Meta removes Trump account restrictions ahead of 2024 election

Beaver [she/her] to – 459 points –


That's all. I'm too drunk for a nuanced thought. So just booooooooooo.

I mean I see the sensibility after reading the article, especially when applied to every other politician and the like. But... Trump is hate... Its all he spews everywhere....

Trump is a worldender, a million Americans found that out dying due to an inept and purposefully sandbagged viral pandemic response during his last administration, how man you think will die this next time around

Most of us. Project 2025 will turn the entire nation into a hell hole if it doesn't rip it apart first.

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts says the planned transformation of American governance will be bloodless, ‘if the left allows it to be’.”

See? It won’t rip the country apart just as long as ‘the left’ let them implement it without putting up a fuss! (sarcasm tag folks)


I was at a Pride event and a long time activist said this (about gay rights and what happened with ‘Roe v. Wade’):

If you take it for granted, they’ll take it away!

Paste this up in elderly neighborhoods with "Trump wants to take your social security away!" in big letters. Thats the shit that scares them the most.

Trump is a worldender

He's just blowing the trumpet to signal the end. A symptom of a diseased system.

Come down to Houston where a relatively mild hurricane has knocked out power for half the city going on nearly a week. This isn't just a Trump thing. The rot goes deep.

This doesn't really matter anyways, he started his own social network, he doesn't really want to participate in the social networks he can't control

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i don't know if that changes anything. Facebook is already 30% his voters and 70% bots

Just like Google, the fixation is far more on engagement farming than content quality management.

Trump stuff gets the clicks, so you're going to see a lot more of it. Also, expect to see an increasing wave of ☯👺 𝐏ᑌSşƳ ιᑎ вι𝕠 🐤🐧 tier posts.

Don't forget about the soldiers with huge boots over their prosthetic legs. It's their birthday, all 10,000 of them. So sad. Did you see the young man who made an impressive sculpture of a dog? Or how about the other 7 million of them? Dog sculpting is really taking off I hear.

Is this the latest wave of nonsense? I haven't been on FB in a while

Idk about latest. I deleted my FB account a while ago, but every time I see anything from there it's bizarre AI generated crap.

Also me looking at junk on marketplace and getting the tea from the local group

I miss Craigslists personals section. Only thing that ever came close yo grindr and adam4adam

I don't know anybody who is below 50 that votes for Biden lol

Checking their comment history, Natolover is just a down vote troll. No use relying, although that is a nice map

God, Indiana sucks so much.

At first glance I was like 'why is there a deep red state in the Midwest?' then I remembered Indiana. I passed through Bloomington a while ago and it was sad, old punk graffiti covered up with big trump signs.

It's honestly a shame. Indianapolis is a really fun smaller city that's well laid out for visitors. It's just swimming in a sea of suck.

Hoosier here...yuuuup

The pockets of blue are growing a little bit in some of the more affluent areas just outside of Indianapolis like Carmel (or, at least, it's more purple than it was 20 years ago).

I'm hoping as remote work continues to grow, people move here to change the place because of how cheap it is - even in like the heart of Indianapolis lol

Biden has had a very bad not good two weeks, and Trump seemingly is untouchable with all the momentum possible, his rape and fraud conviction, pending insurrection and classified files cases notwithstanding. We're all witness to the end of things. Buy canned food, plant vegetables.

Vote, offer rides for other voters that can't make it on their own. If people vote, the racist rapist with 34 felonies will lose as usual.

Please reply to my post with any random emoji if you had tangible relief and improved relationships when trump was kicked off Twitter.

I noticed an immediate and drastic difference in my work environment, for example. I could elaborate but would ramble

This is because Trump was attacking Zuck, he can't keep getting away with this shit. I hate this fucking reality

The zuck suck. It's like a blowjob with all the pleasure but none of the release.

No shock there, Musky just straight up announced his support for Trump after the assassination attempt last night.

Hell yea! I can't wait to see all the downvotes and backlash for this comment lol.

Luckily very few people use Facebook.

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They would be stupid not to. At this point it's almost guaranteed he will win the presidency. Nobody would like to make an enemy of POTUS.

A fascist accelerationist is poised for a possible win in the next election, and you've gone full Roko's Basilisk and have decided to aid and abet the Fascist because if he wins, you want to be spared from his wrath.

We'll let me tell you, the fascists will eventually come for you if they are allowed to take over, so you better drop the defeatism and rally for a second Biden term like your life depends on it. Plenty of people's do.

Or just become a fascist out of cowardice, and the resistance will show you what real fear looks like when we find you, and I assure you, Trump won't be there to save you.

So think long and hard about what the actual stupid decision would be here. Announcing your plan to enable ethnofascism in America isn't exactly a demonstration of intelligence if you're hoping to avoid conflict.

I did not decide shit. I just explained the reasoning behind Facebook's actions. Now everyone is calling me a fascist. I'm a progressive FFS. You guys are out of your minds.

What are you on?

You literally just said it would be stupid not to support Trump.

So what are you? Stupid, or a Trump Supporter?

Either way, we can safely discard your opinion.

They're all fucking fascists, Trumps just not part of the old agenda.

Fascism has a fairly concrete definition, and while it does exist on a spectrum, I'll take the 15% fascist party over the 100% fascist party, hands down. Not a hard decision. 15 is closer to zero than 100, so we're closer to the ideal.

Oh if we are using that definition, then none of them are

Imagine saying something and then completely reversing yourself when confronted with a basic definition.

Word has about 500 definitions. You're clearly using the most archaic one out of convenience

You get the downvotes, but in a way you're right. With scotus ruling the next president could do whatever they want as an official act and there would be little to no recourse. Sure they could sue but that would almost definitely get tied up in courts for a long time. Mr. Robot is just covering his own ass. That ruling by scotus will be the downfall of the wrong people are able to take advantage of it.

"Just covering his ass" this attitude is why our country is fucked. Well as long as it benefits the millionaire personally to be a coward and sell us out, then that's okay

These millionaires want all the power but refuse accountability. Why give him an out?

I never once said it was ok. You know I should personally ring him up and tell him that his choices aren't so chill.


I just explained the reasoning behind Facebook’s actions. Now everyone is calling me a fascist. I’m a progressive FFS. You guys are out of your minds.

Then why don't you edit your post to make your meaning clearer? Because if everyone is misunderstanding, then it's probably not all our fault.