"All the evidence is about to come out": Legal experts say SCOTUS ruling could backfire on Trump

BuddyTheBeefalo@lemmy.ml to politics @lemmy.world – 309 points –
"All the evidence is about to come out": Legal experts say SCOTUS ruling could backfire on Trump

Backfire?! Backfire?! Are you fucking kidding me legal experts?! So far nothing has fucking backfired for Trump and I highly doubt this will. Just heard the most recent poll numbers after the debate, looks like Trump is ahead and will remain ahead for the foreseeable future. Fuck out of here with that backfire bullshit. It’s been 4 fucking years since this traitor left office and he hasn’t seen an ounce of goddamn accountability and the legal experts want me to believe that this will be the thing? Fuck outta here. Legal experts are contributing to the rise of this fascist fuck. It’s simple, we either vote for Biden or Trump takes over.

Edit: Rep Doggett (D) Texas is on MSNBC right now calling for Biden to withdraw. Jesus Fucking Christ, we’re sinking the boat ourselves.

Rep Doggett (D) Texas is on MSNBC right now calling for Biden to withdraw. Jesus Fucking Christ, we’re sinking the boat ourselves.

There's a joke about Democrats. We form circular firing squads.

If Republicans were Batman they'd ally with the people who killed his parents if it meant getting what they want.

If Republicans were Batman they'd ally with the people who killed his parents if it meant getting what they want.

Joe Chill came from humble origins and did more to eliminate the billionaire class than anyone before or since. He's clearly a lefty! /s

I still remember Libs telling us to wait on the Mueller report “Trust in the process! These things take time to play out in the legal system!”

Liberals really think fascists are going to play fair and abide by rules.

The USA has precisely two liberals: Bernie and AOC

Don't forget Warren and the rest of The Squad.

"Don't freak out, trust the process. Mueller is right now playing 5D chess while Trump is playing checkers. The wheels of justice are slow."

There are some legal experts (and personally safe liberals) that are really devoted to the idea that the system works. If there is a big change in the legal system that on its surface seems horribly harmful, we need to look on the bright side rather than question tearing the system apart, because their whole identity is built around it just being a benign system bending toward justice if you wait long enough and the worst thing that could happen would be people losing faith in the "rule of law" and disrupting the status quo.

Notice how nobody admits that Smiths decision to ask the supreme court to expedite review in the first place backfired...

No its just a prospective mountain of evidence that may or may not exist might sway the public against him 12 to 24 months from now in a 5d legal chess manuever give me a fucking break. This is just pure cope. Direct action is the only answer and everybody who tries it in earnest is just gonna get assassinated.

The only backfire that could feasably stop him would come from a poorly maintained rifle.

That entire article reminds me of when I was told by my very rational and intelligent friends that I was overreacting to Kavanaugh's nomination proceedings - something about how his nomination would backfire.

What a stark contrast compared to what we have to worry about now.

No way trump is up after that debate, Biden absolutely crushed it.

I'm all for Biden, but c'mon.

The most impressive peacock is the one with the longest, most cumbersome tail. This is because it is able to survive and thrive despite this massive handicap. Think what the world just saw, America is being led by someone who can barely talk. America is ruling the planet despite this. The world just saw the most badass peacock flaunting its gloriously colorful booty. That's why Biden crushed it.

I’m sorry, did we see the same thing? Not saying Trump killed it, but Biden definitely didn’t crush it.

Yeah, for sure dude; like you, I usually get high as fuck on crack while watching the debates.

I hope that's true, but I have my doubts.

This particular trial covers events that happened during his presidency. Unless she says "Fuck it!" and declares most of his actions to be unofficial (which Trump will appeal) then there's going to be some serious gaps in evidence.

This particular kind of hearing might not necessarily need to conclude before the election to be impactful. Trump's lawyers arguing with a straight face that his alleged attempt at subverting the election was actually an official act just before the election could be fairly damaging on their own.

None of that shit will matter to the voters. There are exactly two ways we will not see Trump in office again. 1. Voters. 2. He dead.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. I’ll fucking believe it when I see it.

So far all I’ve seen is someone blatantly breaking the law and only ever getting a finger wagged in their general direction. Our government has never looked so impotent.

Biden apparently has the power to just have Trump, the SCOTUS judges, and every other piece of shit taking this country right down the fucking toilet put to death and this ruling has made me wish he would do it.

That's not an interpretation the supreme court would agree with.

Execute them for treason too. The ruling explicitly allows the president to do anything he wants as long as it is official business and a good president would use this moment to fix the country.

They will after all the conservative justices are assassinated. Turns out you can get a lot done if you can just shoot anyone who opposes you.

There is no supreme court, just a fascist cabal in robes.

I'm not gonna disagree, but I will say people have basically judged the court for decades based on their decisions. I've been judging it on their decisions and their dissents. There have been non-unanimous cases for years where there have been bizarre dissents that could have changed the country if any specific president had appointed more judges.

Hey guys, stupid question. With the supreme Court going haywire... Is there anything I can do other than vote? What are our options here? How do we change?

I'm depressed and frustrated.

Technically, you can go on a killing spree. But that's not exactly legal. Well, at least for us plebs.

If I get cancer, I will eventually die. Hypothetically speaking, I may be looking for afterlife buddies that are worse people than me so I can feel better about myself comparatively

Maybe the afterlife sorting is graded on a curve.

Run for office (mostly too late at this time of year), donate to campaigns or PACs, volunteer at the polls (making sure things are on the up and up), join protests, start boycotts for companies that support fascists, call people in your area to make sure they know about deadlines and locations, volunteer to work for a campaign, or get a job in government (ensure duties are being performed by the law). That's only the stuff you can legally do.

I feel like my life shouldn't have to revolve around making sure dickheads aren't going to ruin everything.

The answer has always been to vote. This country was founded on good faith and the naive belief that people would work for the common good. Your only recourse is to make sure that people who think that way are in power.

Gotta start local and work your way up. The system is fundamentally flawed. There are many problems, but the most fixable is the voting and representation systems, which can usually be changed at the local level through referendum. Approval Voting is an easy fix with big impact and when applied to multi-winner elections you can use a proportional variant to get proportional results in the legislature. Both of these changes would reduce polarization and make it easier for third parties to get in office. With more than two parties in power, the parties have to start working together and compromising on things, instead of just obstructing until they're the majority and then jamming through partisan bullshit. But you gotta start local. Run a referendum campaign, switch your local elections to Approval, and work your way up.

That depends on whether you value your own life more than you value the principles that we were led to believe America was founded on.

The discontent that led to the American Revolution didn't start overnight, but someone fired the first shot when the British were coming to confiscate the cannon that the colonists had collected.

Ah, well, you know those Trump supporters, always being swayed by facts and evidence.

We've probably already seen the major stuff from the house committees investigation. If this does anything, it will only make it a little more fresh

EL oh el. Nothing backfires on Trump. His nickname is Teflon don for a reason. If anything his approval ratings will increase.

"All the evidence is about to come out"

So, like, in 10-30 years?

Trump had legal issues that should have been processed (expedited) before he was 'elected' in 2016.