Russia is buying politicians in Europe. Is it happening here too? to politics – 401 points –
Russia Is Buying Politicians in Europe. Is It Happening Here Too?

A former CIA officer explains how a vast, pro-Putin corruption network uncovered in Europe is a warning sign for the U.S.

Democrats for years have warned about Russian influence in the Republican Party under Donald Trump. But now even some prominent GOP members of Congress are sounding the alarm.

“I think Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base,” Representative Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Puck’s Julia Ioffe last week. Representative Mike Turner, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, went further, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper a few days later, “We see directly coming from Russia attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor.”

Which Republicans might they be referring to? Representative Ken Buck didn’t hesitate to point a finger at Representative Marjorie Taylor Greenesaying on Monday, “Moscow Marjorie is focused now on this Ukraine issue and getting her talking points from the Kremlin and making sure that she is popular and she is getting a lot of coverage.”


It IS HAPPENING! Been obvious to anyone who pays the slightest attention. Ever since that orange shit stain announced he was running a decade ago, it has been PAINFULLY obvious.

Unfortunately, there are people who pay excessive and exclusive attention to right-wing media, and repeat the Hitler call of “fake news” (Lügenpresse) at all remaining media.

McCarthy: There are two people I think Putin pays: Rorabacher and Trump!

Ryan: Shhhhh! We're all family here, right guys? Ha ha. ha ha ha. Ha.


Yeah "is it happening here" WTF

Anyone remember this from almost a decade ago?:

"There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy (R-Calif.) said, according to a recording of the June 15, 2016, exchange, which was listened to and verified by The Washington Post. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher is a Californian Republican known in Congress as a fervent defender of Putin and Russia.

This is not at all a new thing.

And that was before others did random trips to Russia

On the 4th of July, no less. If it was a book people would hammer that shit for being too unbelievable.

Specifically: From an article on July 5, 2018, "On Tuesday afternoon, the bipartisan leadership of the Senate Intelligence Committee issued some important findings, concluding that the U.S. intelligence community was correct in its assessment: Russia attacked the U.S. elections in 2016 and did so in the hopes of putting Donald Trump in the White House." And, "In addition to Shelby, who chairs the Senate Appropriations Committee and has limited foreign policy responsibilities, the official congressional delegation featured Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas)."

You know who hasn’t been sounding the alarm?

That’s right, media. You.

It would be weird if Republicans did the shit they did and WEREN'T being paid by Russia...

Remember Devin Nunes?

Its agonizing how obvious it is and we just have to sit here like they're honest Americans. Sick of this backwards ass world.

Never heard abut this. Very interesting.

Is it happening here too?

Really? Did they ask this question with a straight face?

It's actually really shocking for me as a non-American who grew up during the cold war and remembers the shadow of nuclear annihilation hanging over my head, then watching the fall of the Berlin wall then the comparative peace of the latter part of the 90's where the future looked so bright that there is a real chance of senior American politicians being under the thumb of Russia.

It still kinda blows my mind that it might be true.

Yeah but do you remember all those russia loving communities during the cold war? In sweden I bet the green party was paid off (to stop nUcLeAr eNeRgY => dependence on russian gas & oil), now it's the racist party ofc.

We should really beef up monitoring how this "lobbying" is happening and crack down on it like a ton of bricks.

Very nearly the entire republican party consists of worthless traitor filth who are wholly owned by one of our two greatest geopolitical adversaries, hell-bent on reversing the outcome of the Cold War. The fuck do you think?

hell-bent on reversing the outcome of the Cold War

And the Civil War for that matter.

It's been open and blatantly happening for decades. They used to hand out fucking envelopes of cash from the Russian controlled NRA on the fucking floor.

Money is speech now, why shouldn't we be surprised when politicians listen to the highest bidder loudest voices?

Sup regulatory capture and monopolies leading to preventable crises

It’s a little late for this realization. They already own most of the Republican Party and the rest is owned by the oligarchs.

I've been saying this for a while, and hoping the CIA / FBI are on top of this.

Already has. You have only to watch and read the jaded media to see it

It has been happening here since 2012. 2016 election was the result of that program and not the beginning.

You mean aside from the ex-president?

Isn’t it ok for there to be foreign influence in Congress? I mean, no one seems to bat an eye that Israel openly supports so many politicians, why should it be bad for Russia to support politicians as well? /s

Generally it is bad if it is an adversary. However modern Russia is unfortunately a matched pair for the Republican party, christian ethno-nationalists with dictator leadership.

They already bought the GOP. If they are still shopping for politicians, maybe Moscow can create stable politics in the US...

In name of stability and rising from the knees

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Truth social sounds so silly translated to Russian. I wonder if it's as silly in English to native English speakers.

It's not that Russia is buying American politicians

Or Americans are buying Russian politicians

It's money ..... the corruption is that the system can be bought, sold, influenced, manipulated, controlled and built on money. And those with the most money and power don't care about nationalities, states or governments .... all they care about is that we all keep fighting because it makes them money.

This is the theory I believe will prevent global nuclear war.

Those with all the power know that once anyone starts nuclear war, everything will be lost. Humanity might survive but all those billionaires will lose all their imaginary money and with it all that power that came with it. Global finance will end and that will mean that only those with the most guns and armies of men will become the new kings and queens.

It's a weird thought experiment. Greed got us to this point and I believe it's greed that will prevent us from going over the edge. Because they all know that if you blow up the world, they blow up all their power and status with it. And to the rich and powerful, that is more important to them than the lives of millions of people.

Those with all the power know that once anyone starts nuclear war, everything will be lost. Humanity might survive but all those billionaires will lose all their imaginary money and with it all that power that came with it.

Nice theory (genuinely), but it falls apart because billionaires are building their own doomsday bunkers.

I've read lots about that too but no matter what happens they still lose the majority of their power and wealth.

If the apocalypse happens, they'll live in their bunker. Now instead of being a billionaire that has privilege and power over the world .... they'll end up being just survivors with a mountain of food. They could hire a small group of mercenaries to defend them, but that sets up the scenario where the mercenaries can just murder their masters and take over the bunker. And even if you had a bunch of guns and military hardware, eventually someone or a group of people will come along to take what you have. Or you end up just fighting every day to fend off attackers until your bullets run out.

These also aren't secret bunkers either .... they're known by enough people that they'll be easy targets for survivors after the world falls apart.

No matter how you cut it, a post apocalyptic world will not be a fun place for anyone including millionaires and billionaires in their bunkers.

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No one goes into politics to help others. They go into politics to help themselves.

She looks like a cave woman.

What if I told you they picked that picture on purpose? And Cave Women, like all Cave Humans, had to be smart and resourceful to survive. So no disrespect on early humans. And what appears to be the case is that she is in fact a traitor to her own country, which ought to carry some significant penalties.

Last time I checked Putin is not Russia.

But also I admit we all need Navalny-level of investigations. And governmnets need to react to them. At lest EU can start with corruptioners from existing Navalny's investigations.

No offence but have you ever lived in a " Communist , or Socialist " country? Because yes. He IS Russia.

I wasn't born early enough to live in auch country, but he isn't. You fell into "No Putin - No Russia" propaganda. Also Russia now not even socialist country.