Republican attacks on Kamala Harris to get ‘as ugly and bigoted as they can’ to – 448 points –
Republican attacks on Kamala Harris to get ‘as ugly and bigoted as they can’

Rightwing playbooks used in past election campaigns are being dusted off for an all-out assault on the vice-president

For Barack Obama there was “birtherism” and a name they said sounded like a specific Middle East terrorist. For Hillary Clinton there was “Lock her up” and merchandise that said, “Trump that bitch”, “Hillary sucks but not like Monica” and “Life’s a bitch: don’t vote for one.”

Rightwing playbooks deployed in past election campaigns are being dusted off for an all-out assault against Vice-President Kamala Harris, the de facto Democratic nominee aiming to become the first Black woman and first person of south Asian descent to be US president.

It’s obvious that the Republicans are going to play the race and gender card, which we’ve seen already in some of the attacks on social media,” said Tara Setmayer, a Black woman who is co-founder and chief executive of the Seneca Project, a women-led super political action committee. “It may be catnip for their Maga base but it will be a turnoff for the moderate voters in the battleground states that will determine this election.”


Good. The uglier they get, the more people will be turned off. Plenty of people who are racist but don't consider themselves to be racist do not like the overt racists.

#MAGA already has all the bigots and racists.

Doubling the shit won't attract more maggots.

My dad is almost one of the the people FlyingSquid talking about; he's a Democrat and kind of racist, but he doesn't see himself as a racist. Someone like a more Republican version of my dad might be persuaded to vote for Harris, or at least not vote for Trump, if the Trump campaign gets too nasty.

Don't forget that magats aren't the only people who would potentially vote for Trump; a lot of people are swing voters who, for some reason, have a hard time deciding who to vote for. Neither candidate can win without appealing to a majority of those voters.

Yep. My grandmother, born in the first decade of the 20th century, had some pretty racist ideas. But when she lived in the UK, she always voted Labour and when she emigrated to the U.S. and became a citizen, she always voted Democrat. And she died before Obama was elected, but I have no doubt she would have voted for Obama even if she had pretty obvious racist issues with her black next-door neighbor.

Reminds me of the story going around during the 2008 election about the canvasser in the south being told by a white person, "we're voting for the n-!"

Reminds me of the story going around during the 2008 election about the canvasser in the south being told by a white person, "we're voting for the n-!"

Canvasser: "... Okay!"

I have family that are similar. I wouldn’t classify them as racist, but they straddle that line with opinions. I’ve never seen or heard them classify an entire group of people or act discriminatory in person. It is more along the lines of “everyone is equal and nobody should get special treatment” regarding things like affirmative action or the more extreme DEI practices of some companies.

My experience is such that these people can be reached if we keep the lines of communication open rather than do the easy thing of cutting them off. I’ve been able to use their own logic and verbiage (especially verbiage) against them but one can’t go in guns blazing. To change minds, it must feel like their idea. Turn the heat up slowly and introduce doubt and ideas.

My big take away, with people like I described above, is that they are reacting to the more extreme people who would feel right at home in the racist far right if things were just a tad different. Cultural warriors and grievance politics leaders are cancerous regardless of which side of the spectrum they occupy because their goal remains the same: divide the normal people and turn us against each other.

And judging by what happens in my extended family and how it is breaking down on political lines… it is sadly working.

more extreme DEI practices of some companies

Could you share some companies or practices you know of that were extreme? I ask not as a challenge but to learn more.

MAGA are going to vote for Trump regardless. They're also only 30% of the country, so he needs more than them to win.

I'm not sure why so many people don't get that and say things like this.

Despite what many believe on Lemmy, there are also people who only vote Republican for financial reasons and try to ignore the racism and bigotry of the party. I personally know a few that intend to abstain in the fall now.

These are the people that need to see what the GOP actually is. Take the whole mask off GOP, do it.

Yep. Every once in awhile I like to watch some former Trump voters talk about why they won't vote for him. It's heartening:

Careful a lot of them will still vote for him.

[According to] Ange-Marie Hancock, director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University. She also happens to lead a group of scholars studying the current vice presidency. Their work is called the Kamala Harris Project…

what's interesting about how it impacts swing voters or independent voters is certainly on the surface, if you were to survey independent voters or swing voters, I bet you would get a strong majority who would say, we really don't like that kind of language. We really don't like the way in which he talks about women or talks about his opponents in that kind of way. The challenge of course, is that many political psychologists have found that even as we kind of consciously say, we don't agree with it, it still ends up having a negative impact.”

From Consider This from NPR: Kamala Harris already faces racism and sexism from Trump and Republicans, Jul 24, 2024

There’s a deeper explanation in that (short) podcast in case anyone is curious.

The modern GOP don't have a platform. They run on grievance. That's why they're freaking out about the fact that Joe Biden dropped out. They had been running "against Joe Biden" rather than running a campaign based on a platform or issues.

To be fair the Democrats don't have a platform other than: not Republican/Trump/ diverse coalition. Ok, they didn't want to backslide, which is good, but the things they want to accomplish don't help the working class a whole lot.

Linking to this while also trying to argue that the Democratic platform is something more than "not Republican" is really funny.

...or they were linking you the two effective platforms of the parties for comparison's sake.

Except no one asked for the other Party's platform or accused them of not having one.

They just dumped it, unsolicited. That implies Project 2025 is important for understanding Democrats.

lol I can't read 🤡

I linked to the Democrats platform and to this plan, written by the Trump team, for a fascist dictatorship in the US.

The fact that you felt the need to link to Project 2025 implies that the Democrats are defined by being opposed to it.

That's quite a leap. You inferred something, I didn't imply it. I simply posted a link to the Democrats platform which laysout their vision and policy and a link to the Republican platform which lays out their vision and policy. Any inference is entirely in your head.

We're very lucky that the Republicans published a detailed 900 page roadmap for turning the US into a fascist theocratic dictatorship. It's impossible to deny, now, since everyone can see it with their own two eyes.

One (or many) can be opposed to a platform or ideology while simultaneously advocating for a different platform or ideology.

The fact you're talking about the Democrats implies you are defined by them.

And the fact I am talking to you means you define me.

And the fact that I mentioned that means we are both defined by our struggle to avoid the things that define us, or something.

From her speech the other day (in conjunction with Biden) these appear to be her focuses:

  1. The middle class

  2. Voting rights

  3. Reproductive rights (limited to a bill, no mention of stuffing the Supreme Court)

  4. Justice Reform

  5. Gun Control

Hopefully we get more information over the best while and some formalization at the convention.

I mean democrats categorically support unions, support reproductive rights, support protecting the environment... They do have a platform that isn’t “not Republican”. It’s just that republicans know their platform (project 2025 really) is so wildly unpopular they have to focus not on that, they have to focus on tearing down the opposing candidate.

In terms of helping the working class: taxing the wealthy and wealthy corporations more will help the working class. Improving access to low cost / affordable healthcare will help the working class. Having strong unions will help the working class.

The problem is that "access to low cost / affordable healthcare" is such a limp dick policy. Yeah, I can "afford" healthcare, but it still costs me thousands of dollars every year and I'm tied to my employer for it. Then I'm still not getting very good care and I have a chronic mental health disorder. That cop just executed that schizophrenic woman in Illinois and I've been arrested and mistreated due to my own mental health. Nobody is helping people like me and her. Local jails are filled with people who are there because of the lack of mental healthcare. I'm lucky that I get to see a p-doc for 5 minutes a month without paying full price. Full price is $200 per visit, just to get a refill on a prescription that makes me feel like shit all the time. I got my appointment mixed up one time and couldn't get a refill until I saw the doc a week later and had to restart on a lower dosage. Nobody wanted to help me get a refill, I talked to multiple people at the office and at the pharmacy and couldn't get it and kept getting different answers from different people. The doctor told me I should have came in to see him without the appointment. I was afraid to do that because I didn't want to get kicked out and lose access to my doctor. The healthcare system in this country is a mess and a joke due to shitty scum sucking MBAs taking over every aspect of it. They're working for the private healthcare industry and doing nothing to help us.

I disagree the ban on non competes is a recent example of how this administration is helping the working class.

The recent supreme court case reverses that

So what you're saying is that conservatives are once again holding up stop signs when progress presents itself.

Because Democrats let them because they refused to attempt Court packing, which is the only way to stop the fascist agenda.

I'm for it, but increasing the size requires a Congressional majority. Sadly, we're not there. FDR took a run at it and fractured the party. The fear is that if Democrats are able to do it, then the next Republican majority will do the same. I don't think this consideration has merit. They are likely to do it anyway should they have the ability when the court doesn't have a right bias.

I think there are better ways to go about it. The whole structure is flawed as it concentrates a wealth of power to small amount of people. Something like using a lottery composed of the federal appellate court judges for each case. In theory, many cases could be tried simultaneously as there are about 180. Those bringing the cases would also not have insight as to the court's composition. They'd have to rely solely on the merit of their case.

I like this item. It's a bit dated, and the source leans left; but so does reality:

I used "refused" in the past tense. I'm pretty sure that route is gone. Democrats will never have the majorities they need because this Court has made so many anti-democratic and pro-corruption rulings as to render the electoral process into a joke.

Gratuities are legal now! It is now legal to give a politician money as thanks for passing legislation. It's not "bribery" because it occurs after the act, you see, and so therefore it's just protected speech. I'm sure Clarence Thomas is happy about that one.

But! Dems could still run on the issue as a way to sway voters! But they're too scared because, as you said, then Republicans will just do it too and it'll probably lead to a civil war. So. Uh. Whatever I guess, country is fucked.

Wow the ONLY way? That doesn't sound right at all.

The Court is the key to the fascist's agenda and the way they keep scoring victories despite being a minority Party.

Either the fascist Court is dealt with politically or... what? Tell me something that wouldn't get us banned for talking about.

Do you mean the Raimondo decision? That has no direct bearing. At worst, it means the FTC rule is more susceptible to challenge. But if you look at the actual court cases, it is being upheld. One judge in Texas temporarily delayed the ban for a small number of employers, and that is the biggest challenge so far.

No, that's just ''I'm rubber your glue'' bullshit. It isn't so. Just like CNN isn't FoxNews for Liberals, and there's absolutely no cult of personality for Unkie Joe, as you can see from him stepping down, and left wing engagement went WAY up.

It's not enough to simply claim there's no platform, there is, it's not just ''Trump bad''. But to be fair, he is promising to create a dictatorship and end our country in order to remake it in his image.

To be fair the Democrats don’t have a platform other than

I'm sorry you're ignorant. But the good news is that you can actually do something about. Go ahead! Give it a try.

Yeah, I saw her speech to the DNC the other day. She used a bunch of weasel words like "affordable" healthcare, "middle class" , assault weapons ban, etc. These things range from meaningless to barely a move in the right direction. Y'all got tricked into thinking the conservative corporate candidate is so progressive because she is compared to the fascist option. It's a bunch of B.S.

And I suppose you have a viable alternative non-incrementalist approach that is going to be appealing to the majority of voters.

Take control of the DNC away from the center right and get progressives in charge.

Take control of the DNC away from the center right and get progressives in charge.

And in your mind does that get more or less votes overall? Does it actually win elections?

Because incredibly, not everyone is progressive. I know, it's insane to me too. But that's the unfortunate reality.

It's almost as if they're saying things like universal healthcare can't win elections and instead need to seize power from the top down. Which really undersells the appeal of these programs.

I'm saying I want universal healthcare and Dems won't do it. They want to give health insurance companies and private hospitals a shitton of taxpayers money and keep insurance tied to employment. It's a crock of shit.

You're wrong. Some wisdom for you: If you're always wrong about something, and only people who hold precisely the exact same viewpoints as you agree, you should consider looking into it yourself. Because the question is no longer whether you're right, it becomes about who is the most correct, and whether you personally care enough and are brave enough to challenge your own viewpoint.

Yeah, we are a bit of a microcosm here. However, when it comes to people on the left you can at least trust that most of us will go around correcting one another, often to our own detriment.

Top things everyone I know is worried about:

College costs and student loans for themselves and maybe their children, must younger people can't afford children. Medical costs Housing costs Ability to retire at a reasonable age Cost of living

Kind of hard to see how they want to fix those issues when they're taking money from those industries and using private health insurance companies to administer Medicare/Medicaid plans and still paying sky high prices to private hospitals. Private health insurance is a huge gift to employers as well. It keeps people from easily leaving and they get huge tax breaks.

Global warming is the issue that supersedes all issues and the Dems are much better on that. Literally everything you listed gets worse with climate change everything gets more expensive.

I would expect nothing less from Maga bigots.

I give it a week until I see a shirt about raping her. Disgusting, but expected from them.

Already saw one from MAGA trolls on Xitter about being a sex worker, with a silhouette of her on her knees doing exactly what you think. I don't know why I ever check back on that site anymore when I'm almost entirely moved over to Mastodon and Lemmy.

so, the usual

It doesn't matter who runs, Republicans will say awful shit.

Hell, they said Biden was a communist with a straight face.

There is zero reason to listen to them

TIL David Smith (the article author) is completely out of ideas and has decided to phone it in until the weekend.

Republicans: we're worried women won't vote for us.

Also Republicans: attacks Kamala because she's a woman.

oh please do go on, be as racist and sexist as you can.

No. This isn't close to worst of the attacks they're already making, let alone what they could do. It's a downright deplorable headline.

I wish they wouldn't but none of these people can stop themselves from being gross creepers.