Millennials in retirement to Lemmy – 1513 points –

What is this "retirement" you speak of?

Oooh! The period where they put us all out on an ice flow when we become too old to work!

You think we will still have ice?!

I always thought the "ice floes" was just figurative, but apparently there actually used to be ice there! TIL~!

Too old to work under current technology? Don't worry your years on ice will not be in vain as we will awaken you as soon as the technology is available to get you back to work. You got to pay off that cryo stasis debt you didn't ask for after all.


I thought we were just all working until we die to feed the stock market.

Who do we call the enemy? 
My children, my children
Who do we call the enemy?

Who do we call the enemy?
The enemy is poverty
And the wall keeps out the enemy
And we build the wall to keep us free
That's why we build the wall
We build the wall to keep us free
2 more...
2 more...

Im hoping retirement homes will have lan parties

If it happens, you guys are getting pwned

xxGubussySlayerxx: Are you hacking or is that Parkinsons

G-maCookieHacker: You must have cataracts if you think that was a hack.

Once I'm retired, maybe I can finally finish my backlog of 2000+ games on Steam

Mario and Smash Bros (millenials grew up with those, they’re currently 30-40) will be the new bingo

Quake on LAN for me

Ahh won't have the reflexes for that.. Maybe civ?

If none of us have the reflexes anymore it could actually be pretty fun lol

I'm 100% confident that once elderly people make up a good chunk of the gaming market, games will be made that accommodate whatever reflexes they have. If enough people with Parkinson's want to play first person shooters, there'll be first person shooters that people with Parkinson's can play

I don't know about that, I've had extremely tense wars because both my opponent and I kept trying to make extremely fast plays with camel archers and knights, then awaiting for the other to charge and counter them. Almost worse than AoE2.

I call my car big chonk from time to time

When the doctor doesn't know anything about slang.

No worries, by then Latin is replaced by Equally Dead Internet Language as a prerequisite to become a doctor.

"I am a doctor, I have a PhD in ancient memeology"

Ah! the good old cycle of replacing the old with a new thing! Only so we know who is hip like us. Only then can they be doctors like us 🧐 * gumball-sophisticated-laugh.wav *