What is your lemmy superpower?

Daft_ish@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 57 points –

Mine is people insult me by pointing out my username but I am immune having been the one who chose it.


Mine is infinite ADHD moments where I aim to expel as much information for the internet as possible. I have been accused of typing like ChatGPT. I can and will link to Wikipedia with reckless abandon and use parentheses (with reckless abandon).

Somehow, people always reply very rudely regardless of my tone lol. I could be saying "we need to stop global warming" and there'll be someone like "We ALSO need to REVERSE it dumbass". Like, this has happened too much, people are way too defensive and will take any chance possible to "one-up" each other

It's always someone else's fault with you lol.

In that case, can you point to the specific comments of mine that show that so I can work on myself?

Edit: oh I get it, that went right over my head lol


(hahaha, lol, roflcopter)

Mine is misreading usernames and thinking someone who posted this was an insane carp or cod.

Oh my cod

First time in london in summer 2022. this fish n chips shop called „oh my cod“ near us was fantastic. Thank you for bringing up this memory :D

I didn't read the article, I'm just here to shitpost, complain about life, or be mentally ill in the comments.

My antipower is my inability to dedicate the time I want to here. Uni and work keep me too busy. I wish I could keep my community here more active. )=

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Mine is commenting on the worrisomely prolific violent rhetoric towards GOP members and getting downvoted into oblivion

Rhetoric isn't killing republicans, living in red states is; check the homicide rates.

Violent? No. I abhor violence.

They just need to fuck off and die.

Not sure if this falls under that or not, but I've observed it's surprisingly frequent that people act out of character when I'm in the equation. I never understood why.

Mine is spending far too much time on lemmy without contributing anything

I have the power to be a Theocratic Fascist or and most left-wing Arachnocommunist depending on who I'm arguing with. I don't know how it works either

Is an arachnocommunist someone who advocates for spiders to collectively own the means of production?

A-Arachnocommunism?! That sounds way more intense than your garden variety feline communism!

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I'm able to make creative comments that were able to get down to -125 points so far and get removed by mods

Mate you said climate change was a hoax and that you’re glad Greta was arrested.

You had a shit take and rightfully got shit for it.

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