It's Saturday, are you doing anything at night? to – 54 points –

Me, short answer no.


Working, but I love my job: stage manager for a jazz festival!

I'm in a group that plays Vampire: The Masquerade (tabletop roleplaying game) every Saturday night. So I will be pretending to be a vampire.

Sunday I'm going to a Thai street food festival with my wife, so I'm gonna try not to stay up too late.

My adult son is returning from a trip with a remnants of a flu, so we are gonna heat up the sauna, watch a movie and make special hot salsa with habaneros and jalapeños and eat it with nachos. Movie will be something older that he hasn't seen. Truman Show, RoboCop 2 or War Of The Worlds (Tom Cruise one).

I'm jealous... Enjoy the nachos movie night!

saturday is factorio night! gotta improve oil processing and fix some train deadlocks (assuming all 4 of us log on, a herculean feat)

assuming all 4 of us log on, a herculean feat

Majority of you are parents is my guess 💀

My wife's having a loud house party until 6am, which is pretty much my idea of hell.

So I went hiking and am staying overnight in a freezing country town. Right now I'm having dinner; further plans involve electric blankets and Netflix

Woah your marriage is different from mine. I'm interested.

I have some sensory issues around crowd noise; she is very much not the hike-in-the-mountains type. Rather than one or other of us having to be miserable, we each do our own thing when they'd otherwise conflict. Easy fix :)

Very excellent. My partner and I do some hobbies separately, but I couldn't imagine throwing a party without him. (Given how few I've thrown, that would be a remarkable event for me.) Sensory issues absolutely make sense as a reason to avoid that, though.

I love and respect the way people with different preferences make relationships work... Power to you both!

Returned from a 3 week tour through Scotland and its islands with my GF couple of days ago. We’re gonna do jack shit. We camp on the couch tonight, eat and get drunk.

Well, being both a little sick and kind of depressed, I'll probably throw out the salmon I was going to cook for dinner last night, or boil it and feed it to the dog. Then I'll order food that I didn't need and don't want, then I will stay up too late while still being bored, and then I will finally go to sleep to do it all tomorrow, but with a different food to waste.

Just shoved dinner in the oven, cracked a beer and now to catch up on todays motorsport!

My husband and I stayed up late last night ripping up carpet, tack strips, and staples, then washing and painting over the stains on the subfloor, all to prep the floor for the crew today. The new floor is now installed and it's beautiful, so we're going to just chill and enjoy them, have dinner, watch Snowfall, play video games.

Watching anime with a friend. He's been trying to get me into Evangelion.

Fuck... Good luck with that one. I found it insufferable and pretentious.

Yeah, I haven't been a fan of it so far. Some of the visuals and shots are nice, but there hasn't been one character so far that I've liked, and it tends to drone on in a boring way.

My relief didn't show up so now I'm pissed and tired

I'll turn the frozen ravioli into cooked ravioli, and then for dessert we'll have some mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Currently I'm hiding in the bedroom with the stronger AC to get away from the heat.

Had dinner with friends. Skipped a party. Went home and hung out with my wife and kid. Now messing around with some homelab stuff in the basement.

Most likely I'm going to hang out at home with my husband, have some hard cider, and maybe play some video games.

Sipping on some whiskey while playing Stray on my Steam Deck and watching the Copa America.

Staying up when I want to sleep at a normal time

I'm watching my state's philharmonic with a famous dance group. I've been wanting to see both for a long time and luckly they'll perform together today!

Enjoy solitude for a bit while SO and kid went camping for the weekend. Might try crocheting something later but right now just chilling with my dogs.

Late to the game but it was DnD night for me! Nearly lost a party member but our cleric pulled a revivify! (Honestly with the diamond requirement, we pulled some shenanigans to get it to work but the DM was chill about it). But @ 2300 hrs, the fucking bad guy came back with a second health bar and like all of us are tapped for spells and potions, so we'll see next session who actually makes it out! Got my second character set up already!

Work, and thus doomscrolling and reading. Today finna be some scp wiki and a book, Ex-Heroes, a zombie superhero book

Eating pizza and watching the end of Summer Games Done Quick with the wife.

GF goes to church sat eve, so probably laundry and relax in the hot tub.

Played The Planet Crafter with my wife, ordered Pizza, drank some beer, and then worked on packing for a work trip I have coming up. Good night over all.

I'm attempting to spruce up my bathroom via painting it. It's not going so well as I'm on a TIGHT budget and I'm in need up supplies. Maybe I'll sell sperm/ plasma or something 🤔