State House Candidate in Virginia Condemns Leak of Sex Tapes to – 221 points –
State House Candidate in Virginia Condemns Leak of Sex Tapes

Susanna Gibson, a Democrat running in one of seven tossup House seats in the closely divided legislature, denounced the “illegal invasion of my privacy.”

A Democratic candidate in a crucial race for the Virginia General Assembly denounced reports on Monday that she and her husband had performed live on a sexually explicit streaming site.

Susanna Gibson, a nurse practitioner running in her first election cycle, said in a statement that the leaks about the online activity were “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family.”

The Washington Post and The Associated Press reported on Monday that tapes of live-streamed sexual activity had been recorded from a pornographic site and archived on another site. The New York Times has not independently verified the content of the videos. The Democratic Party of Virginia did not respond to a request for comment.

Ms. Gibson, 40, who appears on her campaign website in hospital scrubs as well as at home with her husband and two young children, is running for the House of Delegates in one of only a handful of competitive races that will determine control of the General Assembly. Republicans hold a slim majority in the House, and Democrats narrowly control the State Senate, but both chambers are up for grabs in November.


Joke’s on them - I’m into legislators being comfortable with sexuality.

No doubt. Saw the videos, like what I saw. Would still vote for her.

You should probably report where you saw them- it's revenge porn.

They've already been removed from recurbate, so presumably her team is searching for the alternatives today. They're not at all difficult to find, and given that it was consensual and posted to the internet by her and her husband, I find it highly unlikely a judge will rule that it's revenge porn, which requires that the third party "disseminate or sell" the material. All they did was tip off the press, who also didn't disseminate or sell the videos. Also the servers they're located on now are probably foreign.

I think that's the problem, it wasn't posted by her or her husband.

She and her husband were streaming on Chaturbate. Someone archived the videos.

A month after she announced her candidacy, someone took the archived copies and uploaded them.

A little different than if she or her husband did it themselves or if it were automatic. The timing seems retributive.

Public information is not the same as public domain. They still hold the copyright on the streams, making reuploads illegal.

Also, aside from legality, it's simply morally wrong. They consented to be watched once live (or, if they enabled recordings, until they delete the VOD), not for it to be shared around on third party sites forever - regardless what Chaturbate put in their TOS to cover their asses.

Nope. That would make reuploads for profit illegal, reupload for news purposes or because it's of public import are wholely legal.

Morality is subjective but no chaturbate makes it very clear the streams are not private and they do not hold them to be private and anywhere you're specifically told not to expect privacy is public.

Redistributing copyrighted material without permission is not only illegal when it's for profit. What you're alluding to is Fair Use (which does not require to be not-for-profit). And given the four factors of Fair Use, I think you're going to have a hard time arguing in court that uploading the full stream without adding anything constitutes Fair Use.

And I did not say it was not in public. But it was made public intended for one-time, live viewing; and not respecting that is immoral.

Some would say that livestreaming sex for strangers is immoral, and I'd also tell them to go fuck themselves. Morality is absolutely the weakest argument you can put forward in this situation. We all know how the internet works nowadays, and it doesn't cater to sheepishness.

Some would say that livestreaming sex for strangers is immoral, and I’d also tell them to go fuck themselves.

Another thing we agree on. But you do realize that you telling them to go fuck themselves is based on a moral judgement as well?

And again, "[that's] how the internet works" does not make it right.

Another thing we agree on. But you do realize that you telling them to go fuck themselves is based on a moral judgement as well?

Yes, which is why arguing morality is literally the weakest argument you can put forward. Nobody cares.

And again, “[that’s] how the internet works” does not make it right.

And "it was leaked" doesn't make it an "invasion of privacy". Clutch your pearls elsewhere. I'm not picking up whatever the hell it is you're putting down.

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Please explain the difference between dissemination of information and "tipping off" someone about that information

The same difference as telling someone in which alley they can buy weed and selling the weed yourself

Information isn't a tangible thing, though. The act of "tipping off" is conveying the information. In your example, it's like taking a thing of value and telling someone where they can pick up a bag of weed that happens to be for the price they paid.

"I find it highly unlikely" should have been the operative phrase that gave away the fact that I'm not a judge or prosecutor, so my definition doesn't really hold water in a court of law. Morehead v. Commonwealth of Virginia gives more information on what qualifies as "dissemination", if you're curious. The long and the short of it is that the offending husband actually uploaded images to a website, which completes the "widespread communication" process. Furthermore, chaturbate's own privacy policy says, "all information and content you determine to share or stream through the Platform, including in 'private' and/or password protected situations, is considered public information".

The sex was consensual, their faces were clearly visible, and the videos were uploaded willingly to a publicly accessible site by Ms. Gibson where she agreed that said content would be deemed public information. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

In this case dissemination would be a third party posting the video without her consent. "Tipping off" someone about that information is equivalent to sharing a video found online.

"such and such purposefully uploaded this content to this site using their known profile" is not dissemination.

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Proof it's revenge porn.

It's nude images nonconsensually disseminated for the purpose of hurting someone, which is the definition of revenge porn under VA law

Just to repeat: for the purpose of hurting someone. Intent is a pretty big deal in criminal law. That's why murder and manslaughter are different crimes with different sentencing guidelines. When she and her husband posted them, they weren't trying to hurt someone's reputation. This coverage is a result of someone deliberately trying cause harm to her career.

So what you're saying is that we should get a nudist to run for office because then the press and opposition will never be able to use a photo of them in a negative context or risk going to prison?

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I don't care that she did it, but if you have live sex for strangers on the Internet then you've got to realize that footage can be around forever.

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If there's anything voters hate more than atheists, it's women that show any sort of sexuality. Juxtapose that with several very high elections and appointments of men who have sexually assaulted women if you'd like to feel a little disgusted this morning.

I'd like to vote for a sex worker for president. They'd be way less likely to assault anyone or be a pedophile than most of the people we elect now.

Yeah I'm sure you will sleep just great after jacking off to a woman who specifically didnt want people viewing her deleted stuff.

Putting things on the internet and expecting people to not find/look at them is laughable. I'd still vote for her, and don't really care.

Also, it's a joke. I'm not going to watch it. From the discription it's way to tame to actually get me off anyway. I need like every orifice filled with something. Preferably some kind of love action tentacle porn situation. Bonus points if their in a fur suit.

Missing the point.

She shouldnt expect it to disappear. But those who go looking for what was deleted and which she doesnt want viewed are messed up because it doesnt bother them what she feels.

Ah yes, feelings. The thing you can lean into and be right about anything. You feel right, so you are. Got it.

Asking to have some empathy isn't the same thing as asking to use feelings to decide in everything you come across.

So if I understand correctly, our candidate live-streamed sexual activity to Chaturbate, and is mad that someone saved and uploaded the video elsewhere.

Our candidate is a naive idiot.

"Invasion of my privacy without consent" You waived any claim to privacy when you hit the Begin Stream button and invited To Whom It May Concern into your bedroom. The video left your computer and arrived on someone else's computer, and hence permanently entered the state of being "on the internet." You're 40 years old, you and I grew up on the same internet in the same time period, you are both young and old enough to know better.

If you don't want the entire internet to see your gonads, don't upload your gonads to the internet. Probably don't even photograph your gonads in the first place, because your phone probably puts your entire camera folder on the internet anyway.

On the topic of a 40 year old woman and candidate for state office sharing an active and apparently adventurous sex life with her husband: Excellent, carry on. Living as long as I have under the thumb of right wing hypocrites who spend their entire lives trying to criminalize anything except being white, male and straight pausing only to take it up the ass in an airport men's room, I'd honestly prefer a candidate whose take on the matter is "YEAH I like getting dicked all the way down. Wanna watch?"

It's the blaming someone else for something YOU did that chuffs my spuds here. You chose to broadcast. And you can't stop the signal, Mal.

A grown adult woman fucked her grown adult husband on camera for adult friends viewing over chaturbate, and this is a scandal I'm supposed to care about?

The moral colors of the pro piracy wing of lemmy coming out in force with no understanding of consent or nuance.

Who cares (aside from her clearly)? She is an adult and had sex with her husband (wouldn't matter if it was not her husband either). Whoopdie doo. What are her views on healthcare and taxing carbon emissions?

She's an idiot if she thinks live streaming porn of herself online was somehow ever going to be private.

Maybe so but Virginia has a revenge porn law and under that this is technically a crime, as it is intended to intimidate her. No one cared about the videos till she was running for office.

Wow, what a body..I think this was either really stupid or really. I feel like this might have been leaked on purpose to get publicity...pity/empathy from the female voters and lust from everyone else. Whatever it was, she's got my vote!

I don't think it'll hurt her much; though there certainly is some degree of difference between a private video being leaked and a public livestream being saved / leaked, they're still both illegal invasions of privacy and hence this will be viewed by most reasonable people as Republican skullduggery rather than any moral failing on her part.

How come it is an invasion of her privacy if they're live streaming? She's just stupid.

Because consent in one instance doesn't create consent in all instances. It's not just a violation of ethics to repost, it's also legally, copyright infringement, and completely irrelevant to her qualifications.

Wrong. Chaturbate's own privacy policy clarifies that all uploaded or streamed content is public information.

Edit: You numbskulls are downvoting the site's own terms of service. Morons.

It feels so mind-numbing to argue with these emotional block heads. A white woman from the blue team was 'wronged' and that's all the emotional fuel you need to disregard all logic, including citing terms and conditions or pointing our the fact that live streaming yourself having sex isn't exactly 'private'.

I think most people objecting to it are primarily objecting on moral grounds, not legal ones.

Public information is not the same as public domain.

all uploaded or streamed content is public information



You can't even quote a comment correctly, and you feel compelled to do it twice. You want me to link Chaturbate's ToS page? It's there in black and white. Go touch grass.

I'm not quoting anything. I'm saying the TOS say it's public information, not that they are giving up their copyright (which would be public domain).

You replied to a comment that said the reuploads are copyright infringement, calling it "Wrong", citing the TOS.

And in one of your other comments quoting the TOS, you explicitly say that they state the streams are in public domain (a copyright term), when the TOS actually say they are public information.

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I think that would depend on the rules that you agreed to when using the website or service.

For example, anything posted to Facebook is owned by facebook. They can do whatever they want with it.

I'm not sure what the rules for 'chaturbate' are.

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The best way to avoid ones' sex tapes appearing on the net is not making any in the first place. But that seems to be a bit too complicated for some.

Missing the point entirely. Sex tapes between consenting adults shouldn't be an issue, and leaking them to shame, denigrate or otherwise harm someone should be a sex crime that puts you on a list. There's a fair chance that it is under Virginia law, but I expect governor Glenn "Voter fraud is NBD when my kid does it twice" Youngkin to ignore the law when he likes the criminal.

Yeah, but this wasn't a private sex act. She and her husband performed publicly on chaturbate.

By "leaking" the tape, they literally just pointed people to one of those sites that automatically archives chaturbate shows.

I completely agree that that's irrelevant to politics, but it feels like a stretch to call the taping of a public broadcast to be revenge porn.

I think that's the problem, it wasn't an automatic archive.

She and her husband were streaming on Chaturbate. Someone archived the videos.

A month after she announced her candidacy, someone took the archived copies and uploaded them.

A little different than if she or her husband did it themselves or if it were automatic. The timing seems retributive.

Are you sure it's not from an automated archive? The news sites I saw made it sounds like they were just pulling stills from recurbate or one the similar clones that are just automated archives.

No doubt the timing of the story being raise was retributive, but it's not illegal to point out something a candidate did publicly that might be embarrassing to them.

If it were automated, it wouldn't have waited until one month after she filed as a candidate. ;)

Automating crime doesn't make it not crime. Giving some people permission to watch you fuck doesn't give everyone permission to watch you fuck. Please take some time to look at yourself and consider why you want so badly for this to be fine when it's obviously not.

Giving some people permission to watch you fuck doesn’t give everyone permission to watch you fuck.

Again, it was public on chaturbate, they literally gave everyone in the world over 18 permission to watch them fuck. This is a matter of whether giving everyone in the world permission to watch you fuck entitles them to tape it and reshare it or replay it. Morally that's a lot more nuanced than a private sex show.

Also, from other comments in here it seems like legally based on the terms of service they agreed to they explicitly did give permission for their public performance to enter the public domain.

Please take some time to look at yourself and consider why you want so badly for this to be fine when it’s obviously not.

Please take some time to go fuck yourself (on or off stream) for not so subtly implying that I have any emotional stake in this, instead of just trying to have a nuanced discussion about the ethics around recording a public performance.

You're simply wrong. What you're saying just is not the truth.

Lol this comment is the equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and going lalalala

Not OP, I'm confused. Did the couple not take money to live stream sex to the world?

She willingly agreed to terms of service that enter these consensual videos into the public domain. I'm sorry but you are simply wrong.

That should amount to immediate disqualification of the opposing candidate.

Iirc the opposing candidate didn't do this (or rather, can't be proven to have done this)

Never understood why so many women put their faith in shitty men.

Me neither, but somehow you were born anyway.