Right-Wing Media Blames Bridge Collapse on ‘Open Border’ and COVID Lockdowns

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 399 points –
Right-Wing Media Blames Bridge Collapse on ‘Open Border’ and COVID Lockdowns

Surprised they didn't add:

  • Ukraine
  • Hunter Biden's Laptop
  • LGBTQ+ community
  • BLM
  • George Soros
  • Bill Gates

The usual suspects

How can you possibly forget some of the greatest hits? Obama’s tan suit Obama’s birth certificate Hillary’s emails

"Yes, Marjorie, you keep telling us how magnificent Hunter's penis is, but it probably didn't knock the bridge down. Now can you please put the pictures away?"

They are. Don't read twitter. Any republican buzzword is being thrown around as conspiracy theories for this accident.

There was one Ukrainian crew member actually so the conspiracy theorists are going crazy.

1 more...

I didn’t stay at a Fox News Propaganda Roach Motel last night, but I do have a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and I’m gonna go with the wild hypothesis that the big heavy boat hit a part of the bridge that was holding a decent amount of weight. That introduced a decent stress factor which weakened that part’s structural integrity, it started to give way, and the rest of the bridge followed suit.

But we all know big boats can’t hit bridge beams or something because open borders cause Covid lockdowns.

Idk, I have an engineering minor and I think immigrants are a much more likely cause than a giant fuckin boat crashing into the bridge

I don't have an engineering degree at all, but I design my 3D printed parts, and I think that immigrants stole the boat and rammed the bridge because the chemtrails in the sky made them all go crazy

...and they couldn't mentally overcome the chemtrails because all the 5G activated their COVID vaccines to turn them into government slaves. IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB! And no one has the fucking balls to say it.

I am not qualified to have a technical discussion on this matter.

However: big boat hurts big bridge; makes sense to me.

Republicans say such stupid things you don't need any real qualifications to prove them wrong. Usually, you don't even need to address whether the claim is true or false, you can just use basic logic to conclude that the claim is fallacious.

There is no logical connection between this bridge collapse and border policy or COVID response. The burden of logically linking these things lies with those making the claim. We have no burden to prove that no connection exists, we can simply point out that the claim has no logical explanation for connecting these things.

Hey if jet fuel can’t melt steel beams, imagine how little a COLD BOAT would do? Checkmate, Atheists. /s

If 9/11 happened today half of Republicans on Twitter would be blaming Secretary Buttigieg before the second plane hit.

Fun fact: I had a cousin in the second tower on 9/11. They told everyone in his office to remain calm and he was just like “nope” and got the fuck out

It’s rather important to remain calm in emergencies.

Particularly when noping the fuck out- I’m glad your cousin made it out.

And his coworkers?

I think they made the "nope" decision as a group (or at least his team). I was young when it happened and honestly haven't brought it up with him since. I figure it's kind of a traumatic thing to just bring up at a family gathering.

To shreds, you say?

Obviously it's not "too soon" for a 9/11 joke, but what made you think this was appropriate to say to someone who has one degree of separation from this tragedy?

That is a serious disconnect from reality.

I mean, this was a failure on multiple levels, but Covid and immigration aren't anywhere near the list of things that went wrong.

well, what else happened today? Trump started selling Bibles. Coincidence? I'm just asking questions.

Yeah what if someone could make a bunch of money doing nothing and then lying on "news" programming about anything they can get away with for their own gain? Won't someone please think of the robber barons and clergy and how this affects their ability to suppress and control the population??

Absolutely right! We need to stop these cargo ships illegally emigrating to our country and taking our jobs!

Damn straight!

I applied for a data analyst role at a company last year, and after weeks of interviewing, they informed me that instead of hiring a red-blooded American patriot like me, they decided to go with a cargo ship. Can you believe that?

Dat ship dun terk mer jerb.

Why isn't Biden doing something about the migrant cargo ship crisis?!

Ironically enough, we do actually have a law to stop something like this, the Jones act, which requires that ships transporting cargo between two parts of the US must be built in the US, fly our flag, and be owned and crewed by americans. All this actually does though is make shipping just a bit more expensive, because US shipbuilding is more expensive than the global average, so almost nobody builds cargo ships here, which means that ships that comply with the law are rare specialty constructs and thus even more expensive, so very few exist and trips that could be more efficiently done by ship from one US port to another are instead taken by things like trucks.

Is this why our cruise ship in hawaii (sailing only between hawaiian islands) was american flagged and crewed by americans?

I was surprised because i always heard stories about how cruise ships are often crewed by exploited internationals and flagged in questionable jurisdictions so that workers can be abused.

That’s exactly why. It’s also why Alaska cruises make a stop in Canada along the way. If they sailed straight between Alaska and Seattle, they’d need to be US-flagged.

Possibly? Im unaware if it applies to things like cruise ships, or if it's just cargo shipping

My son is a cargo ship and he didn't get in to the collage of his choice because of affirmative action.

TLDW, Fox Host: "You've been talking a lot about the potential for wrongdoing or potential for foul play given the wide open border. That is why you've been so adamant."

Snippets of the reply from Senator whatshisname : Border border border. Drugs, Terrorists, Criminals. Sanctuary cities. Crime. "Anyone can come into our Country and demolish our way of life." Military age from China, scary. ... Debt. Inflation. Border. Inflation. Fox host: Inflation. Inflation. Inflation.

TLDR; “right wing buzzword, right wing buzzword, right wing buzzword“ lol

right wing scare word.. Fox News is a terrorist organization..

the magic of being "conservative" right now is never taking responsibility for anything.. those loud mouth shit eaters can find someone to blame for everything..

The right wing mental inbreeds will believe the stupidest shit, and if proven wrong the imprint on their minds will still cause them associate something bad connected to the bridge and border policies.

They all want to have the next podcast that gets Koch funding or whatever. Daily Wire has a position open, whoever quacks loudest might just be a ringer

Hey is that convicted Medicare fraudster and Florida Senator Rick Scott?

I think people have also been sneaking the "DEI" dogwhistle in there. Are people not tired of hearing a new scary acronym all the time?

I swear, hearing whatever crackpot theory these buffoons come up with is starting to sound like your own children shrieking about who's touching who for hour 5.

"For insight into this tragedy, we turn not to anyone even remotely involved in the rescue or recovery efforts, nor an engineer of any type, but Skeletor, Scurge of Eternia, Evil Sorcerer of Snake Mountain, and He Who Stole Millions of Dollars in a Health Insurance Scam."

Who the hell stopped them from fixing the border and also imposed those COVID lockdowns?

They should test the whole team for illegal substances. What kind of hard and illegal drugs does one have to take to come to such "conclusions"?

“You’re on Homeland Security. I want to understand the threats or the potential threats that this country is facing right now…

“We go now to the headlines today, Donald Trump blah blah blah blah blah blah BLAH blah blah.”

I didn't see them ever blame the bridge collapse on the open border. It was more of a very bad segue to a different topic while still showing images of the previous topic on-screen.

I read it more as an attempt to steer the interviewee into a narrative and he just didn't bite.