‘I’m trying to give you a better deal’: Customer pulls gun on Burger King employee for giving him a discount

ZeroCool@slrpnk.net to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 366 points –
‘I’m trying to give you a better deal’: Customer pulls gun on Burger King employee for giving him a discount

"Vernon said the man threatened to kill him and called him a racial slur"

There it is. He felt like someone he thought was beneath him was giving him something and that upset his worldview.

That man is too fucking stupid to own a gun. Take it away, and put him in timeout.

That man is too fucking stupid to own a gun.

Or a car, for that matter.

sHAalL NOT bE NfriNGed!!111!!

Fucking apes.

Well yeah, if there’s fringe on the gun it’s a navel weapon.

…you know, I wonder if we can get them to believe that.

I'm thankful that in all my years of working in retail, I never had a gun pointed at me. Having said that, random people get so bent out of shape about the most ridiculous, inconsequential things and it can be close to impossible to predict who it's going to be or what is going to set them off.

Based on my experiences, if a customer is being indignant even after explaining that I was helping them out, I would apologize and remove the discount or ring the order up differently (if it was in my power to do so). More often than not, they calm down after they get what they want, even if it's to their own detriment. Granted, after calming down, a not insignificant number of these folks will realize their mistake and then they have to figure out a way to save face so they can ask for the discount to be reapplied.

1 more...

This man has nerves of steel. Dude said "you do what you gotta do I'm not running" to a man holding a gun in his face.

That young dude has 10 kids…he’s probably oblivious to violence by now.

pulls gun on man with 10 kids

Man with 10 kids opens mouth, grabs gun barrel with two hands, inserts barrel in mouth "Do it, let's go, bitch. My shift ends in 30 minutes I ain't got all day."

Stable behavior that indicates someone should have a firearm

Idk why people are so angry out here at 9 in the morning

LOL, I love this guy's perspective. Hear, hear!

I can understand why people could be angry. They have to be awake at 9 in the morning.

Definitely doesn't excuse the gun and the racism.

"Man, what do I look like? A charity case? I don't need your hand-outs! I'm an adult!"


Some poser hands me cake at a birthday party, whatchu want me to do with this, eat it?


Bet I can tell you something about the voting history of the guy who couldn't understand basic math or the concept of a sale, perseverated on that fact long enough to come back to the burger king that tried to give him a deal, called the cashier a racial slur and pulled out a gun.

Lol Minnesota republicans want to get rid of algebra I'm HS. Maybe someone should show him this.

No front license plate is a criminal’s paradise

It's Ohio tho, they have two plates...

The other car didn't have fronts either, so it's got to be a border town or something.

Taking a gun across state lines can open up a shit ton of other charges too depending on a lot of different charges.

But gun crimes like this rarely get charged, the cops don't give a shit so even if someone identifies the guy and tells cops where he's at, they probably won't do anything. Especially if it involves crossing state lines.

The reason people act like this, is they get away with it. Usually up until they actually murder someone

Ohio doesn't require front plates anymore.

That's crazy, I'd hate to hear the logic they used to change that law

They can save money by printing half as many plates.

They still charge people the same for registration, though...

I guess my question is how much does a piece of tin stamped by prison labour really cost… if it’s more than a couple $ per plate then gouvernement is overpaying just because they’re the government

A quick Google says the population of Ohio was 11.7 million in 2023. Since you basically need a car to get anywhere, I'd guess probably 40-50% of that for the number of registered cars, so at $2 a plate cutting the fronts saves you somewhere around $9 million.

Not much when talking about the budget for a State, but not insignificant.

as with every bad idea, my guess is that they just shouted the word "freedom" over and over again

It’s weird. Here you have to have a front plate but not necessarily a back plate because of trailers

Did he have a Gun to Protect himself from this Man he was giving a DIscount to? That's the ONLY way to Prevent this SItuation!

Well, when those people start getting uppity, looking down on good, moral Christian white men, somebody has to remind them of their place. 'Murica.


This is such an American phenomenon.

Even without the school shootings, this would be reason enough for me to say that the second amendment needs further amending.

I dunno, that guy sure looked like a well-regulated militia (งツ)ว

I hear the natives of Australia are still treated pretty badly. Racism is a universal human cancer. No one culture has a monopoly.

I'm not sure what you're getting at. The problem is that a random loser had a gun and pointed at another human being in a situation so far removed from a "life or death situation" that it's almost impossible to fathom.

That guy should never be allowed within 10 feet of a gun, but I'd be surprised if that's part of his punishment.

Do cars in the US not have license plates on the front?

I'm not seeing any on either car in the photo.

This took place in Ohio, where the front license plate requirement was actually dropped recently in 2020.

For anyone wondering, the non-front-plate states are the "rugged 21" and are:

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Michigan
  • Mississippi
  • New Mexico
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • West Virginia

...But not regular Virginia. That's because everything is still illegal in Virginia. And luckily New Jersey drivers are also still required to have a front plate, so you can identify them coming and take evasive action.

And luckily New Jersey drivers are also still required to have a front plate, so you can identify them coming and take evasive action.

As long as you aren't camping in the left lane with your thumb up your ass.

Depends on state.

That explains why they can't just figure out who the guy is from the car's plates even though they have a picture of the front of the car.

It's still not that simple. The guy could just claim his car was missing or his similar looking friend borrowed the car.

I'm sure the police are working overtime to solve this case. 🙄

The cashier did the the worst thing you can do to a narcissist: he made him look stupid, and wrong. Can't have that. There's nothing, absolutely nothing worse to a narcissist than embarrassment.