I wonder what they smell like.

in4aPenny@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 659 points –

They smell like plastic, metal, complex hydrocarbons, and death.

To be fair, they only develop that hint of death just the once.

Richard Stanley was hired to direct "The Island of Doctor Moreau" but was replaced by John Frankenheimer after a few days of shooting. However, Stanley considered the film to be his baby (he co-wrote the script) and didn't want to leave. So he disguised himself as one of the mutants and secretly remained on the shoot.

You can watch the documentary about the shooting of this B-movie and it's full of weird details like that. It's called "Lost Soul: the doomed journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Doctor Moreau"

He also directed The Color out of Space with Nicholas Cage recently.

Good film. One of the few good Lovecraft adaptations, IMHO.

Having enjoyed that truly good but weird movie, this story suddenly makes more sense

People may think he's crazy, but part of psychedelics is hypersensitivity. I doubt he could actually see in the dark and smell landmines, but his brain probably recognized very small details and fabricated hallucinations based on what little he did pick up on.

I sort of believe the seeing-in-the-dark thing. I was at an LSD party with my friends one night and we took a black frisbee out onto an unlit field (no moon) and threw it around without once dropping it. We just knew where everybody else was and where the disc was at all times. I dunno, maybe we could smell the frisbee.

Your pupils get massive when you're on LSD, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're able to let in more light to let you see better.

Was anybody smoking? We always take a drag when we want the disc in the dark, bright cherry gets the toss

No smoking - we'd never put weird chemicals into our bodies!

What a strangely ignorant way to reply to somebody trying to share your joy. Never smoked weed but you take acid? LSD isn't a "weird chemical" to you? Seriously? Reevaluate

Pull your head out of you ass and laugh at their joke you buffoon.

You can't detect an obvious joke? Seriously? Reevaluate

Your joke was funny, but them being trolled by it is even better 😅

Fuck man it's the Internet, it's hard to know what to expect. Pretty sure there's a way to mark sarcasm

But I'll take my lumps

Contrast in the dark is far better on psychedelics, I assume because of the massive pupil dilation

No expertise here, but I wonder if neurons are more excitable on LSD. If every cell in your retina and optic nerve is trigger happy, you'd see more in the dark. More noise, too, I suppose.

Get out of Grateful Dead show on the last night in that town, hop in the car while still blazing face on 5 to 10 doses and drive hundreds of miles to the next venue. Night vision extreme!

Maybe the elevated brain energy along with the will to survive or to avoid imminent death might coerce other areas of the brain to align with survival.

This is essentially the point I was trying to make across, but worded better.

Petition for OP to crop the horizontal image from the vertical borders.

If you add a section to eviscerate those erroneous commas, I will sign that petition.

I wonder if his memory of 'seeing in the dark' stemmed from his pupils being extremely dilated.

Yes. But, I'm sure the visuals didn't help.

To be fair they didn't specifically say what he saw in the dark.

Night patrol or machine elves. He saw what he saw.

For example, a hypothetical, in low light the LSD has synapses firing so fast that one is very aware of every presence around them. But, everyone is a shadowy monster with glowing eyes. The color of their eye glow indicates their instentaneous level of hostility.

The distortion of perception brings the subconscious to awareness. This is why hallucinogenics can sometimes be therapeutic. But, as the dose increases, so does the effect of the subconscious. Take too much and the perceptions no longer have much basis in reality.

If anyone's reading this and curious, don't take LSD. There's no escape from a bad trip. Try mushrooms instead. I keep a little around for when my head can't reason out what the fuck my heart and ego are choosing.

Listen up, buster, don't you go trashing LSD just because you don't like it. Many people, including myself, have had great experiences that, while different from mushrooms, were just as if not more profound while on LSD

Listen up, buster, I don't recommend hardcore psychedelics to the curious beginner. Neither should you. Start with mushrooms. Easier access anyhow.

Regardless of your personal experience, they are both very potent. Personally, the most gnarly, off-the-rails trips I've ever had were thanks to shrooms. LSD has been much more consistent for me.

This is a weirdly aggressive wholesome argument.

Yeah they both make great points, I enjoyed reading it. I say keep a lil of everything for a rainy day.

Mushrooms sometimes gave me insane paranoia although it never lasted for more than a few minutes. Never had a bad trip with LSD - the badness was always how I felt for a few days afterwards.

I'm older now and I couldn't even begin to imagine doing either one now, but they were good experiences and produced some good memories.

If you had relatively clean LSD and mushrooms, both of which you'd sampled, which would you recommend the hypothetical beginner I'd addressed?

If it's LSD then something's fucked in your supply or you're a unique personality that doesn't realize they're different from the vast majority of others in some fundamental way.

I can definitely understand how some people would prefer LSD afterwards, with experience. I'd advise that person that long term LSD usage, even microdosing for performance enhancement, will definitely have permanent effects upon their psyche. Maybe good, maybe bad. Future them will decide.

I think the issue with LSD for beginners is how long it lasts. Mushrooms lasts a 5-6 hours on a full stomach, 2-3 hours if you blast them powdered on a empty stomach. LSD even a small dose is a 12 hour commitment, add another 12 hours per 1000ug. Source: Took a lot of psychedelics and even more trip sitting.

EDIT As for trip potency, they're both too different and too similar to judge. Similar in terms of visual distortions, different in terms of colour, both very colourful. LSD has a stimulant-like MDMA body high, mushrooms has a body high that's hard to describe. One is an emotional rollercoaster, the other is a different emotional rollercoaster. One has you speak to aliens, the other has you speak to God.

everyone is a shadowy monster with glowing eyes

I used to live next to a big lake in Florida. One night while I was tripping, I walked out to the lake and shined my flashlight out on the water and saw hundreds of pairs of eyes looking at me. Figured it was the start of a bad trip and went back inside. A few days later (not tripping) I went back out with my flashlight and saw the same hundreds of eyes. Fucking gators.

There’s no escape from a bad trip. Try mushrooms instead.

Mushrooms can give you a pretty bad trip as well, but at least it doesn't last as long as acid. My advice for either one is make sure you have people around that you love and trust - being alone or being with strangers can be bad news.

I went back out with my flashlight and saw the same hundreds of eyes. Fucking gators.

Sober, at night, in the desert: Hundreds of eyes, like stars in the sky. Fucking spiders.

Mushrooms can give you a pretty bad trip as well,

I agree.

at least it doesn't last as long as acid.

Also, one can also mitigate the effects with induced vomiting, alcohol, or sleep. A batch of shrooms never has byproducts or laced drugs. If they're particularly strong then grind them up, weigh doses, and encapsulate.

I took my last dose of LSD more than twenty years ago. Everyone shouldn't choose as I do because they're not me. My only intent is people make wiser choices.

My advice for either one is make sure you have people around that you love and trust - being alone or being with strangers can be bad news.

Far more important than squabbles over which one is better to start with. I was an adolescent that took what was in front of me while back of car camping with friends, a few acting as babysitters.

A batch of shrooms never has byproducts or laced drugs.

A classmate and friend of mine died in 2004 from mushrooms that were laced. Ask with caution if you want to know more, it could fuck up your day.

man the dark itself is a hallucinogen adding LSD and combat must be.... one hell of a trip.

Let's pause for a moment and focus on that intent:
I'm going to take LSD in a war zone.

It's like the psychedelic revolution smashed right into The Right Stuff test pilot daredevil attitude. Some people truly seem to be made different than you and me.

That said, it probably wasn't one of those legendary "heroic doses", as a certain low-to-medium range (which varies from person to person) does sharpen awareness of things we normally filter out automatically.

If this guy did LSD in a war zone, he's probably done it many times before, is familiar with its' effects, a medium dose for him might be a heavy one for the rest of us... mere mortals.

I'm not saying he could smell landmines, but apparently elephants and rats can.

Though I'm assuming their snouts are fairly close to the ground.

Who knows, maybe LSD unlocks the part of our brain which can smell landmines, and he was spiderman crawling in front of the camera crew, sniffing around like a TSA dog.

Maybe somewhere in the DoD, someone is thinking of setting up an experiment on this.

That video is one of the best and oldest I can remember, from back when you saved videos to the cool videos folder because YouTube didn’t exist yet. Poor guy in the beginning having a bad trip. The soldier throwing the headphones down like “I can’t fucking do this”, cord stretched across the tree, while absolutely laughing his ass off always gets me. I wonder how many micrograms they were dosed with. Ahh, tripping in the woods.

“He himself then relapsed into laughter”

Wait, you guys can't smell landmines? I thought everyone could do that!

I wish I couldn't. It's extremely distracting as I'm trying to go about my daily routine.

Cool but please crop it next time, it's annoying on mobile.

Almonds. Explosives smell like almonds. Or cow shit. Depends on the kind.

One time, we pried the backs off some claymores, and daisy-chained them together with det cord. Smelled like a new can of tennis balls. Plasticizer off-gassing, I gather.

Probably. I was just trying to set up a poop joke but no one took the bait.

lol!! This crazy ass. He just got lucky af.

Maybe but it would not be the first time to theorize that light doses of psychedelics may increase environmental awareness.

Stoned ape theory has hunter gatherers discover a benefit to grains with trace amounts of ergot i

Not comparable to tripping oc and the experience of smelling mines is far out but maybe there is more to it then just dumb luck.

Like battery acid/Plasticine and cheap cookware. Kind of like the used pots aisle of a Goodwill