Nikki Haley Vows She Would Pardon Trump if She’s President to politics – 363 points –
Nikki Haley Vows She Would Pardon Trump if She's President

They're not arguing that he didn't do it.

Instead they're saying he shouldn't be held accountable for what he did.

Oh, and "let the voters decide." I'm old enough to remember 2020, when the voters did decide. Republicans didn't accept that either

Instead they’re saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for what he did.

Party of Personal Responsibility.

Somebody here is salty that you pointed out that TRUMP IS A LOSER!

Brooks Brothers Riot. Even our insurrections are less classy...

She can pardon him on the federal charges all she wants, she can't do anything about the STATE charges which, lesse here... last time I checked... 47 felonies he can't be pardoned for.

Been a bit since I updated this one:

If you're trying to keep track of where we're at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 12/29/2023

13 state felonies
Election Interference
Arrest <- You Are Here
All 19 defendants have surrendered.
Trial - A trial date of Aug. 5, 2024 has been requested, not approved yet.
Three defendants, Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, and bail bondsman Scott Hall, have all pled guilty and have agreed to testify in other cases.
The judge in the case has set a deadline of December 1st for all motions to be filed, expect a trial date at some point after that.

Washington, D.C.
4 federal felonies
January 6th Election Interference
Arrest  <- You Are Here
Trial - March 4th, 2024, one day before Super Tuesday primaries.
Jack Smith had requested that the Supreme Court immediately rule on Trump's immunity defense, the Court rejected the request, requiring it to go through the usual appeals process first.

New York
34 state felonies
Stormy Daniels Payoff
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024

40 federal felonies
Top Secret Documents charges
Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, or the Arizona fake electors, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it's a civil case and not a crimimal one. That trial date is currently set for January 15th, the same day as the Iowa caucus. and has now been determined to be for damages only as Trump was already found liable.

As a function of the January 6th and Georgia trials, there are now lawsuits in two states to bar Trump from the primary ballot based on the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment.


12/19/23 - The Colorado Supreme Court has ruled that Trump is not eligible for the primary ballot due to being barred by the 14th Amendment as an insurrectionist.


11/8/2023 - State Supreme Court denies challenge, allows ballot access.

A long-shot write in candidate for President has also filed suits seeking to bar Trump from the ballot in Florida, Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

His cases in Arizona, California, Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island,  and West Virginia have been thrown out:

Definitely eternal emperor of America material, I will devote my life and remaining brain cells to this guy

The Michigan recordings just released need their own section

Time to update. Looks like Maine barred him and Minnesota threw it out.

Maine barred him at the secretary of state level, it's going to get challenged. Waiting for the court ruling on that one, but yeah, I'll get Minnesota updated.

I really appreciate this list! We were trying to piece it together last night and couldn't remember who had charged him with what, and what the timeline was.

Trump, Haley, and the rest of the republican traitor filth must be crushed under the heel of justice.

Didn’t you hear? Justice is long dead.

It grinds slow, but fine. Or so the saying goes. And when they say slow, they mean glacially.

This design is intentional to make it difficult to weaponize, which people did all the time through history. Don't mistake slow for stationary though. Glaciers do move, even if you can't see it if you sit there and stare at one.

At the same time: justice delayed is justice denied.

Uh, no, not true. Justice delayed is justice delayed. Justice denied is justice denied. It almost always gets delayed over something or another, just because proving a case as best you can is difficult and complex, and often changes mid-process.

And you do want proof to be important, justice isn't something you want Kyle Rittenhouse types just winging on their own.

That was justice denied, right there. Delayed is fine sometimes though.

It's important to remember that efficiency is not always what you want most. You want accuracy and precision too, and a balance somewhere between these competing priorities is necessary.

If you delay justice long enough, it becomes generational injustice. Non-white, non-male civil rights over the course of US history is an example of this.

A president can't pardon state crimes. He'll still be serving sentences in Georgia and New York.

Nimarata Nikki Randhawa will say and do anything for power. Even whitewash her culture.

Nimrod Nikki has a nice ring

TBF people misunderstood Bugs' reference because no one was flinging around "Nimrod the mighty hunter" references left and right before it showed up on Looney Tunes. So some obscure biblical figure got essentially coined as a new term. It's sort of like how Santorum used to mean "hateful bigot", but now means "lube mixed with shit".

She's literally saying that she will ignore the justice system and set a criminal free.

Please vote for me, I like criminals!

I still don't like this timeline

Doing it, is bad enough. Promoting one self by saying you'll do it, is even worse!

Why is everyone acting like this is anything but pandering to the MAGA crowd? I don't like Haley one bit, but she is a legit threat.

Should we campaign on a platform that strongly encourages our base while also teasing the other team and maybe developing policies that draw them in?


Holy shit, i got a headache.

Why would you pardon him? Has he committed any crimes? /s

Seriously, you must think he committed crimes if you are going to pardon him.

I mean fuck the GQP, but do you really think that one can't wish to pardon someone one deems innocent?

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One thing is for sure, republicans DGAF about America, the Constitution, Democracy, Law and order and the Ten Commandments unless it benefits them at that particular moment. They have thrown it all out the window to benefit trump. They have shown us at every opportunity that they will lie, cheat, steal and kill to protect trump from justice.

They were completely morally brankrupt decades ago it just took time for the shit to overflow the perverbial toilet.

When did the platform of being President of the United States of America become the ability to pardon individuals?

Since day 1 of the Constitution? The pardon has always been a presidential power. State governors can pardon people for state crimes, but the president can't. They're the head of their executive branches, the branch that's in charge of enforcing laws. It makes sense that they have the ability to pardon people from that enforcement. It's overall a good thing.

Haley said it wasn't in the country's best interest "to have an 80-year-old man a criminal sitting in jail."

She just rendered herself ineligible for office for the same reason Trump is ineligible for office. lmfao.

Does anyone actually think for a second that the next republican president, no matter who it is, wouldn't pardon him?

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And to her I would ask, "Do laws just truly not matter any more?".

Why bother asking? She already told you they don't.

The next time I see her I'll let her know that Sharpiemarker told me thst I shouldn't bother asking. /s

Seriously though, that point I was making was more rhetorical in the context of this conversation, but generally speaking, when you get in someone's face about something and you press them on the matter, then they tend to have to put real thought behind their stance and defend it, versus just saying stuff for political intake.

TL;DR: it's rhetorical dude/dudette, relax.

Every single one in that fascist party now has to bend the knee to one of the worst public figures in America.

“What’s in the best interest of our country is for our corporate donors to understand that if I am elected, nothing will fundamentally change”

——Nikki Haley, no wait, Joe Biden, no wait Pete Buttigeg , meh whats the fucking difference…. None

If you're implying there's not a fundamental difference between a Republican president and a Democrat president, at this point, that's absolutely hilarious. Delusional.

From a certain point of view there isn't any difference to be seen.

The point of view would have to be very far away though, maybe Jupiter?

Maybe if you're CisHet there isn't any difference.

If you're queer, or have queer loved ones, there's a big fucking difference.

But then, generally, people like you who claim there is no difference don't actually care about marginalized groups.

You either didn't finish reading their comment or you didn't pick up on their sarcasm

The moon is clearly too close.

"You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch.'"

-Edgar Mitchell

You honestly can’t tell the difference?

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