What is a new low key snack that you have tried and liked ?

pocker_machine@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 70 points –

What in the fuck is a low key snack?

I need examples of high key snacks to fully understand this question.

A high key snack to me would involve 2 separate prep phases.

For instance making crackers involves making the dough then baking which makes it more of a task than cooking a bag of chicken nuggets, which is more of a wait than celery dipped in peanut butter.

I consider these the three teirs of snack making. Anything more and you have entered meal territory.

Adobo bread buns.

Prior to baking, they make quite a high key sound, but it turns into low-key thud once fully cooked.

You can use the size and moisture content to get the sound you want to some extent.

When making rice at home and if there is still some left over after eating, what I do is compact it as best I can and put it in the Air Fryer. It turns out very crispy and pretty cool.

oh man I gotta try. I love when a little burns at the bottom of the cooker and its almost like hash browns

Many Filipinos love that burnt rice at the bottom of the pot. There is even a word for it: tutong. (Not to be confused with utong which means nipple.)

I can easily picture so many funny accident with that confusion šŸ˜‚

Granola, peanut butter, chocolate chips & honey. All mixed together in a sticky mess that is tasty. Make too much? Throw it in the fridge and have a cold tasty snack the next day!

I also used to make crunchy granola w/ chocolate and peanut butter and cool it in the fridge. It was amazing.

Roasted seaweed. Never thought about it till I tried it and now itā€™s a great salty hit.

Find any decent sized packages? Here it seems they individually wrap them in plastic trays with like 5g servings it's ridiculous. No, I'm not just going to have 5g! Give me more

"Kirkland Signature Roasted Seaweed Organic Snack" is probably the best deal out there with the most sheets per package. It can be hard to find sometimes though.

I've seen some that are in plastic containers that look sort of like a square jar. There's a lot in there, and only that one outer packaging. Yamamoto Yama is the brand. If you go in person, careful becuase they have some that are not the squares but the small strips that are more of a topping than a snack.

Iā€™ve seen bundles of 16 individual packages but sadly no bulk package with more than the few sheets you mention.

Very good, but there is so little food and so much packaging that I stopped eating them. It just feels too wasteful.

Yeah this is something I am realising and the only solution the suppliers have is to package multiples of the individual packagesā€¦ in yet another package!

Raw cashews. Very specifically the raw ones. They are a bit hard to find, but they have a really great flavor.

Truly raw cashews are toxic. The ones you're talking about are apparently steamed instead of roasted? Still, I had no idea they existed.

I love raw cashews. The only problem is that they somehow smell like genitals.

I think that's when the oil in them starts to oxidise (which happens very quickly with the 'unroasted' kind). Kind of fishy smell? Keeping them sealed up airtight should help a bit...

Marlin jerkey. I was on a bit of a jerky kick last year and ordered all kinds of weird jerky, but the marlin jerky was my favorite. I think I got a lemon pepper flavored one from a company in Hawaii.

Frozen yorkshire puddings with raisins inside. A bit of sweet, a bit of cronch.

I am aware of what I have said, and stand by my poor life choices that led to this brilliant discovery.

This is surely a ā€œI have no food, itā€™s midnight, shops are shut and I havenā€™t eaten since breakfastā€ discovery.

It was in fact a protest because dinner would take an hour and a yorkshire pudding fell out its bag while I was rummaging in the freezer! I needed sustenance and gravity obliged, it would have been rude to deny my destiny. šŸ˜Š

I am sure that my sacrifices and heroism in a trying time are just what any other normal, sane person would have done... I should think probably I guess

I see your pudding and raisins, and raise you white bread with mustard loaded with those dried prefried onions. Soft and crunchy.

Now that just sounds blissful! I legit plan to try this

There are two styles of the fried and dried onions. They are both good. one is more like a dehydrated onion that you could soften in water, the other is more dried and crispy and in water would dissolve easily. Both are good in different ways

Dry roasted edamame. High on fiber and protein without being super caloric. Perfect for feeling full without having to eat too much.

Just straight up scranning some homemade kimchi

Agree delicious, but hardly low-key. Making home made kimchi is a fair amount of effort.

Peanut-butter filled pretzels

Ants on a log


These are a few of my favorites

Peanut butter and sweet pickle sandwich. No, was not a pregnant woman, I just didn't have any jam ;)

You known those jars of frankfurters you sometimes see in supermarkets. Yeah, the juice of that dipped on sourdough bread. No judgement.

Crunchy peanut butter and low sugar strawberry jam (it's more tart is all, DGAF about the sugar content) mixed together, use as a dip for pretzels. Only done it with crunchy pretzels but might be fire with fresh hot pretzels.