Let's kalsarikannit it up

ickplant@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 590 points –

Can confirm, have done often. Often it just implies drinking at home without leaving anywhere. Being just in your underwear is optional. You can also do it with another person if you live together.

But can you do it in someone else’s underwear?

Only if it would've otherwise been a laundry day

There is probably a better Finn word for that.

Vaihtokalsarikännit. Though that could mean either "switch underwear" or "spare underwear" drinking.

Kiitos, Kusimulkku.

You are welcome. Though as the name implies, you might not want to switch underwear with me

Staying home and drinking is nice, especially if your life is normally pretty busy.

Does it have a negative or positive connotation? Cause it kinda sounds amazing to me.

Depends on how you mean it. Can be casual/neutral or negative. It's more a descriptive term than anything.

Is this like how Inuits have a bunch of words for snow because they deal with so much of it, Finnish people have different kinds of getting drunk?

It's more that both languages are agglutanative, which means they can make new words by mashing together existing ones. A concept that would be two words in English, like "day drinking", would be one in an agglutanative language.

English has many words for snow too, you just don't think them as words for snow, such as snow, ice, slush, sleet, flake and hail off the top of my head.

English, especially british one, has at least as many words for drunk as in finnish.

I’ll start: drunk, pissed, hammered, plastered, sloshed, comatosed, wasted, tipsy, smashed.

Rat-arsed, fizzled, fucked, fooked, fecked

Isn't "fooked", "fecked" colloquial variations by location on "fucked", or is there some fine difference. I am led to belive that Irish prefer "fecked".

Pretty much, but the comment I was replying to already contained most of the words I knew so just chipping in rat-arsed and fucked seemed a bit pointless.

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Don't forget "powder" and, as my old neighbors in Boston used to say, "The fuck is this shit?"

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There's a mention of this in Alan Wake 2, with a character saying "it's not sad if it's intentional!"

This is not relevant, but I've been looking for a chair like this forever. Does anyone have any idea what it's called, or where I would find it?

Something from Arne Jacobsen? Model is quite common in nordic swivel chairs from 70's

Wife says that IKEA had a cheap copy at some point, but I didn't find anything to link.

Of course they do, they spend most days inside their homes on account of the frigid winters 🍺

That dude unboxed those fans and set them up but didn’t even turn them on. What? Got to get that breeze!