Are you happy with your username? to Ask – 64 points –

I'm satisfied with mine and I use it everywhere. How about you?


I've been using mine since 2011, and I will continue using it for many years. I have an alternate one that I use in some cases (things that need a little more professionalism attached), but for everything else, I will forever be LordPassionFruit.

I also have never tasted passion fruit.

You should try passion fruit. It's great and you will truly become LordPassionFruit.

It can be tiring, what with the constant coming and going of souls next door, but it’s worth being the neighbor of the beast.

So I'm visiting a buddy one night. He's at 669 Market Street, let's say. I park a ways off because the roads are skinny.

As I get out I notice a car pull into the drive on the left, up a ways, high side of the road. No big deal, but it's dark mostly and I hear the engine running.

It backs out and, as its front-left wheel bumps over the rough berm, I see the driver door swing open and shut. No one's in the car! It executes a perfect back-left turn to come toward me, in reverse, and just short of me it executes another perfect right-back turn to swing into the driveway on the down side of the road. Just before I'm sure it's going to slam into the back of their car-port at what is now a pretty good rolling speed, it does another capricious turn onto the lawn - still backwards - and hits the house at a basement window at a 45 degree angle and stoves in the wall a bit. And then all hell breaks loose.

See, that place across the street is a known crack house, and the mounties stationed a guy there for a while to watch it. And while the driver is trying to apologize in broken English after running out of there and come to see where his car wandered to, and is trying to get into his car like he can just drive his car outta there, no-harm no-foul, out comes the guy from sleeping on the other side of that wrecked wall, super upset, badge and gun held in front like they do. Commands are barked. Buddy gets bracelets. It's very exciting as I walk past this mess with the car on the lawn where it was peaceful not 30 sec before.

I get to 669 and my friend says "hey, what was the commotion? Did 666 Market have some drama?" Brother, you have no idea.

It was comical that 666 ~Market was a known crackhouse, though.

Made my day. Prime copypasta right here

No chance I'm getting a username this simple on most platforms

It's fine. I don't prioritize personally-relevant usernames. Using the same username across multiple platforms just makes it easier for data brokers and stalkers to make connections. Most of my usernames are the result of 20 seconds of thought related to some piece of media I have been consuming.

When I picked this one, I was reading about psychopomps in various cultures. This figure was one I hadn't read about before and I figured it would make for a nice, unique handle.

Using the same username across multiple platforms just makes it easier for data brokers and stalkers to make connections.

I often get mine by using a FIPS-181-compliant pronounceable password generator, apg.

$ apg -n8

On the Threadiverse, though, since the namespace was so unpopulated, figured, "eh, what the heck, be nice to have a short one". Might rotate it at some point; I did go through a number on Reddit.

I've never seen using the same name everywhere lead to something positive. Negative however, plenty of times.

Fine by me. It's disconnected from prior usernames except in one case, which I prefer.

Every few years I change up. I don't like too much info about me being discoverable. I'm very uncensored online and if I had a bunch of people paying attention or especially able to link it to my real world identity I would be very uncomfortable being who I am.

One time my Reddit name matched my FetLife name and I managed to piss someone off who went through my post history and I quickly recognized my vulnerability. So no more of that shit.

Of course. Derek is now both a singular point in space, and yet, Derek also contains space itself. The nexus of Derek is without dimension. The moment of Derek's creation and the eventual heat death of the universe are now inexorably the same.

Don't know if you'll see a lot of "no" replies, because I imagine if you're not happy with your username, you would've already done something by now like a new account.

I chose my username when I was a teenager and just kept with it since. The original meaning was that I'm a nerd, with both good and bad traits. It was also chosen with aspirations of being a YouTuber in mind and having something unique.

That being said, as I've matured I like to think that while I am a computer nerd, there's more to me than that single trait, so it may change in the future.

I like to hoot and holler

Gotta mix up names on different services to avoid being identified maliciously

I love my username cause it make me feel soft n chonky

People that pronounce the 656 in my name: six hundred and fifty six drive me nuts.

Jokes aside I've had this username for around two decades, honestly it just sorta was the only thing that stuck with my 10 year old brain.

Edit: forgot to mention runescape, that's where this started.

Yes, it's the title of my all time favourite book. I don't use it anywhere else.

No... I had to change it because people kept making the same username joke. This nickname was chosen to remind me that sometimes peace is an option.

I'm not. And I won't be with another either.

This has been my handle for so long I honestly don't think I'm creative enough to make another one.

HEXN3T. Simple. Memorable. Apt. Only took ten years to settle on.


I am fine with it, I have been using nocturne on the Internet since 93. Although I hate having to use a number at the end of it. When I joined sopuli I decided to replace the c with a k, since the instance is Finnish and I wanted the name to appear more Finnish. But I do not care for how it looks with the k.

You just have me a flashback to a game named Nocturne from the late 90s. I didn't remember anything about it, but I recall enjoying it.

I haven't thought of that in at least 20 years.

I used my move to Lemmy to switch to a different one after having the same cross-platform alias for something like 20 years. It was time for a bit more anonymity. Winamp kids might suspect it's related to the music player and they wouldn't be wrong.

I do somewhat regret not ending it with AMA, but such is life.

Pfff no it's so picky and dry

I created one that stuck in 2009 or so. Used it up until last year, when I realized the old one was stale / I grew out of it.

So I'm Oka now, where available, and allow 3 character names.

I only use this name for specific accounts usually for the purposes of social media. I have a different user name and account/email etc for everything else. But this nickname was given to me by a friend so yes. I'm happy with it.

Yes of course, but also like many others I always pick a different name for each platform.

I have a mile long document of yet to be used ideas for song titles, synth patch names, lyric ideas, what have you...

I just harvested from that. It works.

Oo what synths?

One is never satisfied, as I'm assuming you know. I have plans to swap some out, but my current lineup includes:

Novation Peak Casio CZ-1 Novation Ultranova Radikal Technologies Delta Cep-A Dreadbox Abyss Polyend Tracker and a couple other supplemental pieces

If you're a gearhound yourself I wouldn't mind a look into your setup if you care to oblige.

It’s been with me for decades now. I couldn’t think of a different one to save my life.

It's free, everwhere. Except where my 11 year old self, creating a Minecraft account for the first time and inventing the name, already registered and forgot the PW.

yes, it was my "gamer" name a long time ago, and due to small(ish) size of fediverse, i get it easily, it is either sga, or some combination of sga and 13

Fun fact: user names are instance specific, so someone could grab any of our user names on a different instance. Think of it as having and someone grabs

/random tidbit

And even if it was gone, display name can be different than username. Making it both more and less anonymous and more and less secure.

I would have preferred "ScreamingGrasshopperMouse", but it was too many characters long, so what I have now will have to do.

I used to try taking Basculin as much as I could as jt was my first shiny pokemon, but on a lot of occasions the name got slipped from me by Pokemon fans. So I took CaptainBasculin. No complaints so far.

Not the username I normally use, but I like it

I say it sounds pretty good. It wouldn't even be this way if I didn't sign up to this website.

Gives off Flemish vibes, I love it.

I like mine (duh) but also switch it up on different platforms. I'm much more averse to being recognized on the internet now.

I love mine. I once said "that's my name" before I even knew the concept of aliases and here I am