Trump’s criminal past is catching up to him at the worst moment politically to politics – 117 points –
Trump’s criminal past is catching up to him at the worst moment politically

At least one of Trump's four criminal trials is set to begin while the others are now in jeopardy

After five decades of playing fast and loose with the laws of New York, and a plenary of fraud, deception and corruption, legal appeasement seems to be declining and legal accountability seems to be ramping up as the proverbial hens are finally returning home to roost for the former Houdini of white-collar crime, Donald J. Trump.

First, there was the civil judgment of 5 million dollars awarded to the writer E. Jean Carroll by a federal jury of Trump’s peers. Then there was a second judgment of $83.3 million in damages awarded to Carroll by another jury of Trump’s peers for the additional defamatory statements that he continued to make after the first judgment was rendered for denying that he had sexually assaulted Carroll. And then there was the New York civil fraud decision by Judge Arthur Engoron holding Trump and his sons, Eric and Don, Jr. financially liable to the tune of more than $350 million underscoring “the extent of Trump and the Trump Organization’s white-collar malfeasance.” Last week, Judge Engoron turned down a request by Trump’s lawyers to postpone payment.

However, in the case of the historic $454 million judgment, “a figure that is growing by more than $100,000 in interest every day,” Trump sought a stay yesterday in opposition to New York law that requires first forking over the entire amount in damages or putting up a cash bond for the same known in the New York civil court system as an “undertaking.”

Trump also had previously done the same thing with the $83.3 million ruling by a jury in the second E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit. Neither of these appeals should go anywhere and the clock is still ticking in each case and soon time will be up before Carroll’s attorneys and then the New York attorney general Letitia James can start seizing the former president’s assets and property.


Are we really going to see articles like this multiple times a day with the exact same comments in them for the next 9 months?

If it keeps it top of mind so people don't forget I'm fine with it.

Only until he puts a shotgun in his mouth, with luck.

I've been hearing about how much trouble trump was gonna be in for doing [insert your choice of obvious, egregious crime here] for literally decades. At this point "Trump's in BIG trouble this time" is indistinguishable from "Trump's gonna get away with it again"

I’m still waiting on the outcome of the Mueller Report. Liberals have assured me that justice is a process and takes time and I just need to sit patiently and let it play out.

Best. At just the best time.

Best would have been 2016 so he didn't even get his first term.

But I will accept today as the best poasible day since we don't have time machines.

No, the best time would've been a decade or so ago.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is right now.

What about 19 years ago?

No, that was a bad time. It was really cloudy, and there were just, like, a lot of things going on...

Thats why that phrase is fucking stupid. It should be "the best time was 20 years ago. A great time is right now."

Stop Fighting! Every time is the best time for Drumpf to face the consequences of his actions

We all need to vote like he can and will win. Vote like you're the last pale blue dot in a sea of MAGA.

Run someone worth voting FOR not against someone else

No disagreement, but the horses are already out the gate on this one. Gotta support who we got, unfortunately.


....and this is why half the women in this country don't have safe access to abortion.

Oh shit, my bad I voted for Clinton that time.

But this time you're grouchy

I did it again in 2020, this time “my” guy won and then directly and actively supported genocidal actions.

Unfortunately, imagine if you picked the other dude. We'd be directly commiting it.

I already had that happen, don’t fool yourself into thinking that just because our soldiers aren’t pulling the trigger means nothing to me.

You know how people frequently look back and say "I was an idiot when I was X age"? You're embarrassing your future self.

Hell I'm embarrassed for you right now. Bless your heart.

I feel way worse than embarrassment when I find out that my fellows would rather throw in with trump or support someone who actively aids and supports genocidal actions rather than joining those of us who would stop it.

FYI: "Bless your heart" is southern for "Fuck yourself" or some sentiment to that effect.

I know.

I absolutely love southern insults, the grace and thought that go into so many of them is glorious!

My, now that is an outfit that I never would have thought to wear in public. Good for you!

"I'm good with trump if available candidates dont get me going".

This sucks, we all agree. But you have a very simple game theory decision to make.

Assist Biden or assist trump.

I think Bushnell showed us a third option, and I'm not talking about setting ourselves on fire.

Very funny but I'm interested in non violence.

hows that workin out for ya

Just fine

"we only have two choices" would seem to suggest otherwise. good luck with all that. i for one am tired of being told my only choices are bad and worse.

Use violence and you'll just get a new powerful, violent person filling the vacuum. Hope they like your brand, or the next fire is for you

You have the same choice to join us.

If you don’t you are helping trump by not dropping your objections and siding with us.

Balls in your court

It absolutely is not. There are two possible outcomes, in this month of this year related to this election, with 5 possible actions you can take:

Biden and trump.

  • If you pick a prog or liberal third, you pick a spoiler for Biden, and therefore assist trump.

  • If you pick a libertarian or conservative third you spoil trump, therefore assisting Biden.

  • If you pick Biden you help Biden.

  • If you pick trump you pick trump.

  • if you don't vote at all, you assist the more populist candidate, and have no voice re any directed action of your least preferred candidate

There are zero other actual choices in this election.

For a future election, it's a great time to discuss more progressive candidates to not have another biden-like candidate.

You're acting like popular vote matters. What you're saying only applies in like 3-5 states. I live in Connecticut. Bidens going to win Connecticut. It's not going to be a significant help to him, because our puny electoral votes are never ever ever ever ever going to decide an election. It does not matter who I vote for in the presidential race. Lots of people are in the same boat as me, probably most of the country. I suggest you save your shit for Floridians and Ohioans.

"your shit". No need to be rude, sorry I didn't describe each particular voting district's individual game theory tree of options.

Nothing I said is wrong, just perhaps not exhaustively descriptive for your (or indeed many) folks position.

Do you like democracy? Can it be fixed? Are you pushing for election reform?

I think the sentiment is more that Trump is worth voting against, because the danger is if he wins, there won't be another vote in 4 years.
With Biden you can at least hope for better candidates next time. Because Democrats actually still defend democracy.

In principle, absolutely. But in practice he's yet to actually incur consequences. I'm beyond ready to see them applied.

Watching all the bullshit surrounding this guy for the past decade has been like watching that gif of the box truck speeding towards the post. If we just keep watching, surely it's going to impact, right?

At this point I'm almost okay with him not serving any real time so long as he doesn't get be president again and they keep running down everything that has and will come up from investigating him until most of the right is either locked up or barred from politics.

Nah, fuck that. I want that fucker to suffer real consequences for his actions.

I mean personally. He is not going to do any real time, if any time behind bars, period. The sooner we get ourselves okay with that, the better.

I'm okay with knowing that the orange anal douche is the downfall of the people who worshipped him to their own detriment.

Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. I'll be watching with glee when more on the right are brought up on charges and/or permanently barred from politics and whatever their original field was before running for office.

Personally I want this fucker's family to suffer - not like jailing random family members but take away enough of this fuck's I'll begotten gains to make Eric, Don Jr. and Ivanka slum it with the rest of us plebs.

Well, his worst moment politically. For sane Americans, it's perfect.

And it really catching up to him?

A better moment for this to have happened would've been 2016 so this isn't quite "the worst moment" but dear God I hope this fuck is disqualified from holding office.

If he wins, he doesn't have to pay. We are witnessing a massive gamble. Possibly the biggest gamble in history.

Seems like it happens pretty frequently. It is how the Roman Republic failed when Caesar decided that crossing the Rubicon with a loyal veteran army was better than chains.

This really isn't true, they will start seizing assets well before the election. And he would still need to get laws passed that protect him, after the election. Yes, they want to annihilate democracy but let's don't pretend they can automatically and immediately do that.

You think they'll actually do it? Or hold him in contempt? They will continue to be heavily deferential because they don't want to be the judge that locked up a presidential candidate, and got it wrong (their hypothetical fear not my injected opinion)

The fact that it is even a possibility with a chance of success says more about the general collective American mentality than anything about Trump.

This isn't about one illegitimate politician

It's about the general mental state of a nation.

People said conceptually the same thing before he was elected the first time. The pictures of him besides Epstein, the accusations including one by a then-14-year-old girl that he raped her (she was in that photo too, or or at least others at the same party by Epstein), his own rather damning words seeming to support such actions, the fact that he rarely pays his workers, ALL the MANY court cases... we've seen ALL of this before.

And this time is different. The last time, they voted more for not-Hillary, but this time, many people want to vote specifically for him!? Don't underestimate the number of those who voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary but who then flipped to vote for Trump in the general election. Will this repeat now, for people upset at Biden's treatment of Israel, or how bad the economy is right now (despite the laws that Republicans passed making it this way, plus genocidally inept handling of the pandemic scenario)? Yes, plus also those who would vote Republican regardless, plus ALSO those who would have voted for Trump personally even if he had run as an independent.

So what if they start taking his properties away? That would simply drive him to spend MORE rather than less time on the campaign trail?

I strongly question this conclusion, especially from a site that just wants people to click so they'll say whatever they can to get that to happen. Best for what purpose - him losing the upcoming election? Well, just like the last time, we'll see.

Imagine trump coming to you for a bond.

The most obviously compromised dude who will fuck over anyone to save his own skin.

Dude is the definition of unbondable but you can fool some of the people all of the time so... 🤷‍♂️

I can think of several nations that would happily fork over half a billion dollars to have that kind of hold over a possible future sitting President of the United States. None of that is good for the USA though.

Trump's problem now is that:

  1. this is all very public

  2. that kind of money is going to leave a trail and is being watched - it's not his typical moving the shell game he is used to

Besides being 77 years old. He's in the endgame anyway. If he doesn't get re-elected he'll be demolished by the consequences of his prior crimes. If he does get into office, his supporters will happily look the other way when he starts selling our nation and its citizens to the highest foreign and domestic power brokers.

Bonus: If he doesn't get reelected the entire Republican party will collapse. It has expelled anyone who isn't vehemently and publicly pro-Trump. Their entire fundraising apparatus relies on Trump. Their entire base is pro-Trump at this point as well and those people basically hate every other party leader except maybe Mitch McConnell who will keel over any moment now (though that may have already happened 😁).

They haven't had much of a party platform since the 1980s and their last staple--overturning Roe v Wade--has been achieved. They have no legislative priorities other than, "elect Trump" or "pardon Trump". The only thing remaining that they stand for is dismantling government (aka "tax reduction", ending oversight of all kinds, and literally calling for the end of democracy) which isn't popular enough to survive without Trump.

Basically, with Trump they can do whatever TF they want as long as the orange criminal is fed. Without Trump they have to actually sell their BS and none of it is popular... Even among the Republican base.

I'm sure the timing was intentional, just like his impeachments.

Thank God there's still a bit of intelligence left in the government.

Thank God there’s still a bit of intelligence left in the government.

[Citation Needed]

Nothing has fucking happened to him in the slightest.