GOP candidate posts menacing message about LGBTQ+-friendly churches while holding a gun to politics – 330 points –
GOP candidate posts menacing message about LGBTQ+-friendly churches while holding a gun - LGBTQ Nation

“I will not turn the other cheek when defending Jesus Christ,” she continued. “And if this lands me in jail, then so be it. Screw your gay garbage.”


"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

...its in your user manual.

Homegirl literally said “don’t hit me with any of that Jesus Christ shit while I’m defending Jesus Christ”. She’s stupider than warm mayonnaise.

She’s crazy as hell.

I know what you’re thinking.

No. They won’t do anything about a crazy chick with a gun making threats.

She’s stupider than warm mayonnaise.

One part Joel Osteen. One part John Rambo. She's just playing the hits that conservatives love.

We'll see if voters eat it up. The Missouri primary isn't until Tuesday and Sec State is a crowded ass field. She's probably pulling these stunts just to get some name recognition. This strikes me as less about being stupid and more about being a virtual unknown in an eight-person field.

Unfortunately, these "Christians" are the ravenous wolves dressed in sheep's clothing that Matthew 7:15 warns us of.

"The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rotten at the heart. O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!" - William Shakespeare "The Merchant of Venice"

Not to be pedantic, but this verse is basic. Most Christians will have a counter to this verse and it's lost on many of them.

This verse is much more on point:

Jesus replied, “Do what you came for, friend.”

Then the men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him. With that, one of Jesus’ companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.

“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?”

Here Jesus is, being fucking arrested. And someone pulls a sword to defend Jesus and he tells him to chill.

These people are Christians the same way I am vegetarian. On Sundays only.

The scriptures, if one believes these things, were fulfilled, right? If the reason given not to fight was so that the scriptures would be fulfilled, doesn't that logically leave Christians free to commit any violence, now?

Pfff, they don't read their user manual! No time for that when there are people to be persecuted! They've reforged Jesus into their own fascist, greedy, gun nut. Sort of a Frankenstein's monster cross between Supply-Side Jesus and Rambo.

I'm pretty sure they have never er actually read that book, none of their policies are in sync, they just really love virtue signaling about God while they completely miss the point. Jesus never wanted trans folks to not exist, never tried to drag gays behind his truck, never tried to separate immigrants from their children, and most importantly never threaten a coup saying it will remain bloodless if the vast majority of the population allows it to...these assholes are as close to God as the satanic church

Valentina Gomez, who’s running for Missouri secretary of state, appears to have lost her job with Nestle Purina after her numerous anti-LGBTQ+ stunts.


Fuck Nestle, but not this time.

"...appears to have..."

Don't let them off the hook yet. According to this article they didn't fire her. She quit after they "tried to keep her quiet about attacking LGBTQ books in libraries."

If Nestle hasn't publicly distanced themselves from her, they're probably still willing to employ her. I wouldn't be surprised if they were secretly donating to her campaign.

Such a piece of shit that Nestle said 'don't talk to us in public'

But seriously, she's such a pick me for the hateful vote.

I guarantee she was a vocal bigot and only got in trouble with Nestle once it because clear she was a PR disaster. Bigots like this can't control themselves and definitely have red flags.

Oh fucking hell, Missouri?

Maybe I should vote in the Republican primaries, fuck this woman and keep her far away from office.

Nothing positive ever comes out of that trash state

For anyone confused.

This is terrorism.

This is the face of it, the every day part. If we don't fight this then we will end up fighting an insurgency.

Is this the immigrant terrorism the Republicans keep talking about?

You know what? Thank you.

I just reported her to authorities. I hope that leads to something.

If we don’t fight this


Passing new laws, setting up DOJ task forces, revoking tax exempt status from participating "churches", actually arresting conservatives who threaten people with guns...

The bar is in hell.

Passing new laws

We can't do that. This is something left up to the legislatures, which are stacked with do-nothing Dems and fascist Repubs.

setting up DOJ task forces

That's something only the AG can do, and Merrick Garland doesn't seem interested.

revoking tax exempt status from participating “churches”

A job for the legislatures and the courts. Again, completely outside our control.

actually arresting conservatives

A job for the police. And it should go without saying that "Some of those who work forces..."

The bar is in hell.

I don't think Americans really understand what their role is in a civil society. All we know how to do is to subcontract and outsource to someone else and hope it gets done.

So….don’t go to those churches? I mean, I don’t, but I don’t go to any other places of worship if I can help it either.

But goddamn girl, chill the fuck out.


“I will not let Jesus Christ be mocked,” Gomez said while standing in front of a church with a rainbow flag. “All this Satanic and pedophile garbage in the Olympics, in our churches, and in our government will end when Christians and Catholics start fighting back.”

Ok how is this not a legitimate threat of violence? And yes, clutch those pearls over the Olympics. Also, Catholics are Christians. They were the first Christians. Actually pretty much the only Christians until Martin Luther and the Reformation. Goddamn girl just shut up.

I don't think they were the only Christians. There are the orthodox, and a couple of "heresies" that existed. The schism with the orthodox is complicated though. Both sides argue they were the original and the other went rogue.

Actually pretty much the only Christians until Martin Luther and the Reformation.

I think the Coptic Church (AD 41), Greek Orthodox Church (1st century AD), Syriac Church (514 AD) would like to have a word.

Yep, don’t disagree. Catholic school 12 years and we learned all about it, but that they were also ‘Catholic’, so I include them.

The people who follow those religions would disagree. The Copts even have their own Pope, so it’s pretty hard to consider them “Catholic” in any normal sense of the word.

If I said the same thing about her and her church while posing with a weapon suitable for a mass shooting, she would want me arrested, and she would probably be correct (acquiring the weapon is taking an affirmative step towards the commission of the crime). I foresee no legal consequences for her though.

Can somebody in Missouri please get her a 5150? She's literally a danger to others at this point, and has been ramping this shit up for months.

There are far more pedophiles who claim to be straight than gay. She is full of shit trying to conflate the two. Classic conservative rhetoric from the 1950's, what a fucking weirdo.

There are far more pedophiles who claim to be straight than gay

nervous Catholic noises

there are far more pedophiles who believe and vote conservative than anything else. whether they be voters, preachers, or politicians or their subordinates.

If we want to protect children, its the conservatives we should be going after.

Every accusation from the right is really an admission

Super cool and legal(?) being a conservative domestic terrorist these days

Is she really gay? I mean, that's some serious denial posture.

This is the kind of person who clearly has a manifesto

Written in crayon with tons of grammatical errors and revisionist historical references


Shit like this is why red flag laws were invented.

Threat of terrorism, anyone? Where are the three-letter agencies when you need one?

It's a GOOD THING she's a not BLACK CHILD! Otherwise the cops would have already SHOT or JAILED her!

totally normal, not weird behavior

Wow, sounds a lot like my solution to fascists.

Does anyone else think that all this violent fervor and irreality on the far right is likely to become channeled in destructive, deadly ways across the country if Trump loses the election and there is therfore no longer a semi-legitimate political channel invest all this murderous rage and malicious intent?

Like, it's bad already, but if Trump loses, I feel like for people like this, it's going to push them over the edge from social media posturing to very scary domestic terrorism.

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