What content do you miss on Lemmy?

unpainted_apple@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 113 points –

Many communities exist, but mostly on paper.

What I haven't found yet is something substantial and informative like /r/askhistorians.

Be the change you want to see. I noticed that every time I post even a small thing on those empty communities, people come and contribute.

It’s mostly an empty dancefloor issue, nobody wants to be the first

The other day I linked an interesting perspective on AI on !bestoflemmy@lemmy.world , hopefully those kind of exchanges happen more and more

Well, you’ve encouraged me to make a comment! And given me a great community to watch Lemmy grow!

That's great, happy I could help!

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Individual game subs. Even a niche game usually had just enough of an active community that I could talk about it get help with pretty much anything.

The generic "Gaming" and "PC gaming" and even "BoardGames" crowd is here; but they're mostly good for general news, not discussion of specific games. If I want discussion about lore in Baldi's Basics, for example, I ain't getting it in the general communities.

I feel you, I've been super active in a niche community of a game ( /r/ADCmains from League), and even though it was a salty shitshow, I enjoyed it there.

I got some of that fixed by joining a discord, but it's not the same :/

Transphobia free content is what I miss most. Ever since the reddit influx, there's been a huge rise in transphobia

I've removed one of the responses to this comment due to rule #2. It's a fine line and I'm choosing to err on the side of caution and supportiveness.

It's not so strange is it? It's not like most people feel comfortable around trans people. It took a very long time before even black people were treated normally.

I don't actually like the term phobia either. People are not "irrationally afraid" . They just prefer hanging out with people they are used to.

Someone recently killed another person because they thought they were trans (they weren't) I would definitely call that irrationally afraid. Maaaaybe you could put it up as an extreme case but shit like that does happen. Trans people are afraid for their lives my dude.

I understand. Isn't that even more of a reason to connect to people here?

Should we just not talk to them? Leave them alone so they don't get scared by our comments?

I would rather see them as part of the community like anyone else.


Transphobia, homophobia, racism, misogyny, and other hate-driven viewpoints do not thrive in darkness and get disinfected by sunlight. They thrive by being promoted and normalized when people have the opportunity to be hateful in public.

These are not intellectually assumed positions. They’re not something that can be defeated by debate. The publishing of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion does not contribute to the elimination of anti-semitism - it fosters it. It’s not like someone publishes Protocols and Jews cry out “At last we can debate whether or not we’re engaged in a plot to destroy civilization!” Trust me on that one.

I'm arguing that Transphobia is not hate driven, not for the majority of normal people anyway. They just don't feel comfortable and wants to avoid trans people because of that.

It's human nature to want to avoid situations that makes us uncomfortable. That being said, of course there is a minority of haters. But it's far from being the majority. The majority don't even want to deal with it and they just avoid it.

And I would welcome if trans people would start joining conversations like this one without assuming that everyone is out to hurt them.

Substitute a race-based term for trans in your statement - that “normal” people don’t feel comfortable around black people because they just want to avoid them - but it’s not racism.

You might not feel comfortable around terms that have a specific meaning - like transphobia - but you should at least recognize that you’re redefining them to make yourself feel okay about them. What you’re describing is, in fact, transphobia. It is exactly analogous to feeling uncomfortable around black people but not wanting to label it racism.

You make a good point but I don't agree it's transphobia still.

We pick people to be around from a number of reasons. Usually because they make us feel good and have similar culture. This is why people of similar culture usually ends up living in the same places. This is why similar people become friends.

There are entire cities in Spain where only Nordic people live. And same thing in other countries. This is because they want to live near people with the same culture.

Trans people is something new and different, and it will take time before everyone is comfortable around them. This is not transphobia (irrational fear) or racism. This is human nature.

With time, it will become normal for people to have trans people around. But today it's unusual and people need to adapt to it.

I'm arguing that to make it easier to get to know Trans people, we have every opportunity here on Lemmy for example. If everyone remains friendly.

It is irrational. Just because you believe that various forms of xenophobia (writ large) are “human nature” does not make them rational. Phobias are irrational (that is ‘without reason’) by definition, and attempting to redefine a phobia from a clinical diagnosis to a justification based on your perception that people are inherently prejudiced is itself irrational.

Racists use exactly the same arguments. Racists argue for ethnostates on the basis of segregation being natural. They globalize their experiences and prejudices as universal rather than swing them as maladaptive opinions fueled by a cultivated hatred and distrust.

People are more than welcome to participate in LGBT communities, but they should recognize that those people are, in fact, people. They should recognize that they may come across like that scene in Blast from the Past where Brendan Fraser says “Bless my stars, a negro!” if they’re going to be like that, but there’s a world of difference between an ignorant but well meaning person and someone who both has embraced and propounds phobic talking points.

It is irrational. Just because you believe that various forms of xenophobia (writ large) are “human nature” does not make them rational. Phobias are irrational (that is ‘without reason’) by definition, and attempting to redefine a phobia from a clinical diagnosis to a justification based on your perception that people are inherently prejudiced is itself irrational.

It's not a phobia so it's not irrational. I've tried to explain the reasons above but I don't think you agree, which is fine. According to your definition, everyone who feel uncomfortable around trans people are transphobic, which is absurd to me and I strongly disagree with that.

With that logic, I am also a racist if I prefer being around people from the same skin color and culture. Then almost everyone on the planet is a racist because they don't enjoy hanging out with other cultures (like I said above, people tend to group up and be friends with other similar people).

You cannot define medical terms to suit your need to feel like you are not irrationally prejudiced. Acrophobia, which I suffer from, is an irrational fear. As an evolutionary biologist, I can explain in a great level of detail how acrophobia can emerge in an evolutionary context and how it can have a physiological as well as a conditioned component. That doesn’t mean that it’s not irrational for me to feel fear while standing at the edge of a perfectly safe bridge.

Feeling uncomfortable around trans persons is transphobic, full stop. Feeling uncomfortable around black people is racist, full stop. If people are acting in a threatening manner - physically or verbally abusing people around them, for example - then it’s perfectly rational to feel uncomfortable because it is rational to fear for your own safety. If you’re uncomfortable because Bob the Drag Queen is wearing a dress and kissing a man, though, that’s on you.

Homophilia - the tendency for birds of a feather to flock together - is literally one of my major research areas and I have literally taught entire courses on it, where we study the origins and causes of the tendencies, how the base attribute is confounded by contagion of ideas between people, and why it is toxic and destructive in modern contexts.

I understand what you're saying. There's some degree of internalized transphobia that many trans people experience, themselves. More trans people around will mean that others will interact with them more and realize that they're just normal people. Your point here that aversion to trans people is not transphobia is the same argument that homophobes have made for decades. A phobia is not just an irrational panic-inducing fear. Your point here is just pedantic and wrong.

What we don't need on Lemmy is to have posts and comments that make trans people feel like they aren't welcome or feel like they're different for just expressing themselves authentically.

Substitute a race-based term for trans in your statement - that “normal” people don’t feel comfortable around black people because they just want to avoid them - but it’s not racism.

You might not feel comfortable around terms that have a specific meaning - like transphobia - but you should at least recognize that you’re redefining them to make yourself feel okay about them. What you’re describing is, in fact, transphobia. It is exactly analogous to feeling uncomfortable around black people but not wanting to label it racism.

I've been following this thread and it's been your comments that I need to remove. I applaud your willingness to have the discussion and learn but this is not the place. I can't mod this discussion enough to keep people safe and it's dreadfully off topic. I don't know where the best place is to have this conversation but it's not here.

I know I'm being heavy handed here. This is such a sensitive topic and I am trying to err on the side of keeping people safe. If there was a better way to handle it, I'm open to the discussion.

I don't actually like the term phobia either. People are not "irrationally afraid" . They just prefer hanging out with people they are used to.

Weird how nobody ever gets this up in arms over terms like hydrophobia 🤔

Exhibit A your honour

No idea what you even mean with that. Did you expect a response with "oh that's strange, I'm sure everyone is really comfortable around trans people these days".

They just aren't.

I think instead of being hostile against people who admit they are not comfortable, maybe try to help and be a friend instead so people can start to understand that there is nothing to fear?

Trans people started one of the first mastadon instances and one of the first Lemmy instances as well. I think that's really cool, and I don't get why you would drop a oneliner with some kind of witty response when you can actually communicate with people here.

Hah, I love it.

It's natural that you're hostile to me, because you're uncomfortable, but me, I need to suck it up and be friends with you, despite you making me uncomfortable, because as the person you're "uncomfortable" with, the responsibility is all mine. You just sit there awaiting passive education, and feel guilt free dishing out your "discomfort" until then.

When I said I miss the transphobia free days of lemmy, that's what I was talking about. Because this conversation we're having right now wasn't a thing even a few months ago.

Trans people started one of the first [...] Lemmy instances as well.

Yes, I'm one of those trans people...

Communities for people with rare disorders or illnesses. And plant communities for specific plant groups, so not plants in general. But most of all, i miss the fact that i could search for very specific content to see what creative ideas other people had on how to do certain things. Or people who shared many years of experience and experimenting.

I think in general we just need more people.. There are communities that exist in Lemmy which are basically empty / inactive that used to be active in Reddit (i.e. Datatabases, Postgresql, FreeBSD subreddits). Perhaps as more people discover Lemmy those smaller / niche communities will see more traffic.

Certain informative, niche communities like /r/neovim, /r/prequelmemes, and er, um /r/sex. I know there are comparable communities here, but the volume is missing. OTOH, everyone is much friendlier here. And, a smaller user base means our comments don't get buried among thousands. Also, I'm really enjoying new-to-me communities /c/risa.

I miss having large and active subreddits for the sports teams I follow. They were my primary source of news for the teams and games at threads were great.

There is a cycling community that copies the reddit posts, but theres too few people to discuss anything with..

This is the main reason I haven't left Reddit. I dumped Twitter months ago, but I've got nowhere else to go for sports atm.

I miss communities that I can ask a question to. When I have a problem with a plant, or a legal issue in Japan, or a question about bike brakes... It's nice to have someone to talk to about it that knows more than I do.

Centralized tv show discussions with episode discussion threads. That hasn’t happened yet :/

Tears of the kingdom content. Gimme those ridiculous builds

Some incredible stuff, and I’m sure the madlads in hyruleengineering have pushed the limits over the last few months…. But two fans and a steering stick are all it really takes.

Communities for specific consoles, like r/PS3, r/3DS, r/Vita, very helpful for keeping up to date with new plugins and stuff

The ones here either don’t exist, or do but isn’t active at all

I miss the idea of /r/outside. A kind of role play in a fun , not too abstract context.

I mostly miss my niche subreddits. If the subreddit only has 20-30 active users, that means 1-2 people hopped to Lemmy who might be interested in it.

A lot of country- or city-specific subreddits either aren't on here or are quite inactive. To be honest they were mostly cesspits on Reddit so maybe it's no bad thing but you occasionally found useful information there.

Other than that, there were a few subreddits that were good for recipe ideas, like /r/EatCheapAndHealthy. /r/ZeroWaste was good too, on occasion.

In general, non-tech related communities don't seem to have migrated over as much. Most of the subreddits I followed were related to technology in some way and now have pretty active communities on Lemmy.

This is the main one for me. I didn’t realize how much I got my local news from /r/Portland until I left. It had great info on stuff like local events, new restaurants, plus complaining threads about city problems.

Doesn't seem like there are many economy/financial/stock focused communities here yet

I don’t miss the exact opposite of a question being posted about five minutes after the preceding post

Yet you answered the opposite of the question being posted... Not sure what to believe

surreal memes

You wanna start it? I’ll help you gather content for it and all…that was the only meme sub I ever liked. It spoke to the inner fifth dimensional Accordian Man inside me.

i just searched and it looks like there's already one on an instance

I'm pretty much new to lemmy so i don't even know how communities are made

The sad, basically abandoned subs for tv shows that I never got around to until after they were canceled (shout out to Hello Tomorrow).

Some of the more niche support communities for various reasons, the ones that really only had a dozen or so regs. I hope they’ve found something equivalent to do on the toilet at work.

Hello Tomorrow was aesthetically brilliant in addition to being well constructed social criticism. It sucks that it was cancelled. I really love the mid-century futurism look and mid-century modernism in general.

I’m looking forward to Asteroid City.

In Terms of subreddits I haven't found bikinibottomtwitter yet, can't even tell if it exists because the search is broken on every android client and the desktop version too.

I'm not sure if it's content or just functionality. I really would like lemmy to be more Google-able than it currently is as I still don't have a replacement for "<search term> reddit" like I did with, well, Reddit.

Also, something that will probably take a lot longer is generating content for older/dead topics. For example, my wife and I are watching The Sopranos for the first time, and I used to love being able to search for old discussion threads on each episode. Since Lemmy is much newer, discussions about these kinds of things may never happen at all unless I create a thread, and even if I do, it's unlikely that it'll see much discussion as it's no longer relevant or interesting, especially as you get into more niche interests and topics.

Legaladvice, askdocs, hiphopheads, and all the covid care communities like masks4all, crboxes, longcovid subreddit

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I don't watch youtube. My inline video contents mostly come from R... Vow, I miss those; they have some really interesting videos I keep forwarding to people.

I miss r/conspiracy. The more crazy and outlandish the conspiracy, the more they believed it was real. Interesting people watching but also entertaining to mess with.

Edit: I think they had a convention. The mere existence I found amusing.

Edit2: Shit like:

"We should create the Tax Riot Party, and not pay taxes, and then when they come after us for not paying taxes, we sue the government on the basis of immorality, and then demand direct democracy where we get to allocate our tax dollars into the government programs that we see fit."

Just move to the south. I dropped some stuff at the dump and the dumpmaster was talking at me about how 9/11 was actually holograms and his uncles friend worked for Linden Johnson, so he knows all about the secret alien projects and that we went to war in the middle east to locate a stolen rage/zombie virus that Russia developed and lost.

Yup, I live in the South. It's like a minimum security psych ward with a Dollar Tree inside.

/r/2007scape, /r/asoiaf, /r/berserk, /r/fibromyalgia, also my big unix multireddit!

Virtual Reality and related subs are pretty small/nonexistent here still.

I miss the bonsai sub and maybe the gunpla one too. I'm sure there's others, but those two were a big part of my enjoying the other site.

For lack of a better term, girly content, and parent content. I miss A Bra That Fits, Big Boob Problems, Makeup Addiction, Babybumps, New Parents. And all those small weird (more or less) niche stuff like Minithreats or Accidental Swastika or Moldy Interesting.

But I am still getting used to Lemmy and figuring out how this works, so maybe I have just not found the right communities yet. Searching for them and adding them is so confusing.

r/antipsychiatry 42,000 members who contributed some articles during 17 years for free quack law book https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p4hbeqa7e74j4lk/AAAl2RN_pmlCDoeg9MXHVe4Ca?dl=0

What the heck - 42k!? Wasnt even aware of this sub back on reddit. Why do you miss why?

r/psychology has 1.6 million members but censors criticisms of capitalism (I think necessities should have non-profit option) and severe side effects.

My life was saved by learning about Advance Directives in Vermont, maybe georgia and washington; Germany. new york psychiatrists usually refuse to read them and horribly insult sober natural religion as a "delusion."

On antipsychiatry we started boycotting california for increasing Britney Spears guardianships without a real lawyer a year in advance. https://californiaglobe.com/articles/california-initiative-referendum-and-recall-reform-act-a-pathway-to-digital-petitions/

Vinyl Releases is the big one for me. There’s a community here but it’s nowhere near active enough to be useful.

Upshot is, it’s saving me loads of money 😆

I miss RPAN. Though there's an argument to be made that such a thing should really be a different app altogether and it was shoehorned into reddit. I know owncast exists but haven't gotten around to exploring it yet.