs" and they think it's all ironic and fun or something. Won't matter why they voted if they put this idiot in the WH.

I'm sure even when it's their turn up against the wall - and usually, things like this tend to backfire on a lot of people - even then, they won't realize their mistake, I bet.

Nah, they're not meming. They hate what they think the U.S. has become/is becoming under (small d) democratic rule. They know that in a fair democracy, the Republican party would lose all federal power in a decade or so. So, they want to destroy democracy, and try to roll things back.

We just have to vote harder

It's an election year and we live in a democracy. We need to vote in record numbers. Democracy is our best tool to enact systemic change. There is no dictator that agrees with you.