Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months to – 263 points –
Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months

A Vermont lawmaker was compelled to apologize publicly after being caught on video pouring water into her colleague’s work bag multiple times across several months.

The bizarre behavior is allegedly a part of a campaign of harassment that one legislator aimed at another who represents the same district in the Green Mountain state, independent outlet Seven Days first reported.

The Republican representative, Mary Morrissey, 67, confessed to dumping water in the bag of the Democratic legislator Jim Carroll, 62. She later apologized during a Vermont state house session on Monday, reported.

“I am truly ashamed of my actions,” Morrissey said.

Morrissey did not respond to the Guardian’s request for comment.


As for whether he forgives Morrissey, Carroll said: “I guess I would have to say yes in the spirit of forgiveness, reluctantly. But if I had to be a smartass, I’d say her apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag.”


I'm glad he had to be a smartass. Because Morrissey was certainly being a dumbass.

That's so weird because a quote from WaPo had him saying he could hear the sincerity in her apology.

Didn't WaPo recently get bought out? Or was that another paper I'm thinking of?

Edit: Nope, just reorganized, it seems.

If you are only ashamed of your actions after you were caught, you are not ashamed of your actions. Grade A trashy behaviour that has no place in the world.

America elects some of the wierdest politicians.

Australian politicians sniff the chairs of their female colleagues, and eat raw onions like apples. All politicians are just disguised reptilian barely holding it together.

Holy god

I once witnessed a competition which involved people trying to eat an onion raw, like an apple, and it was unreal the level of pain and unhappiness they were all clearly experiencing.

Shit, where's this competition?

Do they provide the onions, or do I need to use one from my belt?

It was a contest of bravery to eat a whole lot of random disgusting or unpleasant things, and a lot of people started but by the time it got down to the onion round it was only 3 people. Before that it had been pretty quick and lighthearted, but when it got to be onion time everything just ground to a halt. These three men were just on stage sitting in their chairs with their half eaten onions, tears streaming freely down their faces, making raw vocalizations of misery or cursing or laughing or just sitting unhappily. Every so often, one of them would take another bite, and start forcing themselves to chew.

About a third of the way through the onion, one man threw the rest of his forcefully into the trash and walked off stage, shaking his head, not saying a word. The other two powered through to the next round.

I was pretty drunk and it was, yes, quite a long time ago, probably before most of Lemmy was born. I don't remember much of the rest of it, but the marathon of agony that was the onion round was so unexpectedly vivid and serious that it seared itself into my memory.

If it was that long ago, maybe those onions were some old variety that were just terrible. The nasty old "crabapples" of the onion family tree.

I can't think of a single modern onion I wouldn't gladly chomp through if it came down to it.

Yeah. I wouldn't want to eat a whole raw onion, but I could if I had to. I love raw onion on stuff like burgers and other sandwiches.

People like cinnamon too…

I wouldn't want to eat raw cinnamon bark either, but I still probably could if I had to.

have you though, in actuality? two thorough, swallowed chomps? they are not from god's thumb, just any regular onion? try it.

You think because you deal with slices and diced bits you can deal with the whole thing? Its like saying I can eat a whole cow because I can eat a steak.

A whole onion is a lot. Taking a few bites from one isn't too bad (though unpleasant), but a whole one is just too much to swallow.

And I say this as someone who can eat oranges, lemons, limes, and even bananas with the peel

If you’re doing that you have to avoid the base of the onion.

Probably depends on the onion. Some varieties are not hot at all and kind of sweet. Still wouldn't want to eat one like an apple, though.

Oh man a walla walla is totally doable, sweet and mild. Even a red onion, for me. I like to slice them and eat the rings as snacks, raw, plain. Sometimes with finely sliced purple cabbage on the side, which is a bit peppery.

I’m not a fan of standard white onions where the whole flavor is the chemical burn, but those are good for cooking. If you dip them in ranch they give wicked heartburn, but not so much the mouth burn. White onions are also the only ones that cause eye irritation for me, the others I don’t even notice anymore.

My dad used to eat them like apples. I never have, but I do eat them plain so I guess the onion didn’t fall far off the truck.

competition which involved people trying to eat an onion raw, like an apple

It depends on the onion. Some are mild and some are definitely not.

I am no onionologist but I can confidently tell you that the people I saw were eating the "not" kind

I think one of my favourite comments at that time was that chowing down on a raw onion was an apt analogy for the Abbott government

and eat raw onions like apples

Is... Is this weird? Asking for a friend


Just try to do good when you inevitably get elected, please.

and eat raw onions like apples.

My father's mother could do that and we would all chant "do it do it". Was so cool to watch.

I'm sorry, what???? Like who in the fuck is kneeling down in Parliament and sniffing women's seats????

Nah, if you were ashamed of the shit you wouldn't have done the shit. What you are is embarrassed to have been caught.

embarrassed to have been caught.


They're always so very sorry after they get caught.

She should be ejected from the chamber(s) for a while in my opinion, and forced to "telecommute" her votes and participation in, if they even choose to let her participate at all in the lawmaking, for the rest of her term.

There's no reason that behavior should be excusable.

“I am truly ashamed of my actions,” Morrissey said.

You're a Republian, lady. You're not supposed to say you're ashamed. They're going to kick you to the curb now.

That was after she tried to claim she ‘flicked’ water on his bag because a bug was on it. She tried lying, no one bought it.

Did she learn nothing from Trump? You just keep repeating the lie until people get tired of correcting it.

She means the Republican, "sorry" - she is sorry she got caught.

Morrissey’s face was not captured in the video, but fellow lawmakers were able to identify her by her gray hair.

Lol, fucking roasted.

Apologize publicly?

Fuck that

He should get to pour any liquid he wants into any bag or possession of hers that he wants to, an equal number of times, and she can't say anything about it and it'll all be on video and go up on social media.

And if she doesn't want that, let her try to explain why not, and put that on social media. You could try to time it right, so that right as she's getting kind of emotional about how she's so sick of all this bitterness in politics and what happened to forgive and live and let live, is right when someone's sneaking up behind her and pouring a pint of lemonade into her purse or something.

You seem to be taking this a bit personally - did someone pour water in your bag?

An eye for an eye is not justice, and it doesn't lead to peace.

Who among us hasn’t had some cups of water poured unfairly into our messenger bags of life

Let he who never poured water into a work bag pour the first cup.

I'd rather deal with a confrontational Karen who you at least know is batshit crazy than a passive aggressive secret psycho Karen who does weird shit like this. At least she didn't try to poison him or something.

That picture of Mary Morrissey looks like it was taken decades ago.

It was. She's 13 terms in, so I'm guessing it was taken when she was first elected, based on styling and photo quality. She have been in her early 40s, which seems about right.

Yeah - the image quality was what got my attention first. It looks like a scan of an old photo. It’s especially obvious when right next to a more recent image.

So first, according to this article, it was water in the bag. Then it was a backpack, then it was a tote bag, and finally it was on the bag. What exactly was the situation, because this article is little help.

I mean, we can summarize it in "republican representative pours water on the property of her Democrat colleague from the same district, lies about origin and reason"