Biden urges de-escalation as Israel bombards Lebanon to – 129 points –
Biden urges de-escalation as Israel bombards Lebanon

You know what would urge them? Stop supplying the bombs.

Saw some idiot on Al Jazeera say “stopping weapons transfers really won’t do anything, as the US has given them enough to last years and years.” (they also have domestic production)

Like, he’s right but holy fucking shit, dude.

Big "Putting murderers in prison doesn't stop murders from happening, so there's no point" energy.

Even if they have reserve weapons, they are still reliant of a steady flow of US Military Weapons. If that ends, they are in major trouble. Especially with the Internal unrest in Israel and their reputation on the international stage.

Netanyahu even approved the bombing of Lebanon's Capital, using US built Bombs and US built Planes, while on US Soil, with the approval of another 8.7 Billion Dollars of Military Weapons to Israel.

Kind of has a Willy Wonka "no, don't, stop" vibe

Willy Wonka smiled as Harold Hezbollah came from behind the curtain.

"You! You started all this!" shouted Charlie.

"Calm down, Charlie," said Wonka. "He's working for me."

"Yes," said Hezbollah. "If we kill a few innocent people, the war goes on forever, and we get more and more money."

Wonka held Charlie by the shoulders. "Young man," he said, "this fantastical arms factory will be yours as long as you promise to blame everyone else but yourself, and you keep trying to invent more ways to kill innocent people."

Charlie thought about it for a moment. He did love killing innocent people. Frankly, when he blew up that hospital in Gaza it made him happy for as much as a whole minute, a whole minute of pleasure lighting up the dark cavern of his hateful heart.

[text omitted]

"Yes!" Wonka screamed, as Charlie plunged the dagger into the defenceless Oompa Loompah's chest [text omitted]


Here, take these bombs.


Also here, have some more bombs.

Joe Biden is a disgrace. Empty words from an asshole that is supplying the bombs

Biden isn't running for president. Between Trump and Harris who do you think will result in the most harm?

They didn’t mention Harris, Trump, or the election.

That’s how sycophantic and unhinged they’re getting. They’re becoming schizophrenic, imagining tankies everywhere 😳

No criticism allowed or you're a tankie. You must append 'im voting harris' to every negative thing you say no matter how true or the idiots will swarm you.

Between Trump and Harris who do you think will result in the most harm?

If humanity keeps having the choice of big harm or small harm, and tends towards the small harm, living beings will keep being harmed, on purpose and by conscious choice.

This is why I don't feel emotionally connected to being human. Humans are machines for making their human world worse, and sadly they bring along the other living beings they share the planet with as they do it.

thank goodness at this point these are two separate conversations

I think Harris will be responsible for another 40,000 innocent children being slaughtered, but who knows if trump is elected.

So between Biden and Harris it will be 80,000 or more innocents slaughtered.

Again, I don’t know about Trump.

(These numbers are very low estimates. The actual number of innocents slaughtered will most likely be up to ten times this amount. This is just the count of the bodies and parts and pieces of bodies that we can actually account for.)

Trump makes the news multiple times saying he'll back Isreal tenfold what Biden has been doing.

"I don't know about Trump.".


Trump is a buffoon who doesn’t have any actual policy.

Biden and Harris have actual policy and they whole heartedly endorse the genocide.

Trump is a fucking idiot.

Biden and Harris intellectually support genocide.

Trump supports only himself.

Again, I don't know I am pretending not to know about Trump.

This is so thinly veiled, it's just sad.

It's insane that a country whose economy is 1/8th that of California alone and whose population is 35x smaller has the US by the balls in this way.

Any country would if they had the US Military Industrial complex backing them up.

Urges de-escalation and then gives them literally $8,000,000,000 to continue the genocide.

And if Israel DOESNT then they'll get ONE LESS BULLET! THAT will Teach Them to Embarrass Biden while MURDERING Children!