Do you have plans for the fall? to Lemmy – 995 points –

An AR15 and a lifetime of video game experience will get me through the apocalypse right? Right?!?!?

I am once again asking for your soup

If there's ever a settlement in need of help, I know who to ask!

Me cosplaying as Preston sending strangers out to kill "raiders" so I can "scrap" their "settlements"

My plan for all end of the world scenarios is the same. Imma blow my fucking brains out because im not even going to try to deal with that.

If it's nuclear Armageddon, that won't be necessary. Just get to the highest place you can quickly and watch the show.

Run towards the bomb

Honestly this, if you are at drop sight death is immediate. Worst is on thebout edge where your body slowly melts from radiation exposure. Fun times.

As an avid camper, my YT suggestions are filled with "prepper" vids, and that's really helped in planning everything out. I now keep a little vial of cyanide ready, because I am NOT dealing with those aholes.

I downloaded a shit ton of technical, survival, medicinal, herbal, and even the DSM -5 (cause mental health is important too when everything around you is crumbling ) books.

Why digital you ask ? Well, all these book aren't available where i live and also because generating electricity isn't a problem anymore with solar and it allow to create a lot of accurate copies of each book later to share with the survivors.

Making a generator isn't really too hard either. Wrap some copper around a magnet and spin the magnet.

Am not very knowledgeable about these kinds of stuff but isn't the hardest part is to output a stable voltage. I don't even know how and if you can store such fluctuating energy.

I'm not sure... I'm not a magnetist... But I've seen them manually dial the stargate by wrapping some copper wire around it. So how hard can it be?

I’m not a magnetist

Yeah, we can tell. Magnetician or magentologist, you philistine.

Idk if a stable output is necessary to charge a battery. They make flashlights and other small things with simple generators you power by shaking, which charges the battery that runs the light.

I've never taken one apart to see what else is going on, but I'd sure like to.

yea, they usually have a rectifier in it. All that is usually is a configuration of four diodes(a component that only lets current flow one direction) so it can take the alternating current(AC) and convert it to direct current(DC) and then a large capacitor to stabilize the rectified voltage.

That's really interesting. So you can technically make you own rectifier with salvaged electrics.

Just buy 2 steam powered generators that can burn coal. If you are really concerned. You can always find something to burn. Get two that way when one breaks you can use the other.

I stopped prepping long ago. I was freaked out by a pandemic way before 2020 and all my supplies were exhausted within a month. The only real way to prepare for the end of civilization and still have civilization is to have an entire backup civilization. Which none of us have the resources to do.

Am not really a prepper. The extreme tansion during the start of Ukraine invasion made me a bit paranoid about a third world war/nuclear war. Add to that that my niece was born not long after so i got even more paranoid and decided to see if it was possible to survive such events.

Prepping can buy you some time but it's useless unless you have a bunker hidden somewhere until dust settles down and the population has thinned itself enough you can go scavenging far less dangerously (geuss what the rich people are doing !) then knowledge about everything is gonna be key to survive longer.

For us plebeians , it's a gonna be a fight for survival and considering how it's already a jungle where it's eat or be eaten where i live the only way to survive would be by gathering into a large enough tribe, find a a secure location with only one entrance like a cave or something to settle in, never stop checking for intruders and becoming literal psychopathic monsters and kill, loot everything that approach your camp location .

I don't have much faith in humanity and the more i read about how humans treat(ed) each other's the more i rather have a cyanide pill instead of surviving.

I keep asking chatgpt when the Purge is, where can I see Shirley Jackson type lotteries, or can I challenge people to thunderdome

Chatgpt keeps telling me that those are fictional as of it's knowledge cutoff.

Living around the equator means we don't get autumn here.....

Fall, since the collapse of autumn, being the only option that's left.

My government is more functional than the US one it seems, So i'm in all the right to expect and demand that the state deals with it, it does have a lot of experience tough... chile's topography is as dangerous as Australia's flora and fauna, Chile indeed is natural disaster land.

Shiiit chile even has mountains right? Rising sea levels wont matter much to you

El Niño actually makes more rain in chile!

la niña tough makes our multy decade long drought worse.

Is Lemmy always this ridiculously apocalyptic? Do you guys need some help?

No, help is not required. I am safe, and you can trust me fellow human. There is no apocalypse happening below your nose. Your nose is too small to fit an apocalypse under. LOL. Human humor is humorous as I am one!




I mean what else do you do when the world is on fire and we decided we can't turn off the gas?

'Fall' is not used to describe autumn in most places outside the US.

I just need someone to get me out of here. Their choice of interpretation on what that means (body/country/planet/era/other). (Note/medical thing: my body can't/doesn't really sweat, so a heat wave could easily kill me. )

But other than that? It don't matter, none of this matters.

Yes, it’s always this ridiculous. It’s the polar opposite of Q level conspiracies except somehow democrats. The weird thing is you’d think they’d be cool with RFK Jr. but apparently he’s an antisemitic Nazi because vaccines or something.

Democrats? Do you really see this place as only liberal?

No but he is batshit. He makes some really good points but all that is overshadowed by some of his crazier theories.

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As a communist I do. The fall will make space for the rebuilding of a better world.

Accelerationism won't work because no matter how bad it gets, that won't magically teach people to use your solution. We'll just become even more barbaric. You'll be quoting Marx to cannibal cultists.

You've chosen an easy delusion to feel better about a dire situation. Snap out of it and educate people now.

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