RFK Jr. admits in bizarre video that he dumped a dead bear in New York’s Central Park

silence7@slrpnk.net to politics @lemmy.world – 406 points –
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News coverage from 2014, when the dead baby bear was found

Really amazing what brain worms cause people to do sometimes


He said that, on the fateful day, he was far from Central Park — on his way to a “falconing” excursion in Goshen, N.Y. — when he witnessed a woman in a van fatally strike the bear. He said he scooped up the dead bear and put it in his own van, planning to later skin it and eat it.


Hours passed, Kennedy said, and he ran out of time to take the bear home before catching a flight. As he told Barr, he and some people he was with — he said the others had been drinking — came up with a plan: abandon the bear and an old bike, which happened to be in Kennedy’s van, in the park, taking advantage of the fact that there has been a rash of bicycle accidents recently in New York.

Wtf.... why? Is that what rich people do to pass the time? I could imagine a bunch of drunk college frat dudes doing this, but he was 60 years old when this happened!

Say what you want about Kennedy, like how he is responsible for a bunch of deaths in Samoa because of his anti vax nonsense, how he is a sex addict and has been a serial abuser to his wives, or how he's a fucking lunatic, the dude has a solid sense of humor.

He also loves falconing. He once threatened a cop by telling him he had a falcon under his coat and he'd trained it to kill cops, then he shoved the falcon in the cops face.

He would have one of his brothers lie down behind a car and hit it to make a noise, then shout 'oh God you've killed another Kennedy!'. This was shortly after his father was assassinated.

Hello fellow behind the bastards enjoyer

Ah a man of culture

Yeah I've been listening for a long time and have heard every episode at this point. Show is a real treasure and I'm always recommending it.

I go on benders listening to all the episodes I've missed since the last time I binged a bunch of episodes that made me question humanity.

I didn't make it far down the list this time, the uhh, the post war German pedophile ring thing really fucked me up.

Cop: What's under your jacket, son?

RFK Jr: It's a hawk, and he's trained to kill cops!


He would have one of his brothers lie down behind a car and hit it to make a noise, then shout 'oh God you've killed another Kennedy!'. This was shortly after his father was assassinated.

Goddamn, you're right about his sense of humor, that's funny (and dark) as fuck.

I suggest watching the Behind the Bastards on this guy. He's weirdly obsessed with death, dead animals, eating bush meat (how he got legitimate brain worms) and rancid rotten meat. Probably all stemming from the death of his dad and his constant abuse of psychedelics and opioids.

Edit: while he was a kid btw, still fucked up, but I'm guessing being part of the Kennedy family isn't the best. If I remember from the BTB episode, he took acid a bunch

Check out the Behind the Bastards episodes about him. Dude spent his teens on acid falconing and shooting rats in a farm death pit.

What's wrong with eating it though? Better than wasting it

I think something like 80% of bear meat contains trichinosis.

I'm surprised I didn't know that, some people definitely eat it in my hick-ass hometown

You can eat it, but it has to be well-done, at least 160F in the center to kill the eggs.

He said he scooped up the dead bear and put it in his own van, planning to later skin it and eat it.

Brain worm origin story?

It’s as reasonable a hypothesis as any other at this point

How many of us can say we never ran out of time to take a dead bear home to skin it and looked around desperately for a place in Manhattan to dump the carcass? If anything, this makes him more relatable.

"He said he scooped up the dead bear and put it in his own van, planning to later skin it and eat it."

Fun fact:


Suddenly the brain worm story makes a lot more sense. That happens when you eat undercooked roadkill.

It gets better. You should listen to the Behind the Bastards episode on him.

Homie just loves eating rotten meat.

I've heard of calling politicians vultures but this is ridiculous.

Republicans stop being weird for like 5 minutes.

Except he's a democrat. Democrats aren't immune to weirdo conservatives

He didn't run in the Democratic primary because while Democrats can be weird, Democratic voters, including the rest of the Kennedy family, tend to reject this kind of weird.

Because this isn’t weird. This is just completely fucking insane.

He's as much a Democrat as my cat is a Democrat.

My cat is weird. Do you think she might be a republican?

Your cat is probably secretly accepting tuna juice from the communists down the street.

He’s not a republican or a democrat.

The Republicans can have him. They love this brain worm kind of stuff. Right up their alley.

That's true, but only as of like a year ago. He was a Democrat for like 50 years. Doesn't make this (or him) any less reprehensible and bat-shit crazy. I, for one, am glad he changed to an independent party affiliation.

Well, when he was a private citizen he was free to identify with whatever party he chose. But once he starting putting forward his candidacy it became quite clear that his form of politics was not in line with the party in several important ways. So it’s not as if he was a normal democrat for that period and abruptly changed. His differences became clear as soon as he was subject to public scrutiny.

But I would agree that he’s more a part of the political left than the right.

That's... a pretty well summed and thoughtful description. Thanks!

Which is why he wants a spot in Trump’s cabinet in exchange for an endorsement?

Brain worms: The gift that keeps on giving!

Given the stuff in his recent Behind the Bastards episodes, this completely tracks.

By far the weirdest Kennedy.

He once threatened a cop by claiming he had a cop-killing hawk in his pocket. Which he didn't.

But he did have a hawk in his pocket.

True story.

I too enjoy Behind the Bastards. I particularly liked the one where he used to regularly drop acid near a pile of dead cows when he was at Millbrook. Probably where he got the brain worm. Well, either that or when he ate rat brains for fun. Dude really knows how to party.

If you read the history of the Kennedy's you realize he's not, and that's nuts. Though he certainly is a product of his insane family.

he was far from Central Park ... when he witnessed a woman in a van fatally strike the bear. He said he scooped up the dead bear and put it in his own van, planning to later skin it and eat it.

Hours passed, Kennedy Jr. said, and he ran out of time to take the bear home before catching a flight. As he told Barr, he and some people whom he was with — he said the others had been drinking — came up with a plan: abandon the bear and an old bike, which happened to be in Kennedy’s van, in the park, taking advantage of the fact that there has been a rash of bicycle accidents recently in New York.

abandon the bear and an old bike, which happened to be in Kennedy’s van, in the park, taking advantage of the fact that there has been a rash of bicycle accidents recently in New York.

Ok honestly that just sounds like a hilarious prank.

You’d love listening to the Behind the Bastards episodes they just did on RFK Jr then; I may hate him but he is a prank god.

Pretending to be run over then screaming “You just killed another Kennedy!” Or telling a cop that you have a bird in your jacket that’s trained to kill cops… before pulling out said bird and launching it at him. Some S-tier shit right there!

I bet Robert is kicking himself that this story didn't come out before he did the episodes.

Mind you, if you actually hit a baby bear with a bike, the mother would promptly maul you. Which makes the whole staged accident complete implausible

And the bike probably didn't look like it just ran into something, and why would someone abandon their bike?

Maybe the joke is that the bear was on the bike and got into an accident.

If they had been real friends, they'd have talked him out of it instead of encouraging the sick joke. Some people are just weird.

So the article that’s coming is … worse than that?

He probably killed that bear cub.

Don't know if you've ever been around a bear cub, but they're pretty damn cute. You'd have to be a real monster to kill one.

I have, but I try to keep my distance because there's usually a momma around. Kids, don't try to pet the cute live teddy bears if you'd like to keep your face.

My cousin used to raise bears, and every so often he'd show up with a cub. They get lonely without moma bear, and they cry like a human baby. Best thing to do is play with them. Check their teeth first, though.

I think the article is just going to be that, but more critical and less "oh, isn't it funny that I took a dead bear from the side of the road and then staged it to look like a bike accident in Central Park. Ha ha ha, the folly of youth while hawking with friends before a late dinner at Peter Luger's, am I right?"

That kind of story might fly if he was 16 when he did it. "Folly of youth" sounds bonkers when the person was 60 at the time of their action.

Yeah totally, I'm just joking based in how he's trying to play it off in the video.

Y’all need to listen to the Behind The Bastards podcast on this guy.

He is completely F’d up, probably ADHD as hell*, and a few brain cells short of a full worm. It would take decades of therapy to get him to realize what his experiences as a youth did to him, but even then I doubt he’d be capable of acting on that knowledge. Abusive family, neglected to a degree, dealing with the deaths in the family, shipped off to boarding schools…what a complete mess. If he’d been a kid in a more understanding family and not a Kennedy he probably would have been fine.

*I don’t know if he’s getting any help for the adhd, there’s nothing wrong with adhd, but his untreated adhd as a youth caused serious issues with his life. ADHD meds weren’t available until the ‘60s, and I’m sure getting treated for a “mental illness” as a Kennedy wasn’t in the cards.

If he was a woman, his own family would've had him lobotomized

I think the world would be a far better place if we could get everyone to listen to BtB

I’m a fan, but not without reason. As much as Robert points a finger at people he’s discussing as lacking nuance and tone-deafness, the podcast itself is guilty of this on occasion, though overall they do a good job. They’re not wrong, they just gloss over some things occasionally. That said, overall it’s really a great podcast and I highly recommend it too, just keep some healthy skepticism and do a little reading and framing yourself.

Or sure. Nothing is perfect but the overall message is something I wish I could beam into people's heads

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

Does his voice always sound like that? Listening to him makes me uncomfortable, like listening to someone talk in front a crowd for the first time AND that needs to clear their throat. It's like nails on a chalkboard.

Yeah, it's some sort of medical condition, I forgot what exactly.

I'd still take this weirdo before Trump.

Literally nobody is asking you to make that choice. Vote for the Democrat.

I would guess they were using this as a rhetorical device to emphasise how much they dislike Trump. I don't think they're actually planning on voting for the guy

Sure, but it's always worth pointing out that neither of them are legitimate.

Has he admitted to eating human flesh yet? There's no way he hasn't done it.

I’m really not sure why dumping a dead bear is more alarming than the fact that he was dating a dead bear?

Because he claimed that it happened in Central Park, where there are absolutely no bears, alive or dead. The story is ridiculous in the extreme.

It’s like “admitting” to launching a rocket from the Empire State Building.

They were clearly on a date.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he honestly thought so.

I'm starting to think this would be an amusing guy to have as a president.

It would be if the President didn't have any actual power. His actual policy positions seem to involve bringing back measles and taking money out of my pocket to give it to the who have funded his campaign

Ok so here is an idea. We tell him he won the presidency and follow him with a film crew like that movie with Jim Carey!

Yeah, that's what a lot of people thought with Trump.

Grabbing people by the pussy is a far cry from rucking about with bear carcasses. Also Kennedy knows about and admits his brain worm. Plus he was never in a shitty home alone sequel, professional wrestling, or drama TV. Trump = fascist weirdo loser. Kennedy = if I win we will make American soil great again. A bear carcass will fertilize every river! /S in case y'all couldn't tell.

Yeah, about that grabbing women by the pussy stuff, you should probably look into what he did with his nanny (and probably a bunch of other women).

Neither are fit to be president, but they're entertaining in a reality show sort of way.