Donald Trump: ‘I Hate My Opponent’ to politics – 258 points –
Donald Trump: ‘I Hate My Opponent’

Trump suggested that restraint would be unfair since his Democratic critics are “getting personal all night long.”

This shows why it was paramount that the Democrats left the "high road". Trump has no clue how to react when someone finally hits back at the bully.

Baiting Trump to keep doing the thing that his voters are starting to hate because he can't shut his damn mouth is so funny I'm actually surprised the dems are doing it.

Seriously. When did "don't fight back" ever work against a bully?

It's all about principles and turning the other butt cheek like good people do, as if that was going to convince the bully that their way is wrong...

It's not about convincing Trump, it's about getting the Independents to vote.

Dems won with Biden in 2020, so they figured that he'd be fine in 2024.

If something worked for a long time, people are reluctant to try something new.

I myself was leery of Biden dropping out, and I was shocked by the Kamala surge.

I'm not talking Biden or Kamala or Trump or who needs to come out and vote, I'm talking about the way more progressive people act in general, they believe people who are harsh and disrespectful just need to be shown a better way because if progressives can be good people so can anyone else, just like bad people project unto others their own faults (if I can imagine myself doing X, it means everyone could do the same, the best example being all people who committed election fraud being Republicans when they're the ones acusing the Democrats of doing it).

I don't know why so many democrats think themselves into closed boxes like this. Biden was a very poor candidate from the beginning, and was one of the worst candidates chosen from the original primaries. He (and the democrats) nearly blew the 2020 election, and were only saved by Trump's massive failures with COVID-19.

I mean, go back to Obama selecting this man and people hated the guy. I recall people ranting and pleading with Obama to pick someone else.

The Dems do this because the Left stays away from the process and then [possibly] shows up on election day.

AOC jumped in with both feet and got herself elected. And seen plenty of people rage on her because she didn't set herself on fire to fight the Dem leadership.

I hear ya. Turning the other cheek is important. But God also killed Jobs family.

I'm not sure that idiom is what you think it is.

It's proper manners to sneak a cheek when you fart in public

We should collectively refer to that as a "Giuliani", IMHO.

Nah, a Giuliani is when you shit yourself so bad it starts leaking out your head.

The one cheek sneak is normal and acceptable.

Makes me think the person that made up that rule was a bully themselves.

Michelle Obama?

She didn't make up that rule. It existed in school long before the Obama's were in politics.

Right? I was taught to not start fights, but if someone wants to attack me and mine, to make sure that I finish that fight. I get wanting to be the bigger person, so to speak, but at least defend yourself.

Also he will never be able to turn the tables and take the high road because he’s trash. Trash with enough money to impress Americans, but he’ll never be able to speak or act like a truly classy person.

He doesn't know who his opponent is, but he hates them.

This, but unironically.

Trump is a toddler who never gets told no. He instinctively and compulsively hates anyone who opposes him, because they had the audacity to stand between him and something he wants. There's no deeper thought to it than that.

Reading what he said in the article, that's pretty close to the truth. He wasn't saying that he hates Harris particularly, but that whomever his opponent is, he hates that person and he's going to be mean.

Of course Trump hates her. She's Black.

He’s also being walloped by a woman.

Thats probably why he hates it so much, being beaten by a woman is very much not his thing. If a woman's gonna do anything to him, he'd prefer something a little warmer, perhaps also golden even.

Boy those articles about a "new Trump" aged like milk on a Phoenix sidewalk huh?

About as well as all the many, many, many times the "liberal media" kept talking about how "Presidential" donnie was acting after he held in the crazy for 30 seconds that one time, and how he was going to "pivot" into the role, and so on.

I'm not even American and I'm keen to see what the debate will be like. I seriously doubt Trump has enough self-control to stop himself lashing out at Harris, let alone the presence of mind to listen to his advisers!

Shut the fuck up, nobody likes you. Nobody wants you. At least, nobody that matters. Read the god damn room.

He's so old, desperate and weird.... he's 100% going to call her that word that starts with C on stage at the debate and break another bigot republican glass ceiling.

You called me weird. I hate you.

it's hard to imagine someone over five being that sensitive and fragile

“When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.” -Donald Trump

How in the fuck does even the stupidest, most un-selfaware person on earth think that that line is somehow a flex.

Donnie...buddy...bubbala...being the same person you were at five is not something to admit to. It's a sign of a deep psychological short-circuit in how your fucking brain works...

You've had several years with non-stop coverage of this specific exemplar (and decades of consistent wtf before that) to practice with, but it's still hard to imagine? 🤪

i hope i never get to a point where i just accept that this is just something that happens

I'm with ya there, 100%, no contest. I was merely being glib about "hard to imagine". 🙇🏽‍♂️ In actuality, if the last several years were described to past me as the upcoming timeline, I would've genuinely asked that narrator if they were fuckin' high. 😵‍💫

Do you even know who your opponent is? Do you know what day it is? Point to the cow in this picture. No, that's a horse.

That's alright bias fact checker. The biologicals can suss this one out... True. Great share, OP, thanks!

He really hated Obama, but now there's a real fear that the entire nation will say they like a black woman better than him. And I just don't think he could handle that kind of rejection.

Well yeah, she's too old for his tastes, and much more independent and strong than he thinks women ought to be.

Let him get mean and personal. So she can be ready and hit him back with "you're a felon and a sexual deviant" over and over. I would love for him to fall apart and call her mean and nasty after she snacks him around.

"Whoever they are, doesn't matter, I hate them. If they agree with everything I say, I hate them. If they are my own family, I hate them. Whoever they are, whatever problem that you personally have, it is actually their fault, the way I tell it at least. We actually wrote the "I hate..." statements first, and then we just insert the name eventually. We're making it all up you see, I have to be the president or else I go to jail or russia."

Hate. From the T rump? Well I never. Lets look at both sides here though. given all the Disdain, Revulsion, Disgust, Loathing, Contempt, and even pity. Oh I guess theres hate to though.

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