'He has made me feel unsafe': Ohio sheriff's Kamala Harris Facebook post draws complaints

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'He has made me feel unsafe': Ohio sheriff's Kamala Harris Facebook post draws complaints

The letters obtained by the Akron Beacon Journal, part of the USA TODAY Network, show people's concern over the tone of the Facebook post by Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski

At least 59 Ohio residents have complained to the state's attorney general over posts made by an Ohio sheriff suggesting that people should keep track of homeowners who have signs supporting Democrat Kamala Harris for president.

Bruce Zuchowski, the sheriff for Portage County just southeast of Cleveland, posted the suggestion to his social media account on Sept. 13, when he talked about Harris’ campaign and border policies.

Some people said they were angry, accusing Zuchowski of voter intimidation and racism. Others, including people who live in Portage County, said the sheriff’s post made them afraid.

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Hes a republican who called for people he doesn't like to be targeted in a position of extreme local power.

He should be immediately fired, and an interim sheriff put in place until the election.

Hes a republican FUCKING NAZI


It would help everyone a lot more if you stopped getting those two things confused

It would help if you didn't exaggerate. He has invaded no country and installed no gas chambers. He is a racist fascist at best. That word shouldn't be thrown around so easily.

If he doesn't personally invade any countries, and calls for gun violence against "the undesirables" instead of gas chambers, does he still escape the Nazi label? I need to know what the line is exactly according to you, because he's already trying to put political enemies on an intimidation list and time may be short.

Putting People on Political HIT LISTS ISNT Nazi! It's ONLY Nazi if they PHYSICALLY Gas them!

When did he call for violence? It sounded like he just wanted them to shelter illegals.

No, you're right, he only said they should be forced to house incoming "locusts." That's nothing like a Nazi at all. Thanks for setting us straight.

Awe did I get downvoted? Boohoo.

The word is over used. This man is a racist piece of trash, but not a Nazi. Actual Nazis and White Supremacists exist.

How many times a day do you have to say “I’m not a Nazi.”?

Never. I hold no views anywhere close to that, I just want words to be accurately applied.

I bet you've had to say it twice today.

IDK, if you look at their comment history they're not like that. I don't think they deserve that. I just disagree with them that this isn't a call to violence.

I think this sheriff knows his fellow Repubs have plenty of radicals. I think that urging white supremacist radicals to note where their perceived enemies live and calling people "locusts" is a call to violence.

Exactly. Just because he didn't say "Go shoot these Democrats" doesn't mean that he's not implying it.

It's the same as "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?"

You do know that the Nazis didn't start building gas chambers and invading other countries on day one, right?

Yes, I also know they held rallies and self identified as nazis

I see, so you have to literally be a member of the German National Socialist Worker's Party in order for someone to legitimately call you a Nazi.

Yes. Otherwise we have to call them sparkling fascist.

This is the level of this person's argument as far as I can tell. It's not a Nazi if it's off-brand.

No, there are in fact neo-nazis that self identify as nazis

I see, so you have to literally call yourself a Nazi or someone else calling you a Nazi is being unfair to you.

I said nothing about fairness. I just wish the word were saved for actual nazis

That sounds like a fairness issue to me. That it's unfair to call anyone who doesn't announce to the world that they are a Nazi a Nazi.

Ok. It's not just about self identification, it's also about exaggeration and intent. The more that word is thrown around, the less it is taken seriously when things like Charlottesville or a white supremacy rally happens, where they are verbally anti-Jewish. I just want the word to be used in a more accurate manner. This man is a racist, he is a fascist, but he's not necessarily a Nazi.

Anyway, agree to disagree with you all, I'm all done talking about this.

You can't even define "Nazi." You keep changing what you are saying it should mean.

You don't need to identify as a Nazi to be a Nazi just like I don't need to be a pilot to know a plane crash or to be a psychologist to know you're a fucking moron.

Ouch. The words. They hurt.

jk. I'm fine, you're going to be ok too.

What you should have said was nothing.

That word shouldn’t be thrown around so easily.

You're correct. it should be reserved for Don the con. aka Diaper Donny.

AKA McChicken

In the US, sheriffs are elected officials, i.e. they can't be fired.

Can they not be recalled?

How can the sheriff be removed from office?

Sheriffs may be removed from office if found guilty of misconduct. Misconduct includes willful and flagrant exercises of “authority or power not authorized by law,” refusal or willful neglect “to enforce the law or to perform any official duty imposed . . . by law,” or “gross neglect of duty, gross immorality, drunkenness, misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance.”16 The governor or qualified voters may initiate removal proceedings by filing a complaint with the court of common pleas of the county where the sheriff resides. A voter’s complaint must outline the charge and include signatures of qualified voters making up at least 15 percent of total votes cast in the sheriff ’s county in the most recent election for governor. The removal proceedings are tried by a judge unless the sheriff demands a jury trial. The court may suspend the officer

Sort of a firing?

I'd say this asshole is immensely guilty of misconduct. He caused literal neighbors to target and spy on people who voted differently, inviting violence upon them.

That depends on state and county law.

If a recall is possible, the same would dictate what the procedure for a recall is.

He has since doubled-down on that bullshit by stating:

With elections, there are consequences. That being said…I believe that those who vote for individuals with liberal policies have to accept responsibility for their actions!

In other words, he knows that he's instigating riots and genocide, and he's not going to apologize for it.

Responsibility for actions? Coming from Republicans?! Headed by the biggest baby no responsibility taking motherfucker Trump. Thousands of covid dead and he says, "it is what it is." It's times like this you can pop on some Bob Marley and be comforted by his words. Fuck you sheriff!

Nah, see, it's just typical victim blaming. He's pretty much doing the whole "why do you make me hurt you" gaslighting bullshit you get from all abusers.

And who also said "you'll be ok" to the Hurricane Helene survivors. Fucks sake

Sounds like an assertion of a threat. He means to harm people who vote for Harris

Illegal human 'Locust'

WTF... I really want to live in a world where people in power are at least afraid to say things like that publicly.

What he originally wrote:

"When people ask me…What's gonna happen if the Flip - Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say…write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards," Zuchowski wrote in the Facebook post. "Sooo…when the Illegal human "Locust" (which she supports!) Need places to live…We'll already have the addresses of their New families…who supported their arrival!"

Fascists should be identified and added to the map so we can avoid them for safety. https://magatmap.com

Before you reply with whataboutism/slippery slope/some other non-aggression pact garbage, please keep it to yourself.

Fascists and religious zealots should be rounded up and put on special land that's been reserved just for them. I'm sure there's some place out in the desert we could stick them.

God help us all if the Republicans come in to power...and that's coming from northh of your border :(

Guy, fellow Canadian here. When the Confederacy fell apart they all ran away to us. And we fucking took them, ffs. Jefferson Davis lived out his treacherous life in Toronto. There are redneck, Confederate flag waving racists throughout the Canadian borders. I've even seen pro Trump flags up here in Canada. We've been infected by these fucks for a long time

That was the original sin that destroyed America.

We should have treated them like Germany, they even hung many of the surviving nazis after the war.

Instead we kept them out of power for a decade than turned our backs and let them slime right back in.

Nah, it was just a show in Germany, even at Nuremberg only like 10 Nazi were executed. Most Nazis were just absorbed back into their society but the Germans just passed specific laws to prevent the display of Nazi flags. That is really the biggest difference. The Germans even let former Nazis back into the government.

Germany didn't have 100 years of Jim Crow and the KKK, so whatever they did clearly worked.

Can confirm. I've seen Trump and even fucking Confederate flags on people's houses. Always in the shittiest parts of town too. Imagine supporting a bunch of traitor losers from a country you're not even from, who you share no heritage with.

I remember going south Ontario somewhere for my wife's sister's wedding. It was an American Southern plantation style house and property, complete with servant quarters, stables, etc. built soon after the end of the civil war. I looked it up while I was there, and sure enough that's where I learned that many of the American traitors were allowed amnesty in Canada, which is a disgrace.

Just being in that property during that wedding made me sick

I would say put some Kamala Walz signs in his yard to fuck with him, but he seems like the kind of guy to shoot you for using the end of his driveway to make a 3 point turn so...

Get some maga signs made up that wash off in the rain and reveal Kamala signs underneath.

Get some maga signs made up that wash off in the rain and reveal Kamala signs underneath.

Like a clown's greasepaint disappearing in the rain, revealing the middle-aged drunk beneath.

Doxx all of the cops.

It is literally that simple. Them being vulnerable at their homes should be required for that job.

Everyone knew where the heroes of the Iliad lived. If they want to be tough guy heroes let us know where you live, officer.

Everybody knew where the sheriff and deputies lived in Mayberry.

Vulnerable to what? Mob justice?

People need to be held accountable but violence isn’t the answer.

Contrary to popular belief, violence actually is the solution in some situations.

Perhaps not this one and there could be an interesting discussion around that, but I fucking hate the idea that violence is never a solution when it absolutely is sometimes.

You mean the fictional heroes of the Illiad? You know it's fiction, right?

This is a stupid idea. Hate the game, not the players. Institutional change is needed, instead of answering violence with more violence.

Maybe it's high time to start fucking people like this up. Like, really fuck them up.

It would not be seen as a consequence.

Entitlement is such a miraculous prism for viewing the world.

Is there going to be some opportunity for a round table discussion where they rate the consequences out of 5 stars? A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.

They want good guys with guns? This is how you get liberal gun owners :/

That guys face makes me feel unsafe

Clearly the solution to the problems we're facing as a society is judging everyone by outward appearances. /s

That hairstyle and beard are a choice he makes everyday. He has nobody to blame but himself.