Russian Oligarch Found Dead in Moscow after Falling Out of Window to Not The – 349 points –
Russian oligarch found dead in Moscow after falling out of window

I hope all American Oligarchs watch every window victim with wide eyes. This is the future you are funding with Trump.

No no no. It will never happen to me. I am one of the smart oligarchs/good immigrants. He will just murder/deport the others.

I really will have to insist on an "/s", sir.

Sad but true these days

To be fair, it’s been true since text based public commenting became a thing.

Its gotten so much worse over the last decade though. The line between satire and reality is as thin as ever.

I feel like we all knew this was not the onion. The onion would be a Russian oligarch dying in any different manner.

Russian oligarch dies peacefully in his sleep of old age.

Mikhail Roguchev died peacefully in his sleep last Thursday evening surrounded by his family and the heavy iron chains he had fashioned to keep him from being thrown through a window...

Russian window manufacturer issues recall after hundreds of fatalities.

Russian Oligarch missing after falling up out of window.

Russian oligarch dead from falling window, officials on scene say "huh, well that usually happens the other way round doesn't it?".

It's barely even funny at this point.

Although I'd quibble about Newsweek defining this guy as an oligarch. He was vice president at a company that was disbanded due the company president's opposition to Putin. It's very possible this guy is just a former executive that refused to bend or hand over some dirt or something. It doesn't appear he fits the definition of oligarch at all.

Unless we're just using the word to refer to all Russians above peasant.

It's the wholesale murder of political enemies to consolidate power by an autocrat.

I don't think it was ever "funny".

I always see people commenting on stories like this with things like "how does anyone actually believe that/think anyone will believe that?"

Well, that's exactly the point. It's not about the death being convincingly accidental. It's very much about sending a message to others.

You don't eliminate the competition and agitators with the exact same method of execution for 30+ years (with a few false-flag apartment bombings thrown in for good measure) and expect to keep things covert.

The only way they could make it more obvious is the "he hogtied himself, ate a cyanide capsule, jumped out the window and shot himself twice in the back of the head on the way down" trope.

If it was a good deterrent, why does it keep happening?

I'm serious. I don't get it.

Putin has been in power for 25 years. He arguably has more enemies than anyone else on the planet. I’d say the deterrent factor is pretty strong with this one.

It’s not perfect though. When you’re destroying your own country with the most disastrous war in living memory then you need stronger deterrents.

In some cases, the people in power change their minds and suddenly an oligarch who was compliant becomes a target.

As chonglibloodsport said, it's a numbers game.

When you have enough enemies, and keep making more, you're going to keep getting people who have had enough and don't care about the risk.

If it weren't for the "Russian suicide", putin would have been black bagged long ago by someone who WOULD.

It's the same with the vote rigging being caught on camera. It's deliberately careless. "I've rigged the vote, so don't even try"

Exactly. They don’t have a signature poison because they don’t want people to know what happened

This is why you shouldn't use windows. Switch to Linux.

Future generations of Russians will gain immunity to fall damage once they weed out the ones still complying with the law of gravity.

They really need more durable windows over there.

Phillip J. Fry is getting very very tired of questioning his state of shock...

Fell right into 20 bullets... Wow what a unfortunate accident.