To the moon ๐Ÿš€ to Lemmy – 740 points –

This is my second account (but I deleted the first because those instance admins are nuts)

Yeah, my instance admins are a bit nuts too.

Same, we have some deranged admins ๐Ÿคฃ

As all admins should be

This thread here is just instances Iโ€™ve never even seen

Like almost cartoon where all the one off characters show up in a room together

Isn't it possible to migrate accounts?

Mastodon has partial account migration (mostly a redirect), I don't think lemmy has that (yet?) although both are built on the activitypub protocol. Either way I hadn't used that account for long and didn't care enough to keep it.

I have like 3 active people on my instance and Im very proud to be doing my part

Best way to have active accounts is to avoid lurking. I've found myself falling into the trap where I act like I'm on reddit or YouTube and I don't want to give them free user engagement. The exact opposite of Lemmy.

So yeah. Don't lurk. Lurking bad.

What if I just upvote or downvote posts and comments?

In my opinion, people don't mind hearing what you have to say. I wouldn't call an upvote content. So I think comments and posts, if you are feeling daring on any given day, make for a better experience and let's people be more social.

Basically, if everyone says something and interacts, this place will feel a lot more lively.

Lemmy rn definitely is a great place to post content because most content is appreciated.

Most people on reddit have at least two...

Before I left I had like a dozen, and a few with more than 100K karma.

I was a karma whore through and through, but I'm past that now ๐Ÿ˜ค

I had 2 with 250k+ back in the day. Sequential accounts, rather than them existing at the same time. I 'retired' a long ass time ago and mostly just lurked on communities that interested me. I came over during the migration because fuck spez.

I post a shit ton here; not because I care about internet points, but because Lemmy was pretty small and needed content when I joined. All of my stuff I post stems from my group chat or from memes I stumble across on non-reddit related sites.

I really like sharing memes and shitposts with my friends so I do it here too

Why though? With Lemmy I got a couple of them to stay online whenever instances have problems. But with R? Outside of porn accounts ofc.

I only ever started a second account on the old place (after 13+ years) because I got permanently banned from two subreddits that I wasn't quite ready to give up completely because they gave me no option to appeal.

I just post everything on my nudes account, I don't care haha

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I have 11 accounts apparently (had to check pw manager!), though I mostly use just one

Is this wrong? I thought that is the way it worked... pick an instance, it has a brief issue or quirk, so you make an account on another instance.

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I definitely had 3 because I forgot my login information for an instance and just made a new account because I don't care. Not seeing Hexbears on my current instance is a plus.

only 5? When I'm bored at my work (all time) I start random discussions with my other accounts in random posts just for fun