For sure tomorrow to ADHD – 1142 points –

Getting older and more mature has definitely helped with this. For example, I completely cut out the part where I promise myself I’m going to change the pattern.

I feel seen, also how do you actually break out of this cycle, it’s been decades. 💀

Some people find it to be a huge help to start their day immediately with a scheduled activity like a class at a gym. 6am spin class or crossfit or some shit.

Forces you to get up and get your ass moving first thing and if you can ride the endorphins out of the gym and into a bunch of other productive activities you will probably get more done by lunch than any other whole day.

That seems like it makes sense. Which probably stems from me not having a regular sleep cycle with some of the Twitch streaming I do at night. Trying to balance work/family/life along with that is pretty difficult to get a good sleep schedule. Maybe I’ll try to do some workouts or exercises before work if I don’t feel dead in the morning.

It needs to be a regimented "I now do this regardless" activity. If you put in the qualifier of "If I dont feel dead" then you never will, because who feels fantastic getting up at 5:00 to go to the gym?

Oof you got me! I had a feeling I’d be called out for the qualifier and with good reason! The reason for that was if I’m going to sleep late, then 5am gym isn’t feasible, but it sounds like I need to recalibrate my schedule so I don’t feel dead to be able to accommodate for some kind of morning activity.

Oh dont get me wrong, my advice is generic. I dont know your life, I dont even follow my own advice. But I start work at 5 so my alarm goes off at 4:15 so I start my day by arriving at work cranky and go from there. I go on the way home every day because I know if I go home first its game over on the rest of the day.

Fair, fair. I totally get it, I will agree though that your basic premise is still true: qualifiers aren’t the way to achieve a goal. Really just becomes reasoning to justify why you couldn’t achieve it.

We do all live our own lives, but I appreciate the callout you made and want to respect that. I start work at 8 but work from home so my alarm is like 7:30 and I just feel groggy anyways but again, probably due to lack or sleep and lack of a stricter schedule on my part. A bit harder for me to plan out with a family but I should be trying harder.

I broke out by getting diagnosed and getting put on medication.

Medication lol.

While I think medication is a valid option, Im not sure I would use it as the first option, unless I had a licensed therapist/psychiatrist give a diagnosis and medication recommendation. It’s entirely possible I just need a change of routine or environment, but everyone does has varying situations and medications is one option that I think (I don’t have any sources haha) proves effective!

If you're so genuinely afraid of the meds, lifestyle changes can help (but sometimes aren't enough because ADHD is serious). Caffeine can be basically an over the counter stimulant. There are meditations for ADHD like basically working to pay attention to a lot of things or people at a time (think: train station) in order to tire out that part of your brain that has you tracking too many things. There are similar mindfulness meditations like Mindful Walking (note: this isnt simply walking). And as always, exercise is a cure-all. Ive learned a lot through youtube and CBT books!

I'd highly recommend working with a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. Getting someone who is an explicit specialist can lead you to a months-long waiting list, FYI.

I’m really appreciate the thoughtful response, just want to say that I never said I’m afraid of medication. I just like to be open minded about various options without directly assuming medication is the best option for every person in every situation. I definitely would want a medical professional to hear my specific symptoms or scenario and give that recommendation if it’s best for me! I’ll take look into your other suggestions as well, thanks!

I'm sorry I made that assumption. Its a good reminder for me not to do that. Keep us updated if you learn something!

I really appreciate you! I’m sorry if I took offense to any of your response. I’m like 30 and just learned this year that I may have adhd and that my standard way of doing things may not be “normal”. Totally looking into seeing a professional and learning more about myself and whatever treatment may be necessary. It’s great having people around for support as well, it means a lot!

Wow what a wake-up call. 30 and you just got told you're weird? 🤣 sounds like you have an open mind about it!

Apparently I’m high functioning or something?? I’ve made it this far through life and would call myself relatively successful (good career, family, etc). I do have some problems with prioritizing work and focusing (hence why the meme is relevant). Literally just did a Twitch focus stream to try to stay on track and hold myself accountable to be focused 😅

My dude, you have a physical condition that alters how your brain functions and don't want to see a doctor.

You're downplaying how serious your condition is. Go see a doctor. There's a reason why medication rocks for 3/4 people. It fixes your body just like a cast would for a broken arm.

children with ADHD have fewer symptoms after finding the correct stimulant medication and dosage. Stimulants are considered controlled substances, which means they have the potential to be improperly used or cause substance use disorders.

I’m sorry, please correct me if I’m wrong, but where did I say that I’m opposed or don’t want to see a doctor? All I pretty much said is that there are a variety of options and that I would like a professional recommendation before assuming medication is the best solution for my situation. Please be careful with assuming other people’s health situations and making false accusations in the future.


While I think medication is a valid option, Im not sure I would use it as the first option, unless I had a licensed therapist/psychiatrist give a diagnosis and medication recommendation. It’s entirely possible I just need...

  • Everyone in denial who doesn't want to go see the doctor

Thanks for proving me right I guess? Nowhere does that say I do not want to see a medical professional.

We break out of the cycle by getting to the point where shelter and food are at stake, hanging by a thread, almost homeless, so somehow start earning money to take care of that shit and procure shelter, procure food, and stuff just kinda eventually gets done.

It's getting really bad because now it's ADHD mixed with massive depression because of the cycle I feel stuck in, the meds aren't helping me do anything but stay awake and have more energy. I'm about to lose everything I care for in life because I just can't shake my mind out of this shit.

Make sure to talk with your Doctor and express that feeling, I've been also in testing meds cycle it sucks but I'm sure I'll find something that works, you got this.

I hope so, just about everything that could go wrong in my life has done so in the last 6 months. I'm really at the end of my rope.

relatable. Good morning. I'm doing the first 5 hours part of my day right now. catchya later.

update 7 hours later: I just did a productive thing!

Now back to some well-earned Lemmy time.

It's past midnight and I have an assignment I need to finish today... but I really need to research the latest real-time physics engines.

My trick is to do as much as possible during the first hours of the day, and THEN get anxious.

This is being a normal human being at the weekend. This isn't ADHD specific.

I think the original tweet is saying this is their every day life bc of their adhd.

Being their every day state of existence and not having any control over it is the piece that is adhd specific I believe.

There's always one of you people who has to chime in like this. Yes, neurotypicals can be like this. But for a person with ADHD it's not a choice, it's far more intense, and it's debilitating when you're aware of it and can't force yourself to do otherwise.

It's not a choice for 'neurotypicals' either. This is simply a result of certain personality traits, notably, being low in Conscientiousness (Big Five), high in Neuroticism and Openness. It's a (very common) type of person.

I'm all for the categorisation of ADHD but the amount of Zoomer Google Self Diagnosis that just makes shit up is absurd.

A neurotypical is far more in control of their actions in this situation and it's absolutely a choice. They don't have to deal with hyperfocus and executive dysfunction the way someone with ADHD does. This isn't some self diagnosis bullshit, and it's reductive at best and actively harmful at worst to suggest we don't suffer from it or that because neurotypicals can exhibit similar behaviours, that means we're just making things up. I'm diagnosed and most people here are too.

You aren't neurotypical, so how would you know?

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I think these are normal steps for a variety of people. I'm pretty sure I'm not ADHD but every time one of these style posts pops up listing traits or supposed ADHD defining behaviour they are always relatable. Most likely explanation is these posts are nothing to do with ADHD and are actually designed to just make you feel special when you see that these apply to you so you interact with them, share them, and they spread to others and it repeats and repeats and repeats...

I think you might be lost. And, just for clarity we all have moments but ADHD is about this happening constantly.

Why am I lost? And yes the particular scenario in this post is a regular occurrence. No matter how much time I have I will always put things off until the point where if I don't do it now I won't have time. Then I'll try and start it but the up doing something more interesting and thinking of excuses to get away with not finishing what I was supposed to. It's always something easy too and when I finally do it I tell myself that's next time I'll keep on top of it but never do.

Have you considered that you actually do have ADHD

No, I've just always thought that I am a bit lazy or self absorbed and only want to do the fun things. I do give through periods where I make an effort to correct it but it never sticks.

It sounds like trolling because it's so typical of those of us with late diagnoses. We also believed this about ourselves prior to getting evaluated.

Definitely not trolling no. My comments are genuinely how I am but I don't think that because I put things off until the last minute that it's anything out of the ordinary. I am actually now a bit curious because more than one person is saying the same thing but I'm not going to self diagnose based on comments on the internet.

The thing that makes people with ADHD think they don’t have ADHD is the “hyperactive” part. Not everyone with adhd is actually hyperactive, but if you find be yourself unable to muster the motivation to do things you know you’re supposed to do, but the ability to hyper focus on things you want to do, that’s incredibly characteristic of ADHD.

Me not emailing my negative UDS and EKG results to my psych until the day of my diagnosis.

Instead for that week I was procrastinating, trying to unspaghetti my NixOS installation, installing a PS2 emulator to play a title that dankpods reminded me of.

I'd been beating myself up over this shit for years, people in my life too just thinking I'm lazy and disorganised. Only took me until 36 to get a diagnosis 🤘 Happy I did.

Many mental health issues have procrastination and/or executive dysfunction as a symptom.

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If you're trolling right now then you're doing an A+ job.

I am genuinely not trolling although I have no way of proving it.

If you're not trolling you just perfectly described what it's like to be in denial about having ADHD

He sounds like one of those conservative men who talks about resisting 'temptation' and genuinely doesn't realise that straight men just aren't interested in boning other men in the first place. It's the same energy.

Sorry I don't mean to come across like that. I just always assumed these types of posts were like Horoscopes and designed to contain elements so the majority of people reading it would go 'oh wow that describes me'. Reading the responses I'm realising that this assumption may well be completely wrong and I should re-evaluate.

If you live somewhere with sane health insurance, consider a small conversation with your doctor to rule it out. You might consider yourself normal because it's all you've ever known.

In the UK so no insurance to worry about. I'm actually considering it based on the consistency of the responses from multiple people.

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Because that is only one symptom. And there are many different reasons why people could behave that way (even on a regular basis). It neither has to be ADHD nor any other mental health problem at all.

I wish more people would see that society holds us up to an in-humane standard and many people "fail" when compared to that standard.

When more than half of all people suffer from some type of mental health issue it's quite obvious something with the system is wrong and not with us.

ADHD encompasses a variety of debilitating symtopms that are consistently present from the beginning of someone's lives. Otherwise it can't be ADHD.

It's a cheap way to deal with our system-issues to brainwash people into believing somehow their brains are wrong.

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