Swifties Erupt in Fury After Donald Trump Uses AI to Fake Taylor Swift Endorsement

vegeta@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 482 points –
Swifties Erupt in Fury After Donald Trump Uses AI to Fake Taylor Swift Endorsement

Sorry bro, that just cost you the presidency. Swifties are the real deep state

The only thing that can stop the fascist, criminal, fat, demented, pedophile is a pop star. Very cool, very american.

To be fair, he's a TV/Movie star too.

A six-second cameo in Home Alone 2 does not make that fuckwad a "movie star!"

And that cameo was his condition for filming in the hotel he owned at the time.

Didn't he play the bad guy in Back to the Future II?

/s, sorta.

"Sorta" is right. Thomas F. Wilson doesn't get anywhere near the credit he deserves!

Think about it: Christopher Lloyd only had to play two roles ("present day" Doc and 1955 Doc). Michael J. Fox only had to play three roles ("present day" Marty, 2015 middle-aged Marty, and Marty's son). Thomas F. Wilson had to play seven different roles (initial-1985 Biff who was Marty's dad's boss, 1955 Biff, changed-1985 Biff with the car detailing business, 2015 elderly Biff, Griff, alternate-1985 Biff-as-Trump-expy, and Mad-Dog), and all of them had to be way more different from each other than the Doc or Marty variants! It was by far the most brilliant acting in the whole franchise, and that was a franchise with a lot of great acting.

And he didn't even get "star" billing for it! It's a crime, I tell you!

To be fair, Fox also played his daughter in part 2 and his ancestor (Seamus?) in part 3, but rather briefly.

Fox also played his daughter in part 2

WTF I never realized that. And for good reason: I'm re-watching the scene now and I still don't quite believe it! I always knew something was a little "off" about her, but I thought she was being played as neurodivergent or something, IDK.

Seamus, though, I should've remembered. That's on me.

She is a little weird. IIRC, at some point she looks directly at the camera. And I always just assumed she was played by Fox, was she not? I didn't confirm.

As far as I can tell, all but two are him as himself and the remainder are tiny bit parts (and even then he was basically playing himself as "evil rich guy" but without the name attached). I still deny him the status!

No, i agree, he has no such status in my opinion either.

It is pretty strange weird though. As you say, he plays himself and i don't really think all productions he was in, had the same idea of featuring trump as himself in their movie/film/series. It was mostly him buying himself into it. There may be some exceptions, but I'm sure his hunger for approval/attention were the driving factor of all these appearances.

People who can afford 3000$ tickets can afford to take a day off to vote.

Sorry bro, that just cost you the presidency.

While I have no doubt the swifties can move the needle, I have this feeling that some other recent events have already put him on the path of defeat.

I feel like most swifties are moderate left to begin with, I doubt many would vote for Donald trump anyways. although becoming an enemy of swifties is the worst pr move someone could ever make

So sick of clickbait articles based on tweets. This article rehashes how Trump used AI/Swift imagery to imply Swiftie support, then quotes tweets from three Swift fans saying they didn't like Trump. That's it. That's the whole ass article.

But but they erupted by saying "Swifties for Trump' obviously don't know who Taylor Swift HATES" and "Oh i just know [Tree Paine] is writing up a GOOD lawsuit". The absolute fury of the eruption came through when some random person said "Real Swifties hate Donald Trump btw".

An absolute and unmitigated ERUPTION of FURY!

Thanks for summarising the ass article for me.

So sick of clickbait articles based on tweets.

Seconded. I really wish that platform would hurry up and tank already.

Her fans are mostly millennial white women. They already hate trump in my experience.

Yes, but now they might hate him enough to register to vote and keep him out.

Good, I really hope that they do.

Maybe most of them do, but still:

It's one thing to silently hate him. It's another thing to form an army to destroy him publicly.

You know she wants to see Harris elected, but I think all the conservative attacks earlier in the year may have convinced her just stay out of the fray. Now she has to come out for Harris because staying silent after this fake endorsement will lead dumbasses to assume she really does endorse the turd.

Of the stars that could afford to do this, it's Swift. She has security as well as loyal fans, the type of fans that you know Trump wishes he had.

She should fully come out and endorse Harris.

Call me when someone is getting "slammed".

To be clear, Swift has yet to endorse either candidate in the 2024 race, but backed the Biden-Harris campaign in 2020 via cookies.

On today's episode of "Is this slang I don't know or literal" (I'm not clicking the Instagram link to find out.)

She baked (or had baked) actual Biden/Harris themed cookies in 2020 that she showed on Instagram.

I kind of want more weird Swift Trump AI art.

I want to let this drag real deep into the mud.