WITH ads? Fuckin awesome coupon, thanks!

PeriodicallyPedantic@lemmy.ca to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 553 points –

What a sweet deal! Thanks Hello Fresh!

They really said
🙅 "Disney+, with ads on us"
👉 "Disney+ with ads, on us"


There's something so on-the-nose about having "with ads" as part of a subscription tier's official name. For decades companies have been coming up with euphemisms for their low-cost services (e.g. "economy class" on airlines, "community edition" for freemium software). But now here we are with Disney pretty much saying "Go watch ads you poor bitch". It's the death of a euphemism. They're selling a crappy service, and they aren't afraid to say it.

Disney is also actively arguing in court that if you use the free trial you can't sue them for anything. Ever.

Even if years later you die in one of Disney's hotels because one of Disney's restaurants didn't care about your allergy.

So there's that to worry about now.

Disney has asked a Florida court to dismiss a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the husband of a Long Island doctor. The lawsuit claims that Dr. Kanokporn Tangsuan suffered a fatal allergic reaction after eating at a Disney Springs restaurant despite repeatedly informing the waiter of her severe allergy. Disney is calling for the lawsuit to be dismissed because her husband signed up for a one-month trial of the Disney+ streaming service years prior.

What the hell. I hope the judge tells Disney where to shove their arbitration clause.

But I can't use the same logic to yarr-harr their content even though I pay for the subscription. It comes with Hulu Live TV + no ads so I have to have it.

Its provably an advertising regulation thing where they have to put it up front to not get sued?

Wonder if we could get cable service to add "with ads" to every tier they have lmao

I would rather steal

They don't even have content worth piracy.

Idk. The mandolorian was the bomb.Com & i really enjoyed both seasons of loki.

At least that way I can have the proper versions of Star Wars.

I would never steal. I will, however, infringe on copyright.

I know what you mean but the way I read it in my head is that you're making your own movies using their characters.

If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing. Yoho matey


Every time I see mention of piracy, I hum the song Yo Ho (from Pirates of the Caribbean) instinctively.

How ironic.

I get "Can I talk like a pirate" from Jake and the Neverland Pirates appear in my mind.

"I've been talking this way, since my birthdays began"

Then I artistically move my brain on to something I prefer. Alestorm

"A pirate I was meant to be, trim the sails and roam the sea!"

"You say you're nasty pirates, scheming, thieving, bad bushwhackers? From what I've seen, I tell you, you're not pirates! You're just slackers!"

Not just ads, but also unactionable anaphylaxis! It's a steal really.

'disney+ standard with ads' is the full name of the subscription item. this was procedural and yep, tone def and silly.

i would say; thanks for the warning... matey

Here, have a "Be My Bitch" coupon, free of charge.

Can you combine it with "suck my dick" coupon? Got plenty of those.

Imagine suscribe to YouTube premium and still watch ads...

Imagine subscribing to YouTube instead of just newpiping that shit.

I have really, really mixed feelings about this. On one hand I understand that YouTube is a business and Google needs it to at least approach profitability. If nobody watches ads and nobody pays for premium, there's no profit. No profit means the adpocalypse gets worse to make up costs, or else the service gets shut down.

On the other hand YouTube is such trash compared to what it was even just a couple years ago that I also use an alternate front-end.

I don't want it to disappear because I really don't think anyone else has the resources to do what Google has done with YouTube. If we lose YouTube, especially if we lose it and aren't left with access to the data store of existing videos, we've lost an incredible amount of information. Millions of hours of tutorials and good information will be taken away from the world, not to even mention the billions of hours of entertainment. I don't want to lose YouTube and what it means for international informational accessibility. But I'm also not going to sit through twice as many ads as I have video.

I foresee YouTube going to a cable-TV-like subscription only model in the future. I don't like it. But I don't see how else they actually lift themselves out of this hole they've dug.

I would have almost no problem with paying for YouTube Premium if it wasn't so goddamned expensive (and was ad-free). Like, seriously, I don't need all this extra crap. All I want is the same old YouTube I'm currently using but with zero ads. And I can't afford it anyway, but even I could I wouldn't pay 15–20 USD for just no ads (the only feature I'd actually use).

Well if you, for instance, lived in Argentina and paid the local price it might just be 1 or 2 dollars. Not that I would know anything about that.

Honestly, I'm so fucking broke right now. I can't even afford that. Prices just keep going up, but my pay stays the same. Fuck. TuT

I foresee YouTube going to a cable-TV-like subscription only model in the future

Time to self host videos again, would be kinda cool. And a lot cheaper than 20 years ago.

You make a very valid point and I actually agree with that. Kind of damned if we do and damned if we don't, I guess. I've had this Convo before for someone who argued I'm only hurting the YouTubers I watch because they receiving my revenue, but I argued if we simply gave money directly to the creators they might do even better. Even if only a small percentage actually paid through Patreon or whatever, but your point remains. Where would they host their content of YouTube went away? I suppose there's no easy solution to this problem and it is awesome to have all that info/entertainment in one centralized place. We need a billionaire who actually wants to do good to step up and just be like, "here world, here's a free server farm for whatever you need it for" but that's a pipe dream at best.

I'd be okay with ads I'd they met a few basic conditions

  1. the ad is not a scam
  2. more than 2-5 ads on repeat (give me at least 50 to cycle through)
  3. mid-roll ads placed at natural breaks in the content (preferably set by creator), not in the middle of a sentance.
  4. a proper add to watch time ratio, 10 minutes = 30 sec of ad.
  5. if a video is demonotized, there should be ZERO fuckings ads.

If YouTube can't be profitable with a single short skippable ad at the start of the video then they shouldn't have presented that as their service in the first place.

I have no sympathy for companies that operate at a loss in order to bring in users/customers and drive out competition, then cry when people don't like them moving away from the non-viable business model they sold them on.

In-video shilling is a thing

In the past, even the most shady companies were giving away stuff for free, to lure you in. Here you got to pay, by watching ads. Disney is a thug.

And if Disney poisons you 10 years from now you can't sue them!

Also, if you agree to this and your wife dies due to allergies in one of your theme parks, they may use the TOS on this trial to rule you agreed to binding arbitration in court.

As far as I'm concerned that bullshit makes it a moral imperative to pirate as much Disney+ content as possible. Like I'm going to torrent shit and seed it even if I don't watch it.

The first ad that autoplays after subscribing is the cursed videotape from The Ring. Then 7 days later Samara’s ghost crawls out of your tv.

until she's interrupted by an ad.

what kind of business is this where you kill your paying customers? better just give them a scare then encourage them to become preppers and buy 1000 kilos of dry food

Would be a real shame if your wife were to suffer an allergic reaction and die after you agreed to this free trial, leaving you with no legal recourse despite our restaurant’s demonstrably inadequate precaution!

So the ads are "on them"? What does that mean? I have honestly no idea. Why is there a "on us"?

The name of the subscription tier is "Disney+ Standard with Ads". So what is says is "Subscribe and get 7 days of [subscription] on us". "On us" in English slang means "we pay for it". So what the sentence means is "You will get to use a service called 'Disney+ Standard with Ads' for free for 7 days"

But yeah this is total word salad. It's like they're deliberately trying to weed out people with common sense and critical thinking abilities.

Pro tip: use Firefox+ublock origin for no ads in any streaming platform Pro-er tip: sail the seven seas!

This promo aside, it's ridiculous that people are okay with paying and still seeing ads (and to think of it, it's been like this since the days of cable).

A free to use but ad-supported tier is totally understandable, but the way we have it today is borderline absurd.

Careful. If you sign up for Disney plus and then Disney kills your wife YOU CAN'T SUE!